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This module conatins a function to produce a dataset which simulates
a collection of 2D images This dataset is saved as a 3D image
(each slice being a subject) and a 3D array
Author : Bertrand Thirion, 2008-2010
from __future__ import absolute_import
import numpy as np
import scipy.ndimage as nd
from nibabel import save, Nifti1Image
from nipy.io.nibcompat import get_affine
from nipy.externals.six import string_types
# definition of the maxima at the group level
pos = np.array([[6, 7],
[10, 10],
[15, 10]])
ampli = np.array([3, 4, 4])
def _cone2d(shape, ij, pos, ampli, width):
"""Define a cone of the proposed grid
temp = np.zeros(shape)
pos = np.reshape(pos, (1, 2))
dist = np.sqrt(np.sum((ij - pos) ** 2, axis=1))
codi = (width - dist) * (dist < width) / width
temp[ij[:, 0], ij[:, 1]] = codi * ampli
return temp
def _cone3d(shape, ij, pos, ampli, width):
"""Define a cone of the proposed grid
temp = np.zeros(shape)
pos = np.reshape(pos, (1, 3))
dist = np.sqrt(np.sum((ij - pos) ** 2, axis=1))
codi = (width - dist) * (dist < width) / width
temp[ij[:, 0], ij[:, 1], ij[:, 2]] = codi * ampli
return temp
[docs]def surrogate_2d_dataset(n_subj=10, shape=(30, 30), sk=1.0,
noise_level=1.0, pos=pos, ampli=ampli,
spatial_jitter=1.0, signal_jitter=1.0,
width=5.0, width_jitter=0,
out_text_file=None, out_image_file=None,
""" Create surrogate (simulated) 2D activation data with spatial noise
n_subj: integer, optionnal
The number of subjects, ie the number of different maps
shape=(30,30): tuple of integers,
the shape of each image
sk: float, optionnal
Amount of spatial noise smoothness.
noise_level: float, optionnal
Amplitude of the spatial noise.
pos: 2D ndarray of integers, optionnal
x, y positions of the various simulated activations.
ampli: 1D ndarray of floats, optionnal
Respective amplitude of each activation
spatial_jitter: float, optionnal
Random spatial jitter added to the position of each activation,
in pixel.
signal_jitter: float, optionnal
Random amplitude fluctuation for each activation, added to the
amplitude specified by `ampli`
width: float or ndarray, optionnal
Width of the activations
width_jitter: float
Relative width jitter of the blobs
out_text_file: string or None, optionnal
If not None, the resulting array is saved as a text file with the
given file name
out_image_file: string or None, optionnal
If not None, the resulting is saved as a nifti file with the
given file name.
seed=False: int, optionnal
If seed is not False, the random number generator is initialized
at a certain value
dataset: 3D ndarray
The surrogate activation map, with dimensions ``(n_subj,) + shape``
if seed:
nr = np.random.RandomState([seed])
import numpy.random as nr
ij = np.array(np.where(np.ones(shape))).T
dataset = []
for s in range(n_subj):
# make the signal
data = np.zeros(shape)
lpos = pos + spatial_jitter * nr.randn(1, 2)
lampli = ampli + signal_jitter * nr.randn(np.size(ampli))
this_width = width * (1 - width_jitter * nr.randn(np.size(ampli)))
for k in range(np.size(lampli)):
data = np.maximum(data, _cone2d(shape, ij, lpos[k], lampli[k],
# make some noise
noise = nr.randn(*shape)
# smooth the noise
noise = nd.gaussian_filter(noise, sk)
noise = np.reshape(noise, ( - 1, 1))
noise *= noise_level / np.std(noise)
#make the mixture
data += np.reshape(noise, shape)
dataset = np.array(dataset)
if out_text_file is not None:
if out_image_file is not None:
save(Nifti1Image(dataset, np.eye(4)), out_image_file)
return dataset
[docs]def surrogate_3d_dataset(n_subj=1, shape=(20, 20, 20), mask=None,
sk=1.0, noise_level=1.0, pos=None, ampli=None,
spatial_jitter=1.0, signal_jitter=1.0,
width=5.0, out_text_file=None, out_image_file=None,
"""Create surrogate (simulated) 3D activation data with spatial noise.
n_subj: integer, optionnal
The number of subjects, ie the number of different maps
shape=(20,20,20): tuple of 3 integers,
the shape of each image
mask=None: Nifti1Image instance,
referential- and mask- defining image (overrides shape)
sk: float, optionnal
Amount of spatial noise smoothness.
noise_level: float, optionnal
Amplitude of the spatial noise.
pos: 2D ndarray of integers, optionnal
x, y positions of the various simulated activations.
ampli: 1D ndarray of floats, optionnal
Respective amplitude of each activation
spatial_jitter: float, optionnal
Random spatial jitter added to the position of each activation,
in pixel.
signal_jitter: float, optionnal
Random amplitude fluctuation for each activation, added to the
amplitude specified by ampli
width: float or ndarray, optionnal
Width of the activations
out_text_file: string or None, optionnal
If not None, the resulting array is saved as a text file with the
given file name
out_image_file: string or None, optionnal
If not None, the resulting is saved as a nifti file with the
given file name.
seed=False: int, optionnal
If seed is not False, the random number generator is initialized
at a certain value
dataset: 3D ndarray
The surrogate activation map, with dimensions ``(n_subj,) + shape``
if seed:
nr = np.random.RandomState([seed])
import numpy.random as nr
if mask is not None:
shape = mask.shape
mask_data = mask.get_data()
mask_data = np.ones(shape)
ijk = np.array(np.where(mask_data)).T
dataset = []
# make the signal
for s in range(n_subj):
data = np.zeros(shape)
lampli = []
if pos is not None:
if len(pos) != len(ampli):
raise ValueError('ampli and pos do not have the same len')
lpos = pos + spatial_jitter * nr.randn(1, 3)
lampli = ampli + signal_jitter * nr.randn(np.size(ampli))
for k in range(np.size(lampli)):
data = np.maximum(data, _cone3d(shape, ijk, lpos[k], lampli[k],
# make some noise
noise = nr.randn(shape[0], shape[1], shape[2])
# smooth the noise
noise = nd.gaussian_filter(noise, sk)
noise *= noise_level / np.std(noise)
# make the mixture
data += noise
data[mask_data == 0] = 0
dataset = np.array(dataset)
if n_subj == 1:
dataset = dataset[0]
if out_text_file is not None:
if out_image_file is not None:
save(Nifti1Image(dataset, np.eye(4)), out_image_file)
return dataset
[docs]def surrogate_4d_dataset(shape=(20, 20, 20), mask=None, n_scans=1, n_sess=1,
dmtx=None, sk=1.0, noise_level=1.0, signal_level=1.0,
out_image_file=None, seed=False):
""" Create surrogate (simulated) 3D activation data with spatial noise.
shape = (20, 20, 20): tuple of integers,
the shape of each image
mask=None: brifti image instance,
referential- and mask- defining image (overrides shape)
n_scans: int, optional,
number of scans to be simlulated
overrided by the design matrix
n_sess: int, optional,
the number of simulated sessions
dmtx: array of shape(n_scans, n_rows),
the design matrix
sk: float, optionnal
Amount of spatial noise smoothness.
noise_level: float, optionnal
Amplitude of the spatial noise.
signal_level: float, optional,
Amplitude of the signal
out_image_file: string or list of strings or None, optionnal
If not None, the resulting is saved as (set of) nifti file(s) with the
given file path(s)
seed=False: int, optionnal
If seed is not False, the random number generator is initialized
at a certain value
dataset: a list of n_sess ndarray of shape
(shape[0], shape[1], shape[2], n_scans)
The surrogate activation map
if seed:
nr = np.random.RandomState([seed])
import numpy.random as nr
if mask is not None:
shape = mask.shape
affine = get_affine(mask)
mask_data = mask.get_data().astype('bool')
affine = np.eye(4)
mask_data = np.ones(shape).astype('bool')
if dmtx is not None:
n_scans = dmtx.shape[0]
if (out_image_file is not None) and isinstance(out_image_file,
out_image_file = [out_image_file]
shape_4d = shape + (n_scans,)
output_images = []
if dmtx is not None:
beta = []
for r in range(dmtx.shape[1]):
betar = nd.gaussian_filter(nr.randn(*shape), sk)
betar /= np.std(betar)
beta.append(signal_level * betar)
beta = np.rollaxis(np.array(beta), 0, 4)
for ns in range(n_sess):
data = np.zeros(shape_4d)
# make the signal
if dmtx is not None:
data[mask_data] += np.dot(beta[mask_data], dmtx.T)
for s in range(n_scans):
# make some noise
noise = nr.randn(*shape)
# smooth the noise
noise = nd.gaussian_filter(noise, sk)
noise *= noise_level / np.std(noise)
# make the mixture
data[:, :, :, s] += noise
data[:, :, :, s] += 100 * mask_data
wim = Nifti1Image(data, affine)
if out_image_file is not None:
save(wim, out_image_file[ns])
return output_images