# emacs: -*- mode: python; py-indent-offset: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*-
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This module implements fMRI Design Matrix creation.
The DesignMatrix object is just a container that represents the design matrix.
Computations of the different parts of the design matrix are confined
to the make_dmtx() function, that instantiates the DesignMatrix object.
All the remainder are just ancillary functions.
Design matrices contain three different types of regressors:
1. Task-related regressors, that result from the convolution
of the experimental paradigm regressors with hemodynamic models
2. User-specified regressors, that represent information available on
the data, e.g. motion parameters, physiological data resampled at
the acquisition rate, or sinusoidal regressors that model the
signal at a frequency of interest.
3. Drift regressors, that represent low_frequency phenomena of no
interest in the data; they need to be included to reduce variance
Author: Bertrand Thirion, 2009-2011
from __future__ import absolute_import
import numpy as np
from warnings import warn
from ...utils.compat3 import open4csv
from .hemodynamic_models import compute_regressor, _orthogonalize
# Ancillary functions
def _poly_drift(order, frametimes):
"""Create a polynomial drift matrix
order, int, number of polynomials in the drift model
tmax, float maximal time value used in the sequence
this is used to normalize properly the columns
pol, array of shape(n_scans, order + 1)
all the polynomial drift plus a constant regressor
order = int(order)
pol = np.zeros((np.size(frametimes), order + 1))
tmax = float(frametimes.max())
for k in range(order + 1):
pol[:, k] = (frametimes / tmax) ** k
pol = _orthogonalize(pol)
pol = np.hstack((pol[:, 1:], pol[:, :1]))
return pol
def _cosine_drift(period_cut, frametimes):
"""Create a cosine drift matrix with periods greater or equals to period_cut
period_cut: float
Cut period of the low-pass filter (in sec)
frametimes: array of shape(nscans)
The sampling times (in sec)
cdrift: array of shape(n_scans, n_drifts)
cosin drifts plus a constant regressor at cdrift[:,0]
Ref: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Discrete_cosine_transform DCT-II
len_tim = len(frametimes)
n_times = np.arange(len_tim)
hfcut = 1./ period_cut # input parameter is the period
dt = frametimes[1] - frametimes[0] # frametimes.max() should be (len_tim-1)*dt
order = int(np.floor(2*len_tim*hfcut*dt)) # s.t. hfcut = 1/(2*dt) yields len_tim
cdrift = np.zeros((len_tim, order))
nfct = np.sqrt(2.0/len_tim)
for k in range(1, order):
cdrift[:,k-1] = nfct * np.cos((np.pi/len_tim)*(n_times + .5)*k)
cdrift[:,order-1] = 1. # or 1./sqrt(len_tim) to normalize
return cdrift
def _blank_drift(frametimes):
""" Create the blank drift matrix
return np.reshape(np.ones_like(frametimes), (np.size(frametimes), 1))
def _make_drift(drift_model, frametimes, order=1, hfcut=128.):
"""Create the drift matrix
drift_model: string,
to be chosen among 'polynomial', 'cosine', 'blank'
that specifies the desired drift model
frametimes: array of shape(n_scans),
list of values representing the desired TRs
order: int, optional,
order of the drift model (in case it is polynomial)
hfcut: float, optional,
frequency cut in case of a cosine model
drift: array of shape(n_scans, n_drifts), the drift matrix
names: list of length(ndrifts), the associated names
drift_model = drift_model.lower() # for robust comparisons
if drift_model == 'polynomial':
drift = _poly_drift(order, frametimes)
elif drift_model == 'cosine':
drift = _cosine_drift(hfcut, frametimes)
elif drift_model == 'blank':
drift = _blank_drift(frametimes)
raise NotImplementedError("Unknown drift model %r" % (drift_model))
names = []
for k in range(drift.shape[1] - 1):
names.append('drift_%d' % (k + 1))
return drift, names
def _convolve_regressors(paradigm, hrf_model, frametimes, fir_delays=[0],
""" Creation of a matrix that comprises
the convolution of the conditions onset with a certain hrf model
paradigm: paradigm instance
hrf_model: string that can be 'canonical',
'canonical with derivative' or 'fir'
that specifies the hemodynamic response function
frametimes: array of shape(n_scans)
the targeted timing for the design matrix
fir_delays=[0], optional, array of shape(nb_onsets) or list
in case of FIR design, yields the array of delays
used in the FIR model
min_onset: float, optional
minimal onset relative to frametimes[0] (in seconds)
events that start before frametimes[0] + min_onset are not considered
rmatrix: array of shape(n_scans, n_regressors),
contains the convolved regressors
associated with the experimental condition
names: list of strings,
the condition names, that depend on the hrf model used
if 'canonical' then this is identical to the input names
if 'canonical with derivative', then two names are produced for
input name 'name': 'name' and 'name_derivative'
hnames = []
rmatrix = None
if hrf_model == 'fir':
oversampling = 1
oversampling = 16
for nc in np.unique(paradigm.con_id):
onsets = paradigm.onset[paradigm.con_id == nc]
nos = np.size(onsets)
if paradigm.amplitude is not None:
values = paradigm.amplitude[paradigm.con_id == nc]
values = np.ones(nos)
if nos < 1:
if paradigm.type == 'event':
duration = np.zeros_like(onsets)
duration = paradigm.duration[paradigm.con_id == nc]
exp_condition = (onsets, duration, values)
reg, names = compute_regressor(
exp_condition, hrf_model, frametimes, con_id=nc,
fir_delays=fir_delays, oversampling=oversampling,
hnames += names
if rmatrix is None:
rmatrix = reg
rmatrix = np.hstack((rmatrix, reg))
return rmatrix, hnames
def _full_rank(X, cmax=1e15):
This function possibly adds a scalar matrix to X
to guarantee that the condition number is smaller than a given threshold.
X: array of shape(nrows, ncols)
cmax=1.e-15, float tolerance for condition number
X: array of shape(nrows, ncols) after regularization
cmax=1.e-15, float tolerance for condition number
U, s, V = np.linalg.svd(X, 0)
smax, smin = s.max(), s.min()
c = smax / smin
if c < cmax:
return X, c
warn('Matrix is singular at working precision, regularizing...')
lda = (smax - cmax * smin) / (cmax - 1)
s = s + lda
X = np.dot(U, np.dot(np.diag(s), V))
return X, cmax
# Design matrix
[docs]class DesignMatrix():
""" This is a container for a light-weight class for design matrices
This class is only used to make IO and visualization.
matrix: array of shape (n_scans, n_regressors)
the numerical specification of the matrix.
names: list of len (n_regressors)
the names associated with the columns.
frametimes: array of shape (n_scans), optional
the occurrence time of the matrix rows.
[docs] def __init__(self, matrix, names, frametimes=None):
matrix_ = np.atleast_2d(matrix)
if matrix_.shape[1] != len(names):
raise ValueError(
'The number of names should equate the number of columns')
if frametimes is not None:
if frametimes.size != matrix.shape[0]:
raise ValueError(
'The number %d of frametimes is different from the' + \
'number %d of rows' % (frametimes.size, matrix.shape[0]))
self.frametimes = np.asarray(frametimes, dtype=np.float)
self.matrix = matrix_
self.names = names
[docs] def write_csv(self, path):
""" write self.matrix as a csv file with appropriate column names
path: string, path of the resulting csv file
The frametimes are not written
import csv
with open4csv(path, "w") as fid:
writer = csv.writer(fid)
[docs] def show(self, rescale=True, ax=None, cmap=None):
"""Visualization of a design matrix
rescale: bool, optional
rescale columns magnitude for visualization or not.
ax: axis handle, optional
Handle to axis onto which we will draw design matrix.
cmap: colormap, optional
Matplotlib colormap to use, passed to `imshow`.
ax: axis handle
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# normalize the values per column for better visualization
x = self.matrix.copy()
if rescale:
x = x / np.sqrt(np.sum(x ** 2, 0))
if ax is None:
ax = plt.subplot(1, 1, 1)
ax.imshow(x, interpolation='Nearest', aspect='auto',
ax.set_ylabel('scan number')
if self.names is not None:
ax.set_xticklabels(self.names, rotation=60, ha='right')
return ax
[docs] def show_contrast(self, contrast, ax=None, cmap=None):
Plot a contrast for a design matrix.
contrast : np.float
Array forming contrast with respect to the design matrix.
ax: axis handle, optional
Handle to axis onto which we will draw design matrix.
cmap: colormap, optional
Matplotlib colormap to use, passed to `imshow`.
ax: axis handle
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
contrast = np.atleast_2d(contrast)
# normalize the values per column for better visualization
if ax is None:
ax = plt.subplot(1, 1, 1)
ax.imshow(contrast, interpolation='Nearest',
if self.names is not None:
ax.set_xticklabels(self.names, rotation=60, ha='right')
return ax
[docs]def make_dmtx(frametimes, paradigm=None, hrf_model='canonical',
drift_model='cosine', hfcut=128, drift_order=1, fir_delays=[0],
add_regs=None, add_reg_names=None, min_onset=-24):
""" Generate a design matrix from the input parameters
frametimes: array of shape(nbframes), the timing of the scans
paradigm: Paradigm instance, optional
description of the experimental paradigm
hrf_model: string, optional,
that specifies the hemodynamic response function.
Can be one of {'canonical', 'canonical with derivative',
'fir', 'spm', 'spm_time', 'spm_time_dispersion'}.
drift_model: string, optional
specifies the desired drift model,
to be chosen among 'polynomial', 'cosine', 'blank'
hfcut: float, optional
cut period of the low-pass filter
drift_order: int, optional
order of the drift model (in case it is polynomial)
fir_delays: array of shape(nb_onsets) or list, optional,
in case of FIR design, yields the array of delays
used in the FIR model
add_regs: array of shape(nbframes, naddreg), optional
additional user-supplied regressors
add_reg_names: list of (naddreg) regressor names, optional
if None, while naddreg>0, these will be termed
min_onset: float, optional
minimal onset relative to frametimes[0] (in seconds)
events that start before frametimes[0] + min_onset are not considered
DesignMatrix instance
# check arguments
frametimes = np.asarray(frametimes, dtype=np.float)
# check that additional regressor specification is correct
n_add_regs = 0
if add_regs is not None:
if add_regs.shape[0] == np.size(add_regs):
add_regs = np.reshape(add_regs, (np.size(add_regs), 1))
n_add_regs = add_regs.shape[1]
assert add_regs.shape[0] == np.size(frametimes), \
'incorrect specification of additional regressors: '
'length of regressors provided: %s, number of '
'time-frames: %s' % (add_regs.shape[0], np.size(frametimes)))
# check that additional regressor names are well specified
if add_reg_names is None:
add_reg_names = ['reg%d' % k for k in range(n_add_regs)]
elif len(add_reg_names) != n_add_regs:
raise ValueError(
'Incorrect number of additional regressor names was provided'
'(%s provided, %s expected) % (len(add_reg_names),'
# computation of the matrix
names = []
matrix = np.zeros((frametimes.size, 0))
# step 1: paradigm-related regressors
if paradigm is not None:
# create the condition-related regressors
matrix, names = _convolve_regressors(
paradigm, hrf_model.lower(), frametimes, fir_delays, min_onset)
# step 2: additional regressors
if add_regs is not None:
# add user-supplied regressors and corresponding names
matrix = np.hstack((matrix, add_regs))
names += add_reg_names
# setp 3: drifts
drift, dnames = _make_drift(drift_model.lower(), frametimes, drift_order,
matrix = np.hstack((matrix, drift))
names += dnames
# step 4: Force the design matrix to be full rank at working precision
matrix, _ = _full_rank(matrix)
# complete the names with the drift terms
return DesignMatrix(matrix, names, frametimes)
[docs]def dmtx_from_csv(path, frametimes=None):
""" Return a DesignMatrix instance from a csv file
path: string, path of the .csv file
A DesignMatrix instance
import csv
with open4csv(path, 'r') as csvfile:
dialect = csv.Sniffer().sniff(csvfile.read())
reader = csv.reader(csvfile, dialect)
boolfirst = True
design = []
for row in reader:
if boolfirst:
names = [row[j] for j in range(len(row))]
boolfirst = False
design.append([row[j] for j in range(len(row))])
x = np.array([[float(t) for t in xr] for xr in design])
return(DesignMatrix(x, names, frametimes))
[docs]def dmtx_light(frametimes, paradigm=None, hrf_model='canonical',
drift_model='cosine', hfcut=128, drift_order=1, fir_delays=[0],
add_regs=None, add_reg_names=None, min_onset=-24, path=None):
"""Make a design matrix while avoiding framework
see make_dmtx, plus
path: string, optional: a path to write the output
dmtx array of shape(nreg, nbframes):
the sampled design matrix
names list of strings of len (nreg)
the names of the columns of the design matrix
dmtx_ = make_dmtx(frametimes, paradigm, hrf_model, drift_model, hfcut,
drift_order, fir_delays, add_regs, add_reg_names,
if path is not None:
return dmtx_.matrix, dmtx_.names