Source code for nipy.labs.spatial_models.parcellation

# emacs: -*- mode: python; py-indent-offset: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*-
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Generic Parcellation class:
Contains all the items that define a multi-subject parcellation

Author : Bertrand Thirion, 2005-2008

TODO : add a method 'global field', i.e. non-subject-specific info
from __future__ import absolute_import

import numpy as np
from warnings import warn

warn('Module nipy.labs.spatial_models.parcellation deprecated, ' +
     'will be removed',

# Parcellation class

[docs]class MultiSubjectParcellation(object): """ MultiSubjectParcellation class are used to represent parcels that can have different spatial different contours in a given group of subject It consists of self.domain: the specification of a domain self.template_labels the specification of a template parcellation self.individual_labels the specification of individual parcellations fixme:should inherit from mroi.MultiROI """
[docs] def __init__(self, domain, template_labels=None, individual_labels=None, nb_parcel=None): """ Initialize multi-subject parcellation Parameters ---------- domain: discrete_domain.DiscreteDomain instance, definition of the space considered in the parcellation template_labels: array of shape domain.size, optional definition of the template labelling individual_labels: array of shape (domain.size, nb_subjects), optional, the individual parcellations corresponding to the template nb_parcel: int, optional, number of parcels in the model can be inferred as template_labels.max()+1, or 1 by default cannot be smaller than template_labels.max()+1 """ self.domain = domain self.template_labels = template_labels self.individual_labels = individual_labels self.nb_parcel = 1 if template_labels is not None: self.nb_parcel = template_labels.max() + 1 if nb_parcel is not None: self.nb_parcel = nb_parcel self.check() self.nb_subj = 0 if individual_labels is not None: if individual_labels.shape[0] == individual_labels.size: self.individual_labels = individual_labels[:, np.newaxis] self.nb_subj = self.individual_labels.shape[1] self.features = {}
[docs] def copy(self): """ Returns a copy of self """ msp = MultiSubjectParcellation(self.domain.copy(), self.template_labels.copy(), self.individual_labels.copy(), self.nb_parcel) for fid in self.features.keys(): msp.set_feature(fid, self.get_feature(fid).copy()) return msp
[docs] def check(self): """ Performs an elementary check on self """ size = self.domain.size if self.template_labels is not None: nvox = np.size(self.template_labels) if size != nvox: raise ValueError("template labels not consistent with domain") if self.individual_labels is not None: n2 = self.individual_labels.shape[0] if size != n2: raise ValueError( "Individual labels not consistent with domain") if self.nb_parcel < self.template_labels.max() + 1: raise ValueError("too many labels in template") if self.nb_parcel < self.individual_labels.max() + 1: raise ValueError("Too many labels in individual models")
[docs] def set_template_labels(self, template_labels): """ """ self.template_labels = template_labels self.check()
[docs] def set_individual_labels(self, individual_labels): """ """ self.individual_labels = individual_labels self.check() self.nb_subj = self.individual_labels.shape[1]
[docs] def population(self): """ Returns the counting of labels per voxel per subject Returns ------- population: array of shape (self.nb_parcel, self.nb_subj) """ population = np.zeros((self.nb_parcel, self.nb_subj)).astype( for ns in range(self.nb_subj): for k in range(self.nb_parcel): population[k, ns] = np.sum(self.individual_labels[:, ns] == k) return population
[docs] def make_feature(self, fid, data): """ Compute parcel-level averages of data Parameters ---------- fid: string, the feature identifier data: array of shape (self.domain.size, self.nb_subj, dim) or (self.domain.sire, self.nb_subj) Some information at the voxel level Returns ------- pfeature: array of shape(self.nb_parcel, self.nbsubj, dim) the computed feature data """ if len(data.shape) < 2: raise ValueError("Data array should at least have dimension 2") if len(data.shape) > 3: raise ValueError("Data array should have <4 dimensions") if ((data.shape[0] != self.domain.size) or (data.shape[1] != self.nb_subj)): raise ValueError('incorrect feature size') if len(data.shape) == 3: dim = data.shape[2] pfeature = np.zeros((self.nb_parcel, self.nb_subj, dim)) else: pfeature = np.zeros((self.nb_parcel, self.nb_subj)) for k in range(self.nb_parcel): for s in range(self.nb_subj): dsk = data[self.individual_labels[:, s] == k, s] pfeature[k, s] = np.mean(dsk, 0) self.set_feature(fid, pfeature) return pfeature
[docs] def set_feature(self, fid, data): """ Set feature defined by `fid` and `data` into ``self`` Parameters ---------- fid: string the feature identifier data: array of shape (self.nb_parcel, self.nb_subj, dim) or (self.nb_parcel, self.nb_subj) the data to be set as parcel- and subject-level information """ if len(data.shape) < 2: raise ValueError("Data array should at least have dimension 2") if (data.shape[0] != self.nb_parcel) or \ (data.shape[1] != self.nb_subj): raise ValueError('incorrect feature size') else: self.features.update({fid: data})
[docs] def get_feature(self, fid): """ Get feature defined by `fid` Parameters ---------- fid: string, the feature identifier """ return self.features[fid]