# emacs: -*- mode: python; py-indent-offset: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*-
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This module is the interface to the bayesian_structural_analysis (bsa) module
It handles the images provided as input and produces result images.
from __future__ import absolute_import
import numpy as np
import os.path as op
from nibabel import load, save, Nifti1Image
from ..mask import intersect_masks
from .bayesian_structural_analysis import compute_landmarks
from .discrete_domain import domain_from_image
from ...io.nibcompat import get_header, get_affine
from ...externals.six import string_types
[docs]def make_bsa_image(
mask_images, stat_images, threshold=3., smin=0, sigma=5.,
prevalence_threshold=0, prevalence_pval=0.5, write_dir=None,
algorithm='density', contrast_id='default'):
""" Main function for performing bsa on a set of images.
It creates the some output images in the given directory
mask_images: list of str,
image paths that yield mask images, one for each subject
stat_images: list of str,
image paths of the activation images, one for each subject
threshold: float, optional,
threshold used to ignore all the image data that is below
smin: float, optional,
minimal size (in voxels) of the extracted blobs
smaller blobs are merged into larger ones
sigma: float, optional,
variance of the spatial model, i.e. cross-subject uncertainty
prevalence_threshold: float, optional
threshold on the representativity measure
prevalence_pval: float, optional,
p-value of the representativity test:
test = p(representativity>prevalence_threshold) > prevalence_pval
write_dir: string, optional,
if not None, output directory
method: {'density', 'co-occurrence'}, optional,
Inference method used in the landmark definition
contrast_id: string, optional,
identifier of the contrast
landmarks: nipy.labs.spatial_models.structural_bfls.landmark_regions
instance that describes the structures found at the group level
None is returned if nothing has been found significant
at the group level
hrois : list of nipy.labs.spatial_models.hroi.Nroi instances,
(one per subject), describe the individual counterpart of landmarks
n_subjects = len(stat_images)
# Read the referential information
nim = load(stat_images[0])
ref_dim = nim.shape[:3]
affine = get_affine(nim)
# Read the masks and compute the "intersection"
# mask = np.reshape(intersect_masks(mask_images), ref_dim).astype('u8')
if isinstance(mask_images, string_types):
mask = load(mask_images).get_data()
elif isinstance(mask_images, Nifti1Image):
mask = mask_images.get_data()
# mask_images should be a list of strings or images
mask = intersect_masks(mask_images).astype('u8')
# encode it as a domain
domain = domain_from_image(Nifti1Image(mask, affine), nn=18)
n_voxels = domain.size
# read the functional images
stats = []
for stat_image in stat_images:
beta = np.reshape(load(stat_image).get_data(), ref_dim)
stats.append(beta[mask > 0])
stats = np.array(stats).T
# launch the method
crmap = - np.ones(n_voxels).astype(np.int16)
density = np.zeros(n_voxels)
landmarks = None
hrois = [None for _ in range(n_subjects)]
default_idx = 0
prevalence = np.array([])
landmarks, hrois = compute_landmarks(
domain, stats, sigma, prevalence_pval, prevalence_threshold,
threshold, smin, algorithm=algorithm)
if landmarks is not None:
crmap = landmarks.map_label(domain.coord, 0.95, sigma).astype(np.int16)
density = landmarks.kernel_density(
k=None, coord=domain.coord, sigma=sigma)
default_idx = landmarks.k + 2
prevalence = landmarks.roi_prevalence()
if write_dir == False:
return landmarks, hrois
# Write the results as images
# the spatial density image
density_map = np.zeros(ref_dim)
density_map[mask > 0] = density
wim = Nifti1Image(density_map, affine)
get_header(wim)['descrip'] = ('group-level spatial density '
'of active regions')
dens_path = op.join(write_dir, "density_%s.nii" % contrast_id)
save(wim, dens_path)
# write a 3D image for group-level labels
labels = - 2 * np.ones(ref_dim)
labels[mask > 0] = crmap
wim = Nifti1Image(labels.astype('int16'), affine)
get_header(wim)['descrip'] = 'group Level labels from bsa procedure'
save(wim, op.join(write_dir, "CR_%s.nii" % contrast_id))
# write a prevalence image
prev_ = np.zeros(crmap.size).astype(np.float)
prev_[crmap > -1] = prevalence[crmap[crmap > -1]]
prevalence_map = - np.ones(ref_dim)
prevalence_map[mask > 0] = prev_
wim = Nifti1Image(prevalence_map, affine)
get_header(wim)['descrip'] = 'Weighted prevalence image'
save(wim, op.join(write_dir, "prevalence_%s.nii" % contrast_id))
# write a 4d images with all subjects results
wdim = (ref_dim[0], ref_dim[1], ref_dim[2], n_subjects)
labels = - 2 * np.ones(wdim, 'int16')
for subject in range(n_subjects):
labels[mask > 0, subject] = - 1
if hrois[subject].k > 0:
nls = hrois[subject].get_roi_feature('label')
nls[nls == - 1] = default_idx
lab = hrois[subject].label
lab[lab > - 1] = nls[lab[lab > - 1]]
labels[mask > 0, subject] = lab
wim = Nifti1Image(labels, affine)
get_header(wim)['descrip'] = 'Individual labels from bsa procedure'
save(wim, op.join(write_dir, "AR_%s.nii" % contrast_id))
return landmarks, hrois