Source code for selectinf.algorithms.softmax


This module implements the softmax approximation for
a multivariate Gaussian truncated by affine constraints. The approximation
is an approximation of the normalizing constant in the 


from copy import copy

import numpy as np
from regreg.api import smooth_atom

[docs]class softmax_objective(smooth_atom): r""" The softmax objective .. math:: z \mapsto \frac{1}{2} z^TQz + \sum_{i=1}^{m} \log \left(1 + \frac{1}{(b_i-A_i^T z) / s_i} \right) Notes ----- Recall Chernoff's approximation for $Z \sim N(0,I_{n \times n})$: .. math:: -\log P_{\mu}(AZ \leq b) \approx \inf_{z:Az \leq b} \frac{1}{2}\|z-\mu\|^2_2 = \inf_{z} I_K(z) + \frac{1}{2}\|z-\mu\|^2_2 where $I_K$ is the constraint for the set $K=\left\{z:Az \leq b \right\}.$ The softmax approximation is similar to Chernoff's approximation though it uses a soft max barrier function .. math:: \sum_{i=1}^{m}\log\left(1+\frac{1}{b_i-A_i^T z}\right). The softmax objective is .. math:: z \mapsto \frac{1}{2} z^TQz + \sum_{i=1}^{m}\log\left(1+\frac{1}{(b_i-A_i^T z) / s_i}\right). where $s_i$ are scalings and $Q$ is a precision matrix (i.e. inverse covariance). """ objective_template = r"""\text{softmax}_K\left(%(var)s\right)"""
[docs] def __init__(self, shape, precision, constraints, feasible_point, coef=1., offset=None, quadratic=None, initial=None): smooth_atom.__init__(self, shape, offset=offset, quadratic=quadratic, initial=initial, coef=coef) self.precision = precision self.coefs[:] = feasible_point # not sure we really need to copy self.constraints = constraints con_linear = self.constraints.linear_part self.scaling = np.sqrt(np.diag(
[docs] def smooth_objective(self, param, mode='both', check_feasibility=False): """ Evaluate the smooth objective, computing its value, gradient or both. Parameters ---------- mean_param : ndarray The current parameter values. mode : str One of ['func', 'grad', 'both']. check_feasibility : bool If True, return `np.inf` when point is not feasible, i.e. when `mean_param` is not in the domain. Returns ------- If `mode` is 'func' returns just the objective value at `mean_param`, else if `mode` is 'grad' returns the gradient else returns both. """ param = self.apply_offset(param) con = self.constraints # shorthand slack = (con.offset - / self.scaling BIG = 1e20 if mode in ['both', 'func']: if np.any(slack < 0): f = BIG else: f = 0.5 * (param * + np.log(1. + 1. / slack).sum() f = self.scale(f) if mode in ['both', 'grad']: dslack = (1. / (slack + self.scaling) - 1. / slack) g = - g = self.scale(g) if mode == 'both': return f, g elif mode == 'grad': return g elif mode == 'func': return f else: raise ValueError("mode incorrectly specified")