from __future__ import print_function
import numpy as np
import mpmath as mp
from scipy.stats import norm
from ..truncated.api import truncated_chi, truncated_chi2, truncated_F
from .intervals import intervals
from .base import constraints as base_constraints
[docs]class constraints(base_constraints):
Object solving the problems of slices for quadratic and linear
.. math::
\forall i, y^T Q_i y + a_i^t < b_i
[docs] def __init__(self,
Create a new object for quadratic constraints
quad_part : np.float(l, p, p)
3-dimensions array. The lines are some quadratic forms
lin_part : np.float(l, p)
The lines are the vector of the linear forms in the inquality
Default to np.zeros(l, p)
offset : np.float(l)
The offsets of all inequalities
Defaults to np.zeros(l)
covariance : np.float((p,p))
Covariance matrix of Gaussian distribution to be
truncated. Defaults to `np.identity(self.dim)`.
mean : np.float(p)
Mean vector of Gaussian distribution to be
truncated. Defaults to `np.zeros(self.dim)`.
rank : int
If not None, this should specify
the rank of the covariance matrix. Defaults
to self.dim.
WARNING : The shapes of the three parameters must fit
# Check the inputs are aligned
p, _ = quad_part[0].shape
self.dim = p
l = len(quad_part)
if lin_part is None:
lin_part = np.zeros((l, p))
if offset is None:
offset = np.zeros(l)
if len(lin_part) != l or len(offset) != l:
raise ValueError(
"Not the same number of quadratics, linear and offset")
for q in [q for q in quad_part if q.shape != (p, p)]:
raise ValueError("The quadratics must have the same shape")
for a in [a for a in lin_part if a.shape != (p,)]:
raise ValueError("The linear don't fit")
self.quad_part = np.array(quad_part)
self.lin_part = np.array(lin_part)
self.offset = offset
if rank is None:
self.rank = self.dim
self.rank = rank
if covariance is None:
covariance = np.identity(self.dim)
self.covariance = covariance
if mean is None:
mean = np.zeros(self.dim)
self.mean = mean
def __call__(self, y, tol=1.e-10):
Check wether y satisfies the quadratic inequality constraints
y : np.float(p, 1)
the vector tested
tol : float
tolerance for the inequlity.
Default to 1.e-3
True if y satisfies the inequalities, else, False
The constraints are :
(x + 1)^2 + y ^ 2 < 4
10 * x^2 - 10 * y^2 < -1
(x - 1)^2 + y ^ 2 < 4
>>> q1, lin1, off1 = np.identity(2), np.array([2., 0.]), 3.
>>> q2, lin2, off2 = np.array([[10., 0], [0, -10.]]), np.zeros(2), -1.
>>> q3, lin3, off3 = np.identity(2), np.array([-2., 0.]), 3.
>>> cons = constraints(np.array([q1, q2, q3]), \
np.array([lin1, lin2, lin3]), \
np.array([off1, off2, off3]))
>>> y1 = np.array([[0. , 1. ]]).T
>>> y2 = np.array([[0. , -1.]]).T
>>> y3 = np.array([[.5 , 1. ]]).T
>>> y4 = np.array([[0. , 0. ]]).T
>>> y5 = np.array([[.5 , 1.5]]).T
>>> y6 = np.array([[2., 0. ]]).T
>>> cons(y1), cons(y2), cons(y3), cons(y4), cons(y5), cons(y6)
(True, True, True, False, False, False)
V1 = np.einsum('bi, abc, cj -> aij', y, self.quad_part, y).reshape(-1) \
+, y).reshape(-1) \
- self.offset
return np.all(V1 < tol * np.linalg.norm(V1, ord = np.inf))
# def append(self, q, lin, off):
# """
# Add an inequality to the set of constraints :
# y.T * q * y + lin * y < off
# """
# p = self.quad_part.shape[1]
# if q.shape[0] != p:
# raise ValueError("Matrix are not aligned")
# self.quad_part = np.vstack((self.quad_part, q.reshape((1, p, p)) ))
# self.lin_part = np.vstack((self.lin_part , lin.reshape((1, p)) ))
# self.offset = np.hstack((self.offset , off ))
# def pop(self):
# """
# Delete the last inequality
# """
# q = self.quad_part[-1]
# lin = self.lin_part[-1]
# off = self.offset[-1]
# self.quad_part = self.quad_part[:-1]
# self.lin_part = self.lin_part[:-1]
# self.offset = self.offset[:-1]
# return q, lin, off
[docs] def bounds(self, nu, y):
Return the intervals of the slice in a direction nu, which
respects the inequality
nu : np.float(p)
The direction of the slice
y : np.float(p)
A point on the affine slice
intervals : array of couples
Array of (a, b), which means that the set is the union
of [a, b]
The constraints are :
(x - 1)^2 + y ^ 2 < 4
10 * x^2 - 10 * y^2 < -1
(x + 1)^2 + y ^ 2 < 4
>>> q1, lin1, off1 = np.identity(2), np.array([2., 0.]), 3.
>>> q2, lin2, off2 = np.array([[10., 0], [0, -10.]]), np.zeros(2), -1.
>>> q3, lin3, off3 = np.identity(2), np.array([-2., 0.]), 3.
>>> cons = constraints(np.array([q1, q2, q3]), \
np.array([lin1, lin2, lin3]), \
np.array([off1, off2, off3]))
>>> y = np.array([[0., -1.]]).T
>>> nu1 = np.array([[0., 1.]]).T
>>> I1 = np.array(cons.bounds(nu1, y).intersection())
>>> I1_expected = np.array([[- np.sqrt(3) + 1, 1. -1./np.sqrt(10)], \
[1. + 1./np.sqrt(10), 1. + np.sqrt(3)]])
>>> #np.all(np.fabs(I1 - I1_expected) < 1.e-10)
>>> nu2 = 2*nu1 ## Try with a nu not unitary
>>> I2 = np.array(cons.bounds(nu2, y).intersection())
>>> I2_expected = I1_expected /2
>>> #np.all(np.fabs(I2 - I2_expected) < 1.e-10)
>>> nu3 = np.array([[1., 0]]).T
>>> I3 = np.array(cons.bounds(nu3, y).intersection())
>>> I3_expected = np.array([[1. - np.sqrt(3), -1. + np.sqrt(3)]])
>>> #np.all(np.fabs(I3 - I3_expected) < 1.e-10)
if not self(y):
raise ValueError('y does not respect the constraints')
interv_list = []
for M, A, off in zip(self.quad_part, self.lin_part, self.offset):
mp.dps = 15
a = float(,, nu)) )
b = float( 2 *,, y)) +, nu) )
c = float(,, y)) +, y) - off )
if c > 0:
raise ValueError("c should be negative : " + repr(c))
disc = b**2 - 4*a*c
if a != 0 and disc >= 0:
r = roots_poly2(a, b, c)
I = intervals((float(min(r)), float(max(r))))
interv_list.append(I if a > 0 else ~I)
elif a == 0 and b != 0:
I = intervals((-np.inf, -c/b))
interv_list.append(I if b > 0 else ~I)
if (disc > 0 or (a== 0 and b != 0)) and not interv_list[-1](0):
raise ValueError("0 is not in the interval")
interv = intervals.intersection(*interv_list)
return interv
[docs] def bounds_unknownSigma(self, P, y):
n = len(y)
I = np.identity(n)
U1 =, y)
U2 =, y)
U1 = U1/np.linalg.norm(U1)
U2 = U2/np.linalg.norm(U2)
interv_list = []
for M, A, off in zip(self.quad_part, self.lin_part, self.offset):
a = float(,, U1)) )
b = float( 2 *,, U1)) )
c = float(,, U2)) )
disc = b**2 - 4*a*c
if a != 0 and disc >= 0:
r = roots_poly2(a, b, c)
I = intervals((float(min(r)), float(max(r))))
interv_list.append(I if a > 0 else ~I)
elif a == 0 and b != 0:
I = intervals((-np.inf, -c/b))
interv_list.append(I if b > 0 else ~I)
interv = intervals.intersection(*interv_list)
return interv
[docs] def sample(self, n_sample, initial_point):
initial_point = initial_point.reshape(-1)
quad = self.quad_part
quad_lin = self.lin_part
offset_quad = self.offset.reshape(-1)
lin = np.array([]).reshape((0,0))
offset_lin = np.array([])
# this import does not exist
samples = quad_sampler(n_sample,
samples = [v.reshape((len(v), 1)) for v in samples]
if not all(self(v) for v in samples):
raise ValueError("The samples are not correct")
return samples
[docs] def sample_dum(self, n_sample):
p = self.quad_part.shape[1]
samples = []
while len(samples) < n_sample:
y = np.random.multivariate_normal(np.zeros(p), \
np.identity(p)).reshape((p, 1))
if self(y):
return samples
[docs] def gen_p_value(self, y, f, sigma=1., n_samples=1000):
f : z -> x
observed value
samples = self.sample(n_samples, y)
observed_values = np.sort([f(z) for z in samples])
obs = f(y)
k = max([i for i in range(n_samples) if observed_values[i] < obs])
return float(k)/n_samples
[docs] def distr_norm_unknownSigma(self, P, y, n, p):
I = self.bounds_unknownSigma(P, y)
# Computation of theta
theta_s = float(2)/float(n-2)
distr = truncated_F(I._U, n*p - 2*p, 2*p, theta_s)
return distr
[docs] def p_value_unknownSigma(self, P, y, n, p):
distr = self.distr_norm_unknownSigma(P, y, n, p)
x = (np.linalg.norm(, y))/ \
np.linalg.norm(*p) - P, y)))**2
return distr.sf(x)
[docs] def distr_norm(self, X_s, y, sigma = 1.):
Return the value of the norm of X_s.T*y and an instance of truncated :
the distribution of X_s.T*y
This is implementing the forward stepwise paper in the general case
X_s : np.float(p, k):
X_s is a full ranked matrix
y : np.float(p):
y is the data, and satisfies the constraints
sigma: float
sigma is the variance of the normal distribution under wich
y is chosen
distr : truncated_chi
distr is an object used to study the distribution of
np.linalg.norm(, y)), when y is a gaussian vector,
chosen under the constraints and on the slice given by nu
p, _ = y.shape
# P_s = projection(X_s)
k = min(X_s.shape)
z =, y)
z_norm = np.linalg.norm(z)
eta = z / z_norm
nu =, eta)
# print "nu : ", nu
# Computation of the intervals
q = np.zeros((1, p, p))
lin = (-nu).reshape((1, p))
off = np.array([float( \
-, y) \
+ np.linalg.norm(nu)**2 * z_norm) \
cons_eta = constraints(q, lin, off)
cons_inter = stack(self, cons_eta)
I = cons_inter.bounds(nu, y)
I = I + float(z_norm)
# Computation of theta
Sig_s =, X_s)
Sig_s_inv = np.linalg.inv(Sig_s)
theta_s = float(sigma / np.sqrt(,, eta))))
distr = truncated_chi(I._U, k, theta_s)
return distr
[docs] def p_value(self, X_s, y, sigma=1.):
#X_s = full_rank(X_s) -- not sure what this function was
k = min(X_s.shape)
if not(self(y)):
raise ValueError("y does not satisfies the constraints")
distr = self.distr_norm(X_s, y, sigma)
x = np.linalg.norm(, y))
return distr.sf(x)
[docs]class constraints_vecnorm(constraints):
[docs] def __init__(self, alpha, beta, dim):
self._alpha = alpha
self._beta = beta
self._dim = dim
def __call__(self, y, tol=1.e-10):
X = y.reshape(self._dim)
A =, X)
B = , X)
V1 = np.linalg.norm(A, axis = 1) - np.linalg.norm(B, axis = 1)
return np.all(V1 < tol * np.linalg.norm(V1, ord = np.inf))
[docs] def bounds(self, nu, y):
if not self(y):
raise ValueError('y does not respect the constraints')
X = y.reshape(self._dim)
nu = nu.reshape(self._dim)
interv_list = []
U1 =, X )
U2 = , X )
V1 =, nu)
V2 =, nu)
for u1, u2, v1, v2 in zip(U1, U2, V1, V2):
a = np.linalg.norm(v1)**2 - np.linalg.norm(v2)**2
b = 2* float(, v1.T) -, v2.T) )
c = np.linalg.norm(u1)**2 - np.linalg.norm(u2)**2
if c > 0:
raise ValueError("c should be negative : " + repr(c))
disc = b**2 - 4*a*c
if a != 0 and disc >= 0:
r = roots_poly2(a, b, c)
I = intervals((float(min(r)), float(max(r))))
interv_list.append(I if a > 0 else ~I)
elif a == 0 and b != 0:
I = intervals((-np.inf, -c/b))
interv_list.append(I if b > 0 else ~I)
if (disc > 0 or (a== 0 and b != 0)) and not interv_list[-1](0):
raise ValueError("l'intervalle ne contient pas 0 : " + repr(interv_list[-1]))
interv = intervals.intersection(*interv_list)
return interv
[docs]def stack(*quad_cons):
quad = [con.quad_part for con in quad_cons]
lin = [con.lin_part for con in quad_cons]
off = [con.offset for con in quad_cons]
intersection = constraints(np.vstack(quad),
return intersection
[docs]def roots_poly2(a, b, c):
disc = b**2 - 4*a*c
if disc < 0:
raise ValueError("The polynom has no roots")
r = (-b + np.sqrt(disc) * np.array([1., -1.])) / (2. * a)
r1 = r[np.argmax(np.fabs(r))]
if c == 0:
r2 = 0.
r2 = c / (r1*a)
return (r1, r2)
if __name__ == "__main__":
import doctest