
Module: constraints.affine

Inheritance diagram for selectinf.constraints.affine:

digraph inheritance2649dcce62 { rankdir=LR; size="8.0, 12.0"; "constraints.affine.constraints" [URL="#selectinf.constraints.affine.constraints",fontname="Vera Sans, DejaVu Sans, Liberation Sans, Arial, Helvetica, sans",fontsize=10,height=0.25,shape=box,style="setlinewidth(0.5)",target="_top",tooltip="This class is the core object for affine selection procedures."]; "constraints.affine.gaussian_hit_and_run" [URL="#selectinf.constraints.affine.gaussian_hit_and_run",fontname="Vera Sans, DejaVu Sans, Liberation Sans, Arial, Helvetica, sans",fontsize=10,height=0.25,shape=box,style="setlinewidth(0.5)",target="_top"]; "distributions.chain.reversible_markov_chain" -> "constraints.affine.gaussian_hit_and_run" [arrowsize=0.5,style="setlinewidth(0.5)"]; "distributions.chain.markov_chain" [URL="selectinf.distributions.chain.html#selectinf.distributions.chain.markov_chain",fontname="Vera Sans, DejaVu Sans, Liberation Sans, Arial, Helvetica, sans",fontsize=10,height=0.25,shape=box,style="setlinewidth(0.5)",target="_top",tooltip="Abstract implementation of a Markov chain."]; "distributions.chain.reversible_markov_chain" [URL="selectinf.distributions.chain.html#selectinf.distributions.chain.reversible_markov_chain",fontname="Vera Sans, DejaVu Sans, Liberation Sans, Arial, Helvetica, sans",fontsize=10,height=0.25,shape=box,style="setlinewidth(0.5)",target="_top",tooltip="An abstract representation of a Markov chain that"]; "distributions.chain.markov_chain" -> "distributions.chain.reversible_markov_chain" [arrowsize=0.5,style="setlinewidth(0.5)"]; }

This module contains the core code needed for post selection inference based on affine selection procedures as described in the papers Kac Rice, Spacings, covTest and post selection LASSO.



class selectinf.constraints.affine.constraints(linear_part, offset, covariance=None, mean=None, rank=None)[source]

Bases: object

This class is the core object for affine selection procedures. It is meant to describe sets of the form \(C\) where

\[C = \left\{z: Az\leq b \right \}\]

Its main purpose is to consider slices through \(C\) and the conditional distribution of a Gaussian \(N(\mu,\Sigma)\) restricted to such slices.


In this parameterization, the parameter self.mean corresponds to the reference measure that is being truncated. It is not the mean of the truncated Gaussian.

>>> positive = constraints(-np.identity(2), np.zeros(2))
>>> Y = np.array([3, 4.4])
>>> eta = np.array([1, 1], np.float)
>>> list(positive.interval(eta, Y))  
[4.62...,  10.17...]
>>> positive.pivot(eta, Y) 
>>> list(positive.bounds(eta, Y)) 
[1.399..., 7.4..., inf, 1.414...]  
__init__(linear_part, offset, covariance=None, mean=None, rank=None)[source]

Create a new inequality.


linear_part : np.float((q,p))

The linear part, \(A\) of the affine constraint \(\{z:Az \leq b\}\).

offset: np.float(q)

The offset part, \(b\) of the affine constraint \(\{z:Az \leq b\}\).

covariance : np.float((p,p))

Covariance matrix of Gaussian distribution to be truncated. Defaults to np.identity(self.dim).

mean : np.float(p)

Mean vector of Gaussian distribution to be truncated. Defaults to np.zeros(self.dim).

rank : int

If not None, this should specify the rank of the covariance matrix. Defaults to self.dim.


Compute \(\max(Ay-b)\).

conditional(linear_part, value, rank=None)[source]

Return an equivalent constraint after having conditioned on a linear equality.

Let the inequality constraints be specified by (A,b) and the equality constraints be specified by (C,d). We form equivalent inequality constraints by considering the residual

\[AY - E(AY|CY=d)\]

linear_part : np.float((k,q))

Linear part of equality constraint, C above.

value : np.float(k)

Value of equality constraint, b above.

rank : int

If not None, this should specify the rank of linear_part. Defaults to min(k,q).


conditional_con : constraints

Affine constraints having applied equality constraint.

bounds(direction_of_interest, Y)[source]

For a realization \(Y\) of the random variable \(N(\mu,\Sigma)\) truncated to \(C\) specified by self.constraints compute the slice of the inequality constraints in a given direction \(\eta\).


direction_of_interest: np.float

A direction \(\eta\) for which we may want to form selection intervals or a test.

Y : np.float

A realization of \(N(\mu,\Sigma)\) where \(\Sigma\) is self.covariance.


L : np.float

Lower truncation bound.

Z : np.float

The observed \(\eta^TY\)

U : np.float

Upper truncation bound.

S : np.float

Standard deviation of \(\eta^TY\).

pivot(direction_of_interest, Y, null_value=None, alternative='greater')[source]

For a realization \(Y\) of the random variable \(N(\mu,\Sigma)\) truncated to \(C\) specified by self.constraints compute the slice of the inequality constraints in a given direction \(\eta\) and test whether \(\eta^T\mu\) is greater then 0, less than 0 or equal to 0.


direction_of_interest: np.float

A direction \(\eta\) for which we may want to form selection intervals or a test.

Y : np.float

A realization of \(N(0,\Sigma)\) where \(\Sigma\) is self.covariance.

alternative : [‘greater’, ‘less’, ‘twosided’]

What alternative to use.


P : np.float

\(p\)-value of corresponding test.


All of the tests are based on the exact pivot \(F\) given by the truncated Gaussian distribution for the given direction \(\eta\). If the alternative is ‘greater’ then we return \(1-F\); if it is ‘less’ we return \(F\) and if it is ‘twosided’ we return \(2 \min(F,1-F)\).

interval(direction_of_interest, Y, alpha=0.05, UMAU=False)[source]

For a realization \(Y\) of the random variable \(N(\mu,\Sigma)\) truncated to \(C\) specified by self.constraints compute the slice of the inequality constraints in a given direction \(\eta\) and test whether \(\eta^T\mu\) is greater then 0, less than 0 or equal to 0.


direction_of_interest: np.float

A direction \(\eta\) for which we may want to form selection intervals or a test.

Y : np.float

A realization of \(N(0,\Sigma)\) where \(\Sigma\) is self.covariance.

alpha : float

What level of confidence?

UMAU : bool

Use the UMAU intervals?


[U,L] : selection interval


Factor self.covariance, finding a possibly non-square square-root.


force : bool

If True, force a recomputation of the covariance. If not, assumes that covariance has not changed.


Softmax estimator based on an observed data point.

Makes a whitened copy then returns softmax estimate.

TODO: what if self.mean != 0 before hand?


Return a whitened version of constraints in a different basis, and a change of basis matrix.

If self.covariance is rank deficient, the change-of basis matrix will not be square.


inverse_map : callable

forward_map : callable

white_con : constraints


Project a vector onto rowspace of the covariance.


Compute the inverse of the covariance times a direction vector.


class selectinf.constraints.affine.gaussian_hit_and_run(constraints, state, nstep=1)[source]

Bases: selectinf.distributions.chain.reversible_markov_chain

__init__(constraints, state, nstep=1)[source]

Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.


For a reversible chain, a backward_step is just a step.


For a reversible chain, a forward_step is just a step.

property state


selectinf.constraints.affine.gibbs_test(affine_con, Y, direction_of_interest, how_often=-1, ndraw=5000, burnin=2000, white=False, alternative='twosided', UMPU=True, sigma_known=False, alpha=0.05, pvalue=True, use_constraint_directions=False, use_random_directions=True, tilt=None, test_statistic=None, accept_reject_params=(100, 15, 2000), MLE_opts={'burnin': 1000, 'hessian_min': 1.0, 'how_often': 5, 'ndraw': 500, 'niter': 10, 'startMLE': None, 'step_size': 0.2, 'tol': 1e-06})[source]

A Monte Carlo significance test for a given function of con.mean.


affine_con : `selection.affine.constraints`_

Y : np.float

Point satisfying the constraint.

direction_of_interest: np.float

Which linear function of con.mean is of interest? (a.k.a. \(\eta\) in many of related papers)

how_often : int (optional)

How often should the sampler make a move along direction_of_interest? If negative, defaults to ndraw+burnin (so it will never be used).

ndraw : int (optional)

Defaults to 5000.

burnin : int (optional)

Defaults to 2000.

white : bool (optional)

Is con.covariance equal to identity?

alternative : str

One of [‘greater’, ‘less’, ‘twosided’]

UMPU : bool

Perform the UMPU test?

sigma_known : bool

Is \(\sigma\) assumed known?

alpha :

Level for UMPU test.

pvalue :

Return a pvalue or just the decision.

use_constraint_directions : bool (optional)

Use the directions formed by the constraints as in the Gibbs scheme?

use_random_directions : bool (optional)

Use additional random directions in the Gibbs scheme?

tilt : np.float (optional)

If not None, a direction to tilt. The likelihood ratio is effectively multiplied by \(y^TP\eta\) where \(\eta\) is tilt, and \(P\) is projection onto the rowspace of affine_con.

accept_reject_params : tuple

If not () should be a tuple (num_trial, min_accept, num_draw). In this case, we first try num_trial accept-reject samples, if at least min_accept of them succeed, we just draw num_draw accept_reject samples.

MLE_opts : {}

Arguments passed to one_parameter_MLE if tilt is not None.


pvalue : float

P-value (using importance weights) for specified hypothesis test.

Z : np.float((ndraw, n))

Sample from the sphere intersect the constraints.

weights : np.float(ndraw)

Importance weights for the sample.

dfam : discrete_family

Discrete exponential family with above sufficient statistics Z and weights.

selectinf.constraints.affine.interval_constraints(support_directions, support_offsets, covariance, observed_data, direction_of_interest, tol=0.0001)[source]

Given an affine constraint \(\{z:Az \leq b \leq \}\) (elementwise) specified with \(A\) as support_directions and \(b\) as support_offset, a new direction of interest \(\eta\), and an observed_data is Gaussian vector \(Z \sim N(\mu,\Sigma)\) with covariance matrix \(\Sigma\), this function returns \(\eta^TZ\) as well as an interval bounding this value.

The interval constructed is such that the endpoints are independent of \(\eta^TZ\), hence the \(p\)-value of Kac Rice can be used to form an exact pivot.


support_directions : np.float

Matrix specifying constraint, \(A\).

support_offsets : np.float

Offset in constraint, \(b\).

covariance : np.float

Covariance matrix of observed_data.

observed_data : np.float


direction_of_interest : np.float

Direction in which we’re interested for the contrast.

tol : float

Relative tolerance parameter for deciding sign of \(Az-b\).


lower_bound : float

observed : float

upper_bound : float

sigma : float

selectinf.constraints.affine.sample_from_constraints(con, Y, direction_of_interest=None, how_often=-1, ndraw=1000, burnin=1000, white=False, use_constraint_directions=True, use_random_directions=True, accept_reject_params=())[source]

Use Gibbs sampler to simulate from con.


con : `selection.affine.constraints`_

Y : np.float

Point satisfying the constraint.

direction_of_interest : np.float (optional)

Which projection is of most interest?

how_often : int (optional)

How often should the sampler make a move along direction_of_interest? If negative, defaults to ndraw+burnin (so it will never be used).

ndraw : int (optional)

Defaults to 1000.

burnin : int (optional)

Defaults to 1000.

white : bool (optional)

Is con.covariance equal to identity?

use_constraint_directions : bool (optional)

Use the directions formed by the constraints as in the Gibbs scheme?

use_random_directions : bool (optional)

Use additional random directions in the Gibbs scheme?

accept_reject_params : tuple

If not () should be a tuple (num_trial, min_accept, num_draw). In this case, we first try num_trial accept-reject samples, if at least min_accept of them succeed, we just draw num_draw accept_reject samples.


Z : np.float((ndraw, n))

Sample from the Gaussian distribution conditioned on the constraints.

selectinf.constraints.affine.sample_from_sphere(con, Y, direction_of_interest=None, how_often=-1, ndraw=1000, burnin=1000, use_constraint_directions=True, use_random_directions=True, white=False)[source]

Use Gibbs sampler to simulate from con intersected with (whitened) sphere of radius np.linalg.norm(Y). When con.covariance is not \(I\), it samples from the ellipse of constant Mahalanobis distance from con.mean.


con : `selection.affine.constraints`_

Y : np.float

Point satisfying the constraint.

direction_of_interest : np.float (optional)

Which projection is of most interest?

how_often : int (optional)

How often should the sampler make a move along direction_of_interest? If negative, defaults to ndraw+burnin (so it will never be used).

ndraw : int (optional)

Defaults to 1000.

burnin : int (optional)

Defaults to 1000.

white : bool (optional)

Is con.covariance equal to identity?


Z : np.float((ndraw, n))

Sample from the sphere intersect the constraints.

weights : np.float(ndraw)

Importance weights for the sample.

selectinf.constraints.affine.selection_interval(support_directions, support_offsets, covariance, observed_data, direction_of_interest, tol=0.0001, alpha=0.05, UMAU=True)[source]

Given an affine in cone constraint \(\{z:Az+b \leq 0\}\) (elementwise) specified with \(A\) as support_directions and \(b\) as support_offset, a new direction of interest \(\eta\), and an observed_data is Gaussian vector \(Z \sim N(\mu,\Sigma)\) with covariance matrix \(\Sigma\), this function returns a confidence interval for \(\eta^T\mu\).


support_directions : np.float

Matrix specifying constraint, \(A\).

support_offset : np.float

Offset in constraint, \(b\).

covariance : np.float

Covariance matrix of observed_data.

observed_data : np.float


direction_of_interest : np.float

Direction in which we’re interested for the contrast.

tol : float

Relative tolerance parameter for deciding sign of \(Az-b\).

UMAU : bool

Use the UMAU interval, or twosided pivot.


selection_interval : (float, float)


Combine constraints into a large constaint by intersection.


cons : [`selection.affine.constraints`_]

A sequence of constraints.


intersection : `selection.affine.constraints`_


Resulting constraint will have mean 0 and covariance \(I\).