This module is for canonical hrf specification.
Here we provide for SPM, Glover hrfs and finite timpulse response (FIR) models.
This module closely follows SPM implementation
Author: Bertrand Thirion, 2011--2013
from __future__ import absolute_import
import warnings
import numpy as np
from scipy.stats import gamma
from nipy.externals.six.moves import map
def _gamma_difference_hrf(tr, oversampling=16, time_length=32., onset=0.,
delay=6, undershoot=16., dispersion=1.,
u_dispersion=1., ratio=0.167):
""" Compute an hrf as the difference of two gamma functions
tr: float, scan repeat time, in seconds
oversampling: int, temporal oversampling factor, optional
time_length: float, hrf kernel length, in seconds
onset: float, onset of the hrf
hrf: array of shape(length / tr * oversampling, float),
hrf sampling on the oversampled time grid
dt = tr / oversampling
time_stamps = np.linspace(0, time_length, int(float(time_length) / dt))
time_stamps -= onset / dt
hrf = gamma.pdf(time_stamps, delay / dispersion, dt / dispersion) - \
ratio * gamma.pdf(
time_stamps, undershoot / u_dispersion, dt / u_dispersion)
hrf /= hrf.sum()
return hrf
[docs]def spm_hrf(tr, oversampling=16, time_length=32., onset=0.):
""" Implementation of the SPM hrf model
tr: float, scan repeat time, in seconds
oversampling: int, temporal oversampling factor, optional
time_length: float, hrf kernel length, in seconds
onset: float, onset of the response
hrf: array of shape(length / tr * oversampling, float),
hrf sampling on the oversampled time grid
return _gamma_difference_hrf(tr, oversampling, time_length, onset)
[docs]def glover_hrf(tr, oversampling=16, time_length=32., onset=0.):
""" Implementation of the Glover hrf model
tr: float, scan repeat time, in seconds
oversampling: int, temporal oversampling factor, optional
time_length: float, hrf kernel length, in seconds
onset: float, onset of the response
hrf: array of shape(length / tr * oversampling, float),
hrf sampling on the oversampled time grid
return _gamma_difference_hrf(tr, oversampling, time_length, onset,
delay=6, undershoot=12., dispersion=.9,
u_dispersion=.9, ratio=.35)
[docs]def spm_time_derivative(tr, oversampling=16, time_length=32., onset=0.):
"""Implementation of the SPM time derivative hrf (dhrf) model
tr: float, scan repeat time, in seconds
oversampling: int, temporal oversampling factor, optional
time_length: float, hrf kernel length, in seconds
onset: float, onset of the response
dhrf: array of shape(length / tr, float),
dhrf sampling on the provided grid
do = .1
dhrf = 1. / do * (spm_hrf(tr, oversampling, time_length, onset + do) -
spm_hrf(tr, oversampling, time_length, onset))
return dhrf
[docs]def glover_time_derivative(tr, oversampling=16, time_length=32., onset=0.):
"""Implementation of the flover time derivative hrf (dhrf) model
tr: float, scan repeat time, in seconds
oversampling: int, temporal oversampling factor, optional
time_length: float, hrf kernel length, in seconds
onset: float, onset of the response
dhrf: array of shape(length / tr, float),
dhrf sampling on the provided grid
do = .1
dhrf = 1. / do * (glover_hrf(tr, oversampling, time_length, onset + do) -
glover_hrf(tr, oversampling, time_length, onset))
return dhrf
[docs]def spm_dispersion_derivative(tr, oversampling=16, time_length=32., onset=0.):
"""Implementation of the SPM dispersion derivative hrf model
tr: float, scan repeat time, in seconds
oversampling: int, temporal oversampling factor, optional
time_length: float, hrf kernel length, in seconds
onset: float, onset of the response
dhrf: array of shape(length / tr * oversampling, float),
dhrf sampling on the oversampled time grid
dd = .01
dhrf = 1. / dd * (_gamma_difference_hrf(tr, oversampling, time_length,
onset, dispersion=1. + dd) -
spm_hrf(tr, oversampling, time_length, onset))
return dhrf
def _sample_condition(exp_condition, frametimes, oversampling=16,
"""Make a possibly oversampled event regressor from condition information.
exp_condition: 3 x n_events arraylike
(onsets, durations, amplitudes) of events for this condition
frametimes: array of shape(n)
timepoints corresponding to sampled data
over_sampling: int, optional
factor for oversampling event regressor
min_onset: float, optional
minimal onset relative to frametimes[0] (in seconds)
events that start before frametimes[0] + min_onset are not considered
regressor: array of shape(n)
possibly oversampled event regressor
hr_frametimes : array of shape(n)
frametimes corresponding to regressor
# Find the high-resolution frametimes
n = frametimes.size
min_onset = float(min_onset)
n_hr = ((n - 1) * 1. / (frametimes.max() - frametimes.min()) *
(frametimes.max() * (1 + 1. / (n - 1)) - frametimes.min() -
min_onset) * oversampling) + 1
hr_frametimes = np.linspace(frametimes.min() + min_onset,
frametimes.max() * (1 + 1. / (n - 1)),
# Get the condition information
onsets, durations, values = tuple(map(np.asanyarray, exp_condition))
if (onsets < frametimes[0] + min_onset).any():
warnings.warn(('Some stimulus onsets are earlier than %d in the' +
' experiment and are thus not considered in the model'
% (frametimes[0] + min_onset)), UserWarning)
# Set up the regressor timecourse
tmax = len(hr_frametimes)
regressor = np.zeros_like(hr_frametimes).astype(np.float)
t_onset = np.minimum(np.searchsorted(hr_frametimes, onsets), tmax - 1)
regressor[t_onset] += values
t_offset = np.minimum(np.searchsorted(hr_frametimes, onsets + durations),
tmax - 1)
# Handle the case where duration is 0 by offsetting at t + 1
for i, to in enumerate(t_offset):
if to < (tmax - 1) and to == t_onset[i]:
t_offset[i] += 1
regressor[t_offset] -= values
regressor = np.cumsum(regressor)
return regressor, hr_frametimes
def _resample_regressor(hr_regressor, hr_frametimes, frametimes, kind='linear'):
""" this function samples the regressors at frametimes
hr_regressor: array of shape(n),
the regressor time course sampled at high temporal resolution
hr_frametimes: array of shape(n),
the corresponding time stamps
frametimes: array of shape(p),
the desired time stamps
kind: string, optional, the kind of desired interpolation
regressor: array of shape(p), the resampled regressor
from scipy.interpolate import interp1d
f = interp1d(hr_frametimes, hr_regressor)
return f(frametimes).T
def _orthogonalize(X):
""" Orthogonalize every column of design `X` w.r.t preceding columns
X: array of shape(n, p), the data to be orthogonalized
X: after orthogonalization
X is changed in place. the columns are not normalized
if X.size == X.shape[0]:
return X
from numpy.linalg import pinv
for i in range(1, X.shape[1]):
X[:, i] -= np.dot(X[:, i], np.dot(X[:, :i], pinv(X[:, :i])))
return X
def _regressor_names(con_name, hrf_model, fir_delays=None):
""" returns a list of regressor names, computed from con-name and hrf type
con_name: string, identifier of the condition
hrf_model: string, identifier of the hrf model
names: a list of strings yielding the regressor names
if hrf_model == 'canonical':
return [con_name]
elif hrf_model == "canonical with derivative":
return [con_name, con_name + "_derivative"]
elif hrf_model == 'spm':
return [con_name]
elif hrf_model == 'spm_time':
return [con_name, con_name + "_derivative"]
elif hrf_model == 'spm_time_dispersion':
return [con_name, con_name + "_derivative", con_name + "_dispersion"]
elif hrf_model == 'fir':
return [con_name + "_delay_%d" % i for i in fir_delays]
def _hrf_kernel(hrf_model, tr, oversampling=16, fir_delays=None):
""" Given the specification of the hemodynamic model and time parameters,
return the list of matching kernels
hrf_model: string, identifier of the hrf model
tr: the repetition time in seconds
oversampling: int, temporal oversampling factor to have a smooth hrf
fir_delays: list of for delays
hkernel: a list of hrf kernels, depending on the specified hrf model
if hrf_model == 'spm':
hkernel = [spm_hrf(tr, oversampling)]
elif hrf_model == 'spm_time':
hkernel = [spm_hrf(tr, oversampling),
spm_time_derivative(tr, oversampling)]
elif hrf_model == 'spm_time_dispersion':
hkernel = [spm_hrf(tr, oversampling),
spm_time_derivative(tr, oversampling),
spm_dispersion_derivative(tr, oversampling)]
elif hrf_model == 'canonical':
hkernel = [glover_hrf(tr, oversampling)]
elif hrf_model == 'canonical with derivative':
hkernel = [glover_hrf(tr, oversampling),
glover_time_derivative(tr, oversampling)]
elif hrf_model == 'fir':
hkernel = [np.hstack((np.zeros(f * oversampling),
for f in fir_delays]
raise ValueError('Unknown hrf model')
return hkernel
[docs]def compute_regressor(exp_condition, hrf_model, frametimes, con_id='cond',
oversampling=16, fir_delays=None, min_onset=-24):
""" This is the main function to convolve regressors with hrf model
exp_condition: descriptor of an experimental condition
hrf_model: string, the hrf model to be used. Can be chosen among:
'spm', 'spm_time', 'spm_time_dispersion', 'canonical',
'canonical_derivative', 'fir'
frametimes: array of shape (n):the sought
con_id: string, optional identifier of the condition
oversampling: int, optional, oversampling factor to perform the convolution
fir_delays: array-like of int, onsets corresponding to the fir basis
min_onset: float, optional
minimal onset relative to frametimes[0] (in seconds)
events that start before frametimes[0] + min_onset are not considered
creg: array of shape(n_scans, n_reg): computed regressors sampled
at frametimes
reg_names: list of strings, corresponding regressor names
The different hemodynamic models can be understood as follows:
'spm': this is the hrf model used in spm
'spm_time': this is the spm model plus its time derivative (2 regressors)
'spm_time_dispersion': idem, plus dispersion derivative (3 regressors)
'canonical': this one corresponds to the Glover hrf
'canonical_derivative': the Glover hrf + time derivative (2 regressors)
'fir': finite impulse response basis, a set of delayed dirac models
with arbitrary length. This one currently assumes regularly spaced
frametimes (i.e. fixed time of repetition).
It is expected that spm standard and Glover model would not yield
large differences in most cases.
# this is the average tr in this session, not necessarily the true tr
tr = float(frametimes.max()) / (np.size(frametimes) - 1)
# 1. create the high temporal resolution regressor
hr_regressor, hr_frametimes = _sample_condition(
exp_condition, frametimes, oversampling, min_onset)
# 2. create the hrf model(s)
hkernel = _hrf_kernel(hrf_model, tr, oversampling, fir_delays)
# 3. convolve the regressor and hrf, and downsample the regressor
conv_reg = np.array([np.convolve(hr_regressor, h)[:hr_regressor.size]
for h in hkernel])
# 4. temporally resample the regressors
creg = _resample_regressor(conv_reg, hr_frametimes, frametimes)
# 5. ortogonalize the regressors
if hrf_model != 'fir':
creg = _orthogonalize(creg)
# 6 generate regressor names
reg_names = _regressor_names(con_id, hrf_model, fir_delays=fir_delays)
return creg, reg_names