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3D visualization of activation maps using Mayavi
from __future__ import absolute_import
# Author: Gael Varoquaux <gael dot varoquaux at normalesup dot org>
# License: BSD
# Standard library imports
import os
# Standard scientific libraries imports (more specific imports are
# delayed, so that the part module can be used without them).
import numpy as np
from scipy import ndimage
from nibabel import load
from nipy.io.nibcompat import get_affine
# The sform for MNI templates
mni_sform = np.array([[-1, 0, 0, 90],
[ 0, 1, 0, -126],
[ 0, 0, 1, -72],
[ 0, 0, 0, 1]])
mni_sform_inv = np.linalg.inv(mni_sform)
[docs]def find_mni_template():
""" Try to find an MNI template on the disk.
from nipy.utils import templates, DataError
filename = templates.get_filename(
'ICBM152', '1mm', 'T1_brain.nii.gz')
if os.path.exists(filename):
return filename
except DataError:
possible_paths = [
('', 'usr', 'share', 'fsl', 'data', 'standard', 'avg152T1_brain.nii.gz'),
('', 'usr', 'share', 'data', 'fsl-mni152-templates', 'avg152T1_brain.nii.gz'),
('', 'usr', 'local', 'share', 'fsl', 'data', 'standard', 'avg152T1_brain.nii.gz'),
if 'FSLDIR' in os.environ:
fsl_path = os.environ['FSLDIR'].split(os.sep)
fsl_path.extend(('data', 'standard', 'avg152T1_brain.nii.gz'))
for path in possible_paths:
filename = os.sep.join((path))
if os.path.exists(filename):
return filename
# Caching of the MNI template.
class _AnatCache(object):
""" Class to store the anat array in cache, to avoid reloading it
each time.
anat = None
anat_sform = None
blurred = None
def get_anat(cls):
filename = find_mni_template()
if cls.anat is None:
if filename is None:
raise OSError('Cannot find template file T1_brain.nii.gz '
'required to plot anatomy, see the nipy documentation '
'installaton section for how to install template files.')
anat_im = load(filename)
anat = anat_im.get_data()
anat = anat.astype(np.float)
anat_mask = ndimage.morphology.binary_fill_holes(anat > 0)
anat = np.ma.masked_array(anat, np.logical_not(anat_mask))
cls.anat_sform = get_affine(anat_im)
cls.anat = anat
cls.anat_max = anat.max()
return cls.anat, cls.anat_sform, cls.anat_max
def get_blurred(cls):
if cls.blurred is not None:
return cls.blurred
anat, _, _ = cls.get_anat()
cls.blurred = ndimage.gaussian_filter(
(anat > 4800).astype(np.float), 6)
> 0.5
return cls.blurred