Source code for selectinf.algorithms.change_point

from copy import copy

import numpy as np, pandas as pd

import regreg.api as rr
import regreg.affine as ra
from regreg.affine.multiscale import multiscale, choose_tuning_parameter

from .sqrt_lasso import solve_sqrt_lasso
from .lasso import lasso
from ..constraints.affine import constraints

[docs]class change_point(object): """ Estimate change points using multiscale changepoint penatly. """ # parameters for choosing tuning parameter ndraw = 50 quantile = 0.95 sigma = None
[docs] def __init__(self, Y, minsize=None): self.Y = Y self.p = p = Y.shape[0] self.M = multiscale(p) self.M.scaling = np.sqrt(self.M.sizes) self.tuning_param = choose_tuning_parameter(self.M, ndraw=self.ndraw, quantile=self.quantile, sigma=self.sigma) self.feature_weights = (self.tuning_param + np.sqrt(2 * np.log(p / self.M.sizes))) / np.sqrt(p)
[docs] def fit(self, solve_args={'min_its':200}): Y, M, p, weights = self.Y, self.M, self.Y.shape[0], self.feature_weights Y0 = Y - Y.mean() coef = solve_sqrt_lasso(M.T, Y0, weights=weights, solve_args=solve_args)[0] = active = coef != 0 self.inactive = inactive = ~active if active.sum(): jumps = self.merge_intervals(M.slices[active]) M_inactive = copy(M) M_inactive.update_slices(M.slices[inactive]) X = M.form_matrix(M.slices[active])[0] R = np.identity(p) - L_inactive = L = lasso.sqrt_lasso(X, Y0, weights[active]){'min_its':200}, lasso_solution=coef[active]) C = L_inactive_neg = ra.scalar_multiply(L_inactive, -1.) irrep = full_lin = ra.vstack([L_inactive, L_inactive_neg, C]) full_offset = np.hstack([irrep + L._multiplier * weights[inactive], -irrep + L._multiplier * weights[inactive], L.constraints.offset]) full_con = constraints(full_lin, full_offset, covariance=L._sigma_hat**2 * np.identity(p)) fit =[active]) + Y.mean() segments = np.array([jumps[:-1],jumps[1:]]).T Xr = M.form_matrix(segments)[0] relaxed_fit = + Y.mean() # S = L.summary('onesided') # pS = pd.DataFrame(S) # pS['interval'] = [M.slices[i] for i in np.nonzero(active)[0]] # pS = pS.reindex(columns=['interval', 'pval', 'lasso', 'onestep']) pS = None else: fit = relaxed_fit = Y.mean() * np.ones(self.p) pS = None segments = np.array([[0,self.p]]) return fit, relaxed_fit, pS, segments
[docs] def merge_intervals(self, intervals): """ cluster the endpoints into intervals by saying points that are M.minsize apart or less are in the same cluster """ M = self.M vertices = sorted(list(np.unique(np.hstack([intervals['start'], intervals['end']]))) + [0, M.input_shape[0]-1]) k = len(vertices) clusters = [] cur_cluster = [vertices[0]] for j in range(1, k): if vertices[j] - vertices[j-1] < M.minsize: cur_cluster.append(vertices[j]) else: clusters.append(cur_cluster) cur_cluster = [vertices[j]] clusters.append(cur_cluster) j = np.array([int(np.median(c)) for c in clusters]) if j[0] < M.minsize: j[0] = 0 if j[-1] > M.input_shape[0] - 1 - M.minsize: j[-1] = M.input_shape[0] return j
[docs]def one_jump_instance(delta, p=60, sigma=1): """ Data generating mechanism of Figure 1 in []( Parameters ---------- delta : float Signal size p : int Shape of signal. sigma : float Noise variance -- both signal and noise are scaled by this scalar. """ signal = np.zeros(p) signal[(p//2):] += delta * sigma y = np.random.standard_normal(p) * sigma + signal return y, signal