# emacs: -*- mode: python; py-indent-offset: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*-
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from __future__ import print_function
from __future__ import absolute_import
import numpy as np
from numpy.linalg import svd
from .reml import orth
def _trace(x):
Trace of a square 2d array.
Does not check
shape of x to ensure it's square.
return np.diag(x).sum()
def _frobenius(A, B):
Frobenius inner product of A and B: Trace(A'B)
Does not check
shape of x to ensure it's square.
return (A * B).sum()
[docs]def trRV(X=None, V=None):
If V is None it defaults to identity.
If X is None, it defaults to the 0-dimensional subspace,
i.e. R is the identity.
>>> import numpy as np
>>> from numpy.random import standard_normal
>>> X = standard_normal((100, 4))
>>> np.allclose(trRV(X), (96.0, 96.0))
>>> V = np.identity(100)
>>> np.allclose(trRV(X), (96.0, 96.0))
>>> X[:,3] = X[:,1] + X[:,2]
>>> np.allclose(trRV(X), (97.0, 97.0))
>>> u = orth(X)
>>> V = np.dot(u, u.T)
>>> print(np.allclose(trRV(X, V), 0))
n, p = X.shape
if V is None:
V = np.identity(n)
if X is None:
if V is None:
trRV = trRVRV = n
trRV = _trace(V)
trRVRV = _frobenius(V, V)
u = orth(X)
if V is None:
trRV = trRVRV = n - u.shape[1]
Vu = np.dot(V, u)
utVu = np.dot(u.T, Vu)
trRV = _trace(V) - _frobenius(u, Vu)
trRVRV = _frobenius(V, V) - 2 * _frobenius(Vu, Vu) + _frobenius(utVu, utVu)
return trRV, trRVRV
if __name__ == "__main__":
from numpy.random import standard_normal
X = standard_normal((100, 4))
print(trRV(X)) # should be (96,96)
V = np.identity(100)
print(trRV(X, V)) # should be (96,96)
X[:,3] = X[:,1] + X[:,2]
print(trRV(X, V)) # should be (97,97)
u = orth(X)
V = np.dot(u, u.T)
print(trRV(X, V)) # should be (0,0)