Source code for selectinf.distributions.discrete_family


This module contains a class for discrete 
1-dimensional exponential families. The main
uses for this class are exact (post-selection)
hypothesis tests and confidence intervals.

import numpy as np
import warnings

from ..truncated.api import find_root

[docs]def crit_func(test_statistic, left_cut, right_cut): """ A generic critical function for an interval, with weights at the endpoints. ((test_statistic < CL) + (test_statistic > CR) + gammaL * (test_statistic == CL) + gammaR * (test_statistic == CR)) where (CL, gammaL) = left_cut, (CR, gammaR) = right_cut. Parameters ---------- test_statistic : np.float Observed value of test statistic. left_cut : (float, float) (CL, gammaL): left endpoint and value at exactly the left endpoint (should be in [0,1]). right_cut : (float, float) (CR, gammaR): right endpoint and value at exactly the right endpoint (should be in [0,1]). Returns ------- decision : np.float """ CL, gammaL = left_cut CR, gammaR = right_cut value = ((test_statistic < CL) + (test_statistic > CR)) * 1. if gammaL != 0: value += gammaL * (test_statistic == CL) if gammaR != 0: value += gammaR * (test_statistic == CR) return value
[docs]class discrete_family(object):
[docs] def __init__(self, sufficient_stat, weights, theta=0.): r""" A discrete 1-dimensional exponential family with reference measure $\sum_j w_j \delta_{X_j}$ and sufficient statistic `sufficient_stat`. For any $\theta$, the distribution is .. math:: P_{\theta} = \sum_{j} e^{\theta X_j - \Lambda(\theta)} w_j \delta_{X_j} where .. math:: \Lambda(\theta) = \log \left(\sum_j w_j e^{\theta X_j} \right). Parameters ---------- sufficient_stat : `np.float((n))` weights : `np.float(n)` Notes ----- The weights are normalized to sum to 1. """ xw = np.array(sorted(zip(sufficient_stat, weights)), np.float) self._x = xw[:,0] self._w = xw[:,1] self._lw = np.array([np.log(v) for v in xw[:,1]]) self._w /= self._w.sum() # make sure they are a pmf self.n = len(xw) self._theta = np.nan self.theta = theta
@property def theta(self): """ The natural parameter of the family. """ return self._theta @theta.setter def theta(self, _theta): if _theta != self._theta: _thetaX = _theta * self.sufficient_stat + self._lw _largest = _thetaX.max() - 5 # try to avoid over/under flow, 5 seems arbitrary _exp_thetaX = np.exp(_thetaX - _largest) _prod = _exp_thetaX self._partition = np.sum(_prod) self._pdf = _prod / self._partition self._partition *= np.exp(_largest) self._theta = _theta @property def partition(self): r""" Partition function at `self.theta`: .. math:: \sum_j e^{\theta X_j} w_j """ if hasattr(self, "_partition"): return self._partition @property def sufficient_stat(self): """ Sufficient statistics of the exponential family. """ return self._x @property def weights(self): """ Weights of the exponential family. """ return self._w
[docs] def pdf(self, theta): r""" Density of $P_{\theta}$ with respect to $P_0$. Parameters ---------- theta : float Natural parameter. Returns ------- pdf : np.float """ self.theta = theta # compute partition if necessary return self._pdf
[docs] def cdf(self, theta, x=None, gamma=1): r""" The cumulative distribution function of $P_{\theta}$ with weight `gamma` at `x` .. math:: P_{\theta}(X < x) + \gamma * P_{\theta}(X = x) Parameters ---------- theta : float Natural parameter. x : float (optional) Where to evaluate CDF. gamma : float(optional) Weight given at `x`. Returns ------- cdf : np.float """ pdf = self.pdf(theta) if x is None: return np.cumsum(pdf) - pdf * (1 - gamma) else: tr = np.sum(pdf * (self.sufficient_stat < x)) if x in self.sufficient_stat: tr += gamma * np.sum(pdf[np.where(self.sufficient_stat == x)]) return tr
[docs] def ccdf(self, theta, x=None, gamma=0, return_unnorm=False): r""" The complementary cumulative distribution function (i.e. survival function) of $P_{\theta}$ with weight `gamma` at `x` .. math:: P_{\theta}(X > x) + \gamma * P_{\theta}(X = x) Parameters ---------- theta : float Natural parameter. x : float (optional) Where to evaluate CCDF. gamma : float(optional) Weight given at `x`. Returns ------- ccdf : np.float """ pdf = self.pdf(theta) if x is None: return np.cumsum(pdf[::-1])[::-1] - pdf * (1 - gamma) else: tr = np.sum(pdf * (self.sufficient_stat > x)) if x in self.sufficient_stat: tr += gamma * np.sum(pdf[np.where(self.sufficient_stat == x)]) return tr
[docs] def E(self, theta, func): r""" Expectation of `func` under $P_{\theta}$ Parameters ---------- theta : float Natural parameter. func : callable Assumed to be vectorized. gamma : float(optional) Weight given at `x`. Returns ------- E : np.float """ T = np.asarray(func(self.sufficient_stat)) pdf_ = self.pdf(theta) if T.ndim == 1: return (T * pdf_).sum() else: val = (T * pdf_[:,None]).sum(0) return val
[docs] def Var(self, theta, func): r""" Variance of `func` under $P_{\theta}$ Parameters ---------- theta : float Natural parameter. func : callable Assumed to be vectorized. Returns ------- var : np.float """ mu = self.E(theta, func) return self.E(theta, lambda x: (func(x)-mu)**2)
[docs] def Cov(self, theta, func1, func2): r""" Covariance of `func1` and `func2` under $P_{\theta}$ Parameters ---------- theta : float Natural parameter. func1, func2 : callable Assumed to be vectorized. Returns ------- cov : np.float """ mu1 = self.E(theta, func1) mu2 = self.E(theta, func2) return self.E(theta, lambda x: (func1(x)-mu1)*(func2(x)-mu2))
[docs] def two_sided_acceptance(self, theta, alpha=0.05, tol=1e-6): r""" Compute cutoffs of UMPU two-sided test. Parameters ---------- theta : float Natural parameter. alpha : float (optional) Size of two-sided test. tol : float Tolerance for root-finding. Returns ------- left_cut : (float, float) Boundary and randomization weight for left endpoint. right_cut : (float, float) Boundary and randomization weight for right endpoint. """ if theta != self._theta: CL = np.max([x for x in self.sufficient_stat if self._critCovFromLeft(theta, (x, 0), alpha) >= 0]) gammaL = find_root(lambda x: self._critCovFromLeft(theta, (CL, x), alpha), 0., 0., 1., tol) CR, gammaR = self._rightCutFromLeft(theta, (CL, gammaL), alpha) self._left_cut, self._right_cut = (CL, gammaL), (CR, gammaR) return self._left_cut, self._right_cut
[docs] def two_sided_test(self, theta0, observed, alpha=0.05, randomize=True, auxVar=None): r""" Perform UMPU two-sided test. Parameters ---------- theta0 : float Natural parameter under null hypothesis. observed : float Observed sufficient statistic. alpha : float (optional) Size of two-sided test. randomize : bool Perform the randomized test (or conservative test). auxVar : [None, float] If randomizing and not None, use this as the random uniform variate. Returns ------- decision : np.bool Is the null hypothesis $H_0:\theta=\theta_0$ rejected? Notes ----- We need an auxiliary uniform variable to carry out the randomized test. Larger auxVar corresponds to x being slightly "larger." It can be passed in, or chosen at random. If randomize=False, we get a conservative test. """ if randomize: if auxVar is None: auxVar = np.random.random() rejLeft = self._test2RejectsLeft(theta0, observed, alpha, auxVar) rejRight = self._test2RejectsRight(theta0, observed, alpha, auxVar) else: rejLeft = self._test2RejectsLeft(theta0, observed, alpha) rejRight = self._test2RejectsRight(theta0, observed, alpha) return rejLeft or rejRight
[docs] def one_sided_test(self, theta0, observed, alternative='greater', alpha=0.05, randomize=True, auxVar=None): r""" Perform UMPU one-sided test. Parameters ---------- theta0 : float Natural parameter under null hypothesis. observed : float Observed sufficient statistic. alternative : str One of ['greater', 'less'] alpha : float (optional) Size of two-sided test. randomize : bool Perform the randomized test (or conservative test). auxVar : [None, float] If randomizing and not None, use this as the random uniform variate. Returns ------- decision : np.bool Is the null hypothesis $H_0:\theta=\theta_0$ rejected? Notes ----- We need an auxiliary uniform variable to carry out the randomized test. Larger auxVar corresponds to x being slightly "larger." It can be passed in, or chosen at random. If randomize=False, we get a conservative test. """ if alternative not in ['greater', 'less']: raise ValueError('alternative must be one of ["greater", "less"]') self.theta = theta0 if randomize: if auxVar is None: auxVar = np.random.random() if alternative == 'greater': return self.ccdf(theta0, observed, gamma=auxVar) < alpha else: return self.cdf(theta0, observed, gamma=auxVar) < alpha else: if alternative == 'greater': return self.ccdf(theta0, observed) < alpha else: return self.cdf(theta0, observed) < alpha
[docs] def interval(self, observed, alpha=0.05, randomize=True, auxVar=None, tol=1e-6): """ Form UMAU confidence interval. Parameters ---------- observed : float Observed sufficient statistic. alpha : float (optional) Size of two-sided test. randomize : bool Perform the randomized test (or conservative test). auxVar : [None, float] If randomizing and not None, use this as the random uniform variate. Returns ------- lower, upper : float Limits of confidence interval. """ if randomize: if auxVar is None: auxVar = np.random.random() upper = self._inter2Upper(observed, auxVar, alpha, tol) lower = self._inter2Lower(observed, auxVar, alpha, tol) else: upper = self._inter2Upper(observed, 1., alpha, tol) lower = self._inter2Lower(observed, 0., alpha, tol) return lower, upper
[docs] def equal_tailed_interval(self, observed, alpha=0.05, randomize=True, auxVar=None, tol=1e-6): """ Form interval by inverting equal-tailed test with $\alpha/2$ in each tail. Parameters ---------- observed : float Observed sufficient statistic. alpha : float (optional) Size of two-sided test. randomize : bool Perform the randomized test (or conservative test). auxVar : [None, float] If randomizing and not None, use this as the random uniform variate. Returns ------- lower, upper : float Limits of confidence interval. """ mu = self.E(self.theta, lambda x: x) sigma = np.sqrt(self.Var(self.theta, lambda x: x)) lb = mu - 20 * sigma ub = mu + 20 * sigma F = lambda th : self.cdf(th, observed) L = find_root(F, 1.0 - 0.5 * alpha, lb, ub) U = find_root(F, 0.5 * alpha, lb, ub) return L, U
[docs] def equal_tailed_test(self, theta0, observed, alpha=0.05): r""" Perform UMPU two-sided test. Parameters ---------- theta0 : float Natural parameter under null hypothesis. observed : float Observed sufficient statistic. alpha : float (optional) Size of two-sided test. randomize : bool Perform the randomized test (or conservative test). auxVar : [None, float] If randomizing and not None, use this as the random uniform variate. Returns ------- decision : np.bool Is the null hypothesis $H_0:\theta=\theta_0$ rejected? Notes ----- We need an auxiliary uniform variable to carry out the randomized test. Larger auxVar corresponds to x being slightly "larger." It can be passed in, or chosen at random. If randomize=False, we get a conservative test. """ pval = self.cdf(theta0, observed, gamma=0.5) return min(pval, 1-pval) < alpha
[docs] def one_sided_acceptance(self, theta, alpha=0.05, alternative='greater', tol=1e-6): r""" Compute the acceptance region cutoffs of UMPU one-sided test. TODO: Include randomization? Parameters ---------- theta : float Natural parameter. alpha : float (optional) Size of two-sided test. alternative : str One of ['greater', 'less']. tol : float Tolerance for root-finding. Returns ------- left_cut : (float, float) Boundary and randomization weight for left endpoint. right_cut : (float, float) Boundary and randomization weight for right endpoint. """ if alternative == 'greater': F = self.ccdf(theta, gamma=0.5) cutoff = np.min(self.sufficient_stat[F <= alpha]) acceptance = (-np.inf, cutoff) elif alternative == 'less': F = self.ccdf(theta, gamma=0.5) cutoff = np.max(self.sufficient_stat[F <= alpha]) acceptance = (cutoff, np.inf) else: raise ValueError("alternative should be one of ['greater', 'less']") return acceptance
[docs] def equal_tailed_acceptance(self, theta0, alpha=0.05): r""" Compute the acceptance region cutoffs of equal-tailed test (without randomization). Therefore, size may not be exactly $\alpha$. Parameters ---------- theta0 : float Natural parameter under null hypothesis. alpha : float (optional) Size of two-sided test. Returns ------- left_cut : (float, float) Boundary and randomization weight for left endpoint. right_cut : (float, float) Boundary and randomization weight for right endpoint. """ F = self.cdf(theta0, gamma=0.5) Lcutoff = np.max(self.sufficient_stat[F <= 0.5 * alpha]) Rcutoff = np.min(self.sufficient_stat[F >= 1 - 0.5*alpha]) return Lcutoff, Rcutoff
[docs] def MLE(self, observed, initial=0, max_iter=20, tol=1.e-4): r""" Compute the maximum likelihood estimator based on observed sufficient statistic `observed`. Parameters ---------- observed : float Observed value of sufficient statistic initial : float Starting point for Newton-Raphson max_iter : int (optional) Maximum number of Newton-Raphson iterations tol : float (optional) Tolerance parameter for stopping, based on relative change in parameter estimate. Iteration stops when the change is smaller than `tol * max(1, np.fabs(cur_estimate))`. Returns ------- theta_hat : float Maximum likelihood estimator. std_err : float Estimated variance of `theta_hat` based on inverse of variance of sufficient statistic at `theta_hat`, i.e. the observed Fisher information. """ cur_est = initial def first_two_moments(x): return np.array([x, x**2]).T for i in range(max_iter): cur_moments = self.E(cur_est, first_two_moments) # gradient and # Hessian of CGF # (almost) grad, hessian = (cur_moments[0] - observed, cur_moments[1] - cur_moments[0]**2) next_est = cur_est - grad / hessian # newton step if np.fabs(next_est - cur_est) < tol * max(1, np.fabs(cur_est)): break cur_est = next_est if i == max_iter - 1: warnings.warn('Newton-Raphson failed to converge after %d iterations' % max_iter) cur_moments = self.E(cur_est, first_two_moments) # gradient and # Hessian of CGF # (almost) grad, hessian = (cur_moments[0] - observed, cur_moments[1] - cur_moments[0]**2) return cur_est, 1. / hessian, grad
# Private methods def _rightCutFromLeft(self, theta, leftCut, alpha=0.05): """ Given C1, gamma1, choose C2, gamma2 to make E(phi(X)) = alpha """ C1, gamma1 = leftCut alpha1 = self.cdf(theta, C1, gamma1) if alpha1 >= alpha: return (np.inf, 1) else: alpha2 = alpha - alpha1 P = self.ccdf(theta, gamma=0) idx = np.nonzero(P < alpha2)[0].min() cut = self.sufficient_stat[idx] pdf_term = np.exp(theta * cut) / self.partition * self.weights[idx] ccdf_term = P[idx] gamma2 = (alpha2 - ccdf_term) / pdf_term return (cut, gamma2) def _leftCutFromRight(self, theta, rightCut, alpha=0.05): """ Given C2, gamma2, choose C1, gamma1 to make E(phi(X)) = alpha """ C2, gamma2 = rightCut alpha2 = self.ccdf(theta, C2, gamma2) if alpha2 >= alpha: return (-np.inf, 1) else: alpha1 = alpha - alpha2 P = self.cdf(theta, gamma=0) idx = np.nonzero(P < alpha1)[0].max() cut = self.sufficient_stat[idx] cdf_term = P[idx] pdf_term = np.exp(theta * cut) / self.partition * self.weights[idx] gamma1 = (alpha1 - cdf_term) / pdf_term return (cut, gamma1) def _critCovFromLeft(self, theta, leftCut, alpha=0.05): """ Covariance of X with phi(X) where phi(X) is the level-alpha test with left cutoff C1, gamma1 """ C1, gamma1 = leftCut C2, gamma2 = self._rightCutFromLeft(theta, leftCut, alpha) if C2 == np.inf: return -np.inf else: return self.Cov(theta, lambda x: x, lambda x: crit_func(x, (C1, gamma1), (C2, gamma2))) def _critCovFromRight(self, theta, rightCut, alpha=0.05): """ Covariance of X with phi(X) where phi(X) is the level-alpha test with right cutoff C2, gamma2 """ C2, gamma2 = rightCut C1, gamma1 = self._leftCutFromRight(theta, rightCut, alpha) if C1 == -np.inf: return np.inf else: return self.Cov(theta, lambda x: x, lambda x: crit_func(x, (C1, gamma1), (C2, gamma2))) def _test2RejectsLeft(self, theta, observed, alpha=0.05, auxVar=1.): """ Returns 1 if x in left lobe of umpu two-sided rejection region We need an auxiliary uniform variable to carry out the randomized test. Larger auxVar corresponds to "larger" x, so LESS likely to reject auxVar = 1 is conservative """ return self._critCovFromLeft(theta, (observed, auxVar), alpha) > 0 def _test2RejectsRight(self, theta, observed, alpha=0.05, auxVar=0.): """ Returns 1 if x in right lobe of umpu two-sided rejection region We need an auxiliary uniform variable to carry out the randomized test. Larger auxVar corresponds to x being slightly "larger," so MORE likely to reject. auxVar = 0 is conservative. """ return self._critCovFromRight(theta, (observed, 1.-auxVar), alpha) < 0 def _inter2Upper(self, observed, auxVar, alpha=0.05, tol=1e-6): """ upper bound of two-sided umpu interval """ if observed < self.sufficient_stat[0] or (observed == self.sufficient_stat[0] and auxVar <= alpha): return -np.inf # observed, auxVar too small, every test rejects left if observed > self.sufficient_stat[self.n - 2] or (observed == self.sufficient_stat[self.n - 2] and auxVar == 1.): return np.inf # observed, auxVar too large, no test rejects left return find_root(lambda theta: -1*self._test2RejectsLeft(theta, observed, alpha, auxVar), -0.5, -1., 1., tol) def _inter2Lower(self, observed, auxVar, alpha=0.05, tol=1e-6): """ lower bound of two-sided umpu interval """ if observed > self.sufficient_stat[self.n-1] or (observed == self.sufficient_stat[self.n-1] and auxVar >= 1.-alpha): return np.inf # observed, auxVar too large, every test rejects right if observed < self.sufficient_stat[1] or (observed == self.sufficient_stat[1] and auxVar == 0.): return -np.inf # observed, auxVar too small, no test rejects right return find_root(lambda theta: 1.*self._test2RejectsRight(theta, observed, alpha, auxVar), 0.5, -1., 1., tol)