Source code for nipy.labs.viz_tools.test.test_activation_maps

from __future__ import absolute_import
# emacs: -*- mode: python; py-indent-offset: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*-
# vi: set ft=python sts=4 ts=4 sw=4 et:
import tempfile

import numpy as np

from nose import SkipTest
from nipy.testing.decorators import skipif
    import matplotlib as mp
    # Make really sure that we don't try to open an Xserver connection.
    mp.use('svg', warn=False)
    import pylab as pl
except ImportError:
    raise SkipTest('Could not import matplotlib')

    from mock import patch
except ImportError:  # pragma: no cover
    patch = None

from ..activation_maps import demo_plot_map, plot_anat, plot_map
from ..anat_cache import mni_sform, _AnatCache

[docs]def test_demo_plot_map(): # This is only a smoke test mp.use('svg', warn=False) import pylab as pl pl.switch_backend('svg') demo_plot_map() # Test the black background code path demo_plot_map(black_bg=True)
[docs]def test_plot_anat(): # This is only a smoke test mp.use('svg', warn=False) import pylab as pl pl.switch_backend('svg') data = np.zeros((20, 20, 20)) data[3:-3, 3:-3, 3:-3] = 1 ortho_slicer = plot_anat(data, mni_sform, dim=True) ortho_slicer = plot_anat(data, mni_sform, cut_coords=(80, -120, -60)) # Saving forces a draw, and thus smoke-tests the axes locators pl.savefig(tempfile.TemporaryFile()) ortho_slicer.edge_map(data, mni_sform, color='c') # Test saving with empty plot z_slicer = plot_anat(anat=False, slicer='z') pl.savefig(tempfile.TemporaryFile()) z_slicer = plot_anat(slicer='z') pl.savefig(tempfile.TemporaryFile()) z_slicer.edge_map(data, mni_sform, color='c') # Smoke test coordinate finder, with and without mask plot_map(, 0), mni_sform, slicer='x') plot_map(data, mni_sform, slicer='y')
[docs]@skipif(not patch, 'Cannot import patch from mock') def test_plot_anat_kwargs(): data = np.zeros((20, 20, 20)) data[3:-3, 3:-3, 3:-3] = 1 kwargs = {'interpolation': 'nearest'} with patch('nipy.labs.viz_tools.activation_maps._plot_anat') \ as mock_plot_anat: ortho_slicer = plot_anat(data, mni_sform, dim=True, **kwargs) kwargs_passed = mock_plot_anat.call_args[-1] assert('interpolation' in kwargs_passed) assert(kwargs_passed['interpolation'] == 'nearest')
[docs]def test_anat_cache(): # A smoke test, that can work only if the templates are installed try: _AnatCache.get_blurred() except OSError: "The templates are not there" pass
[docs]def test_plot_map_empty(): # Test that things don't crash when we give a map with nothing above # threshold # This is only a smoke test mp.use('svg', warn=False) import pylab as pl pl.switch_backend('svg') data = np.zeros((20, 20, 20)) plot_anat(data, mni_sform) plot_map(data, mni_sform, slicer='y', threshold=1) pl.close('all')
[docs]def test_plot_map_with_auto_cut_coords(): import pylab as pl pl.switch_backend('svg') data = np.zeros((20, 20, 20)) data[3:-3, 3:-3, 3:-3] = 1 for slicer in 'xyz': plot_map(data, np.eye(4), cut_coords=None, slicer=slicer, black_bg=True)