# emacs: -*- mode: python; py-indent-offset: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*-
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This module contains the specification of 'hierarchical ROI' object,
Which is used in spatial models of the library such as structural analysis
The connection with other classes is not completely satisfactory at the moment:
there should be some intermediate classes between 'Fields' and 'hroi'
Author : Bertrand Thirion, 2009-2011
Virgile Fritsch <virgile.fritsch@inria.fr>
from __future__ import absolute_import
import numpy as np
from nipy.algorithms.graph.graph import WeightedGraph
from nipy.algorithms.graph.forest import Forest
from nipy.algorithms.graph.field import field_from_coo_matrix_and_data
from .mroi import SubDomains
NINF = - np.inf
[docs]def hroi_agglomeration(input_hroi, criterion='size', smin=0):
"""Performs an agglomeration then a selection of regions
so that a certain size or volume criterion is satisfied.
input_hroi: HierarchicalROI instance
The input hROI
criterion: str, optional
To be chosen among 'size' or 'volume'
smin: float, optional
The applied criterion
output_hroi: HierarchicalROI instance
if criterion not in ['size', 'volume']:
return ValueError('unknown criterion')
output_hroi = input_hroi.copy()
k = 2 * output_hroi.k
if criterion == 'size':
value = output_hroi.get_size()
if criterion == 'volume':
value = output_hroi.get_volume()
# iteratively agglomerate regions that are too small
while k > output_hroi.k:
k = output_hroi.k
# regions agglomeration
output_hroi.merge_ascending(output_hroi.get_id()[value <= smin])
# suppress parents nodes having only one child
# early stopping 1
if output_hroi.k == 0:
# early stopping 2
if criterion == 'size':
value = output_hroi.get_size()
if criterion == 'volume':
value = output_hroi.get_volume()
if value.max() < smin:
# finally remove those regions for which the criterion cannot be matched
output_hroi.select_roi(output_hroi.get_id()[value > smin])
return output_hroi
[docs]def HROI_as_discrete_domain_blobs(domain, data, threshold=NINF, smin=0,
"""Instantiate an HierarchicalROI as the blob decomposition
of data in a certain domain.
domain : discrete_domain.StructuredDomain instance,
Definition of the spatial context.
data : array of shape (domain.size)
The corresponding data field.
threshold : float, optional
Thresholding level.
criterion : string, optional
To be chosen among 'size' or 'volume'.
smin: float, optional
A threshold on the criterion.
nroi: HierachicalROI instance with a `signal` feature.
if threshold > data.max():
# return an empty HROI structure
label = - np.ones(data.shape)
parents = np.array([])
return HierarchicalROI(domain, label, parents)
# check size
df = field_from_coo_matrix_and_data(domain.topology, data)
idx, parents, label = df.threshold_bifurcations(th=threshold)
nroi = HierarchicalROI(domain, label, parents)
# create a signal feature
data = np.ravel(data)
signal = [data[nroi.select_id(id, roi=False)] for id in nroi.get_id()]
nroi.set_feature('signal', signal)
# agglomerate regions in order to compact the structure if necessary
nroi = hroi_agglomeration(nroi, criterion=criterion, smin=smin)
return nroi
[docs]def HROI_from_watershed(domain, data, threshold=NINF):
"""Instantiate an HierarchicalROI as the watershed of a certain dataset
domain: discrete_domain.StructuredDomain instance
Definition of the spatial context.
data: array of shape (domain.size)
The corresponding data field.
threshold: float, optional
Thresholding level.
nroi : ``HierarchichalROI`` instance
The HierachicalROI instance with a ``seed`` feature.
if threshold > data.max():
# return an empty HROI structure
label = - np.ones(data.shape)
parents = np.array([])
return HierarchicalROI(domain, label, parents)
df = field_from_coo_matrix_and_data(domain.topology, data)
idx, label = df.custom_watershed(0, threshold)
parents = np.arange(idx.size).astype(int)
nroi = HierarchicalROI(domain, label, parents)
nroi.set_roi_feature('seed', idx)
return nroi
# Hierarchical ROI
[docs]class HierarchicalROI(SubDomains):
"""Class that handles hierarchical ROIs
k : int
Number of ROI in the SubDomains object
label : array of shape (domain.size), dtype=np.int
An array use to define which voxel belongs to which ROI.
The label values greater than -1 correspond to subregions
labelling. The labels are recomputed so as to be consecutive
The labels should not be accessed outside this class. One has to
use the API mapping methods instead.
features : dict {str: list of object, length=self.k}
Describe the voxels features, grouped by ROI
roi_features : dict {str: array-like, shape=(self.k, roi_feature_dim)
Describe the ROI features. A special feature, `id`, is read-only and
is used to give an unique identifier for region, which is persistent
through the MROI objects manipulations. On should access the different
ROI's features using ids.
parents : np.ndarray, shape(self.k)
self.parents[i] is the index of the parent of the i-th ROI.
TODO: have the parents as a list of id rather than a list of indices.
[docs] def __init__(self, domain, label, parents, id=None):
"""Building the HierarchicalROI
SubDomains.__init__(self, domain, label, id=id)
self.parents = np.ravel(parents).astype(np.int)
# Getters for very basic features or roi features
[docs] def get_volume(self, id=None, ignore_children=True):
"""Get ROI volume
id: any hashable type, optional
Id of the ROI from which we want to get the volume.
Can be None (default) if we want all ROIs's volumes.
ignore_children : bool, optional
Specify if the volume of the node should include
(ignore_children = False) or not the one of its children
(ignore_children = True).
volume : float
if an id is provided,
or list of float
if no id provided (default)
if ignore_children:
# volume of the children is not included
volume = SubDomains.get_volume(self, id)
# volume of the children is included
if id is not None:
volume = SubDomains.get_volume(self, id)
desc = self.make_forest().get_descendants(
self.select_id(id), exclude_self=True)
# get children volume
for k in desc:
volume = volume + SubDomains.get_volume(
self, self.get_id()[k])
volume = []
for id in self.get_id():
roi_volume = SubDomains.get_volume(self, id)
desc = self.make_forest().get_descendants(
self.select_id(id), exclude_self=True)
# get children volume
for k in desc:
roi_volume = roi_volume + SubDomains.get_volume(
self, self.get_id()[k])
return volume
[docs] def get_size(self, id=None, ignore_children=True):
"""Get ROI size (counted in terms of voxels)
id: any hashable type, optional
Id of the ROI from which we want to get the size.
Can be None (default) if we want all ROIs's sizes.
ignore_children: bool, optional
Specify if the size of the node should include
(ignore_children = False) or not the one of its children
(ignore_children = True).
size: int
if an id is provided,
or list of int
if no id provided (default)
if ignore_children:
# size of the children is not included
size = SubDomains.get_size(self, id)
# size of the children is included
if id is not None:
size = SubDomains.get_size(self, id)
desc = self.make_forest().get_descendants(
self.select_id(id), exclude_self=True)
# get children size
for k in desc:
size = size + SubDomains.get_size(self, self.get_id()[k])
size = []
for id in self.get_id():
roi_size = SubDomains.get_size(self, id)
desc = self.make_forest().get_descendants(
self.select_id(id), exclude_self=True)
# get children size
for k in desc:
roi_size = roi_size + SubDomains.get_size(
self, self.get_id()[k])
return size
[docs] def select_roi(self, id_list):
"""Returns an instance of HROI with only the subset of chosen ROIs.
The hierarchy is set accordingly.
id_list: list of id (any hashable type)
The id of the ROI to be kept in the structure.
valid = np.asarray([int(i in id_list) for i in self.get_id()])
if np.size(id_list) == 0:
# handle the case of an empty selection
new_parents = np.array([])
self = HierarchicalROI(
self.domain, -np.ones(self.label.size), np.array([]))
# get new parents
new_parents = Forest(self.k, self.parents).subforest(
SubDomains.select_roi(self, id_list)
self.parents = new_parents
[docs] def make_graph(self):
"""Output an nipy graph structure to represent the ROI hierarchy.
if self.k == 0:
return None
weights = np.ones(self.k)
edges = (np.vstack((np.arange(self.k), self.parents))).T
return WeightedGraph(self.k, edges, weights)
[docs] def make_forest(self):
"""Output an nipy forest structure to represent the ROI hierarchy.
if self.k == 0:
return None
G = Forest(self.k, self.parents)
return G
[docs] def merge_ascending(self, id_list, pull_features=None):
"""Remove the non-valid ROIs by including them in
their parents when it exists.
id_list: list of id (any hashable type)
The id of the ROI to be merged into their parents.
Nodes that are their own parent are unmodified.
pull_features: list of str
List of the ROI features that will be pooled from the children
when they are merged into their parents. Otherwise, the receiving
parent would keep its own ROI feature.
if pull_features is None:
pull_features = []
if self.k == 0:
id_list = [k for k in self.get_id() if k in id_list]
# relabel maps old labels to new labels
relabel = np.arange(self.k)
# merge nodes, one at a time
for c_id in id_list:
# define alias for clearer indexing
c_pos = self.select_id(c_id)
p_pos = self.parents[c_pos]
p_id = self.get_id()[p_pos]
if p_pos != c_pos:
# this will be used in many places
mask_pos = np.ones(self.k, np.bool)
mask_pos[c_pos] = False
# set new parents
self.parents = self.parents[mask_pos]
self.parents[self.parents == c_pos] = p_pos
self.parents[self.parents > c_pos] -= 1
self.k -= 1
# merge labels
relabel[relabel == c_id] = p_id
# compute new features
for fid in list(self.features):
# replace feature
# (without the API since self is in an inconsistent state)
dj = self.get_feature(fid)
dj[p_pos] = np.hstack((dj[self.select_id(c_id)],
del dj[c_pos]
self.features[fid] = dj
# compute new roi features
for fid in list(self.roi_features):
dj = self.get_roi_feature(fid)
if fid in pull_features:
# modify only if `pull` requested
dj[p_pos] = dj[c_pos]
self.roi_features[fid] = dj[mask_pos]
# update the labels
self.label[self.label > -1] = relabel[self.label[self.label > - 1]]
[docs] def merge_descending(self, pull_features=None):
""" Remove the items with only one son by including them in their son
methods indicates the way possible features are dealt with
(not implemented yet)
Caveat: if roi_features have been defined, they will be removed
if pull_features is None:
pull_features = []
if self.k == 0:
# relabel maps old labels to new labels
relabel = np.arange(self.k)
# merge nodes, one at a time
id_list = self.get_id()[:: - 1]
for p_id in id_list:
p_pos = self.select_id(p_id)
p_children = np.nonzero(self.parents == p_pos)[0]
if p_pos in p_children:
# remove current node from its children list
p_children = p_children[p_children != p_pos]
if p_children.size == 1:
# merge node if it has only one child
c_pos = p_children[0]
c_id = self.get_id()[c_pos]
mask_pos = np.ones(self.k, np.bool)
mask_pos[p_pos] = False
# set new parents
self.parents[c_pos] = self.parents[p_pos]
if self.parents[c_pos] == p_pos:
self.parents[c_pos] = c_pos
self.parents = self.parents[mask_pos]
self.parents[self.parents > p_pos] -= 1
# merge labels
relabel[relabel == p_pos] = relabel[c_pos]
self.k -= 1
# compute new features
for fid in list(self.features):
# replace feature
# (without the API since self is in an inconsistent state)
dj = self.get_feature(fid)
dj[c_pos] = np.hstack((dj[self.select_id(c_id)],
del dj[p_pos]
self.features[fid] = dj
# compute new roi features
for fid in list(self.roi_features):
dj = self.get_roi_feature(fid)
if fid in pull_features:
# modify only if `pull` requested
dj[c_pos] = dj[p_pos]
self.roi_features[fid] = dj[mask_pos]
# update HROI structure
self.label[self.label > -1] = relabel[self.label[self.label > - 1]]
[docs] def get_parents(self):
"""Return the parent of each node in the hierarchy
The parents are represented by their position in the nodes flat list.
The purpose of this class API is not to rely on this order, so
we should have self.parents as a list of ids instead of a list of
return self.parents
[docs] def get_leaves_id(self):
"""Return the ids of the leaves.
if self.k == 0:
return np.array([])
# locate the positions of the children of each node
is_leaf_aux = [np.where(self.parents == k)[0] for k in range(self.k)]
# select nodes that has no child (different from themselves)
is_leaf = np.asarray(
[(len(child) == 0) or (len(child) == 1 and child[0] == i)
for i, child in enumerate(is_leaf_aux)])
# finaly return ids
return self.get_id()[is_leaf]
[docs] def reduce_to_leaves(self):
"""Create a new set of rois which are only the leaves of self.
Modification of the structure is done in place. One way therefore
want to work on a copy a of a given HROI oject.
if self.k == 0:
# handle the empy HROI case
return HierarchicalROI(
self.domain, -np.ones(self.domain.size), np.array([]))
leaves_id = self.get_leaves_id()
[docs] def copy(self):
""" Returns a copy of self.
self.domain is not copied.
cp = HierarchicalROI(
self.domain, self.label.copy(), self.parents.copy(), self.get_id())
# copy features
for fid in self.features:
cp.set_feature(fid, self.get_feature(fid))
# copy ROI features
for fid in self.roi_features:
cp.set_roi_feature(fid, self.get_roi_feature(fid))
return cp
[docs] def representative_feature(self, fid, method='mean', id=None,
ignore_children=True, assess_quality=True):
"""Compute a ROI representative of a given feature.
fid: str,
Feature id
method: str,
Method used to compute a representative.
Chosen among 'mean' (default), 'max', 'median', 'min',
'weighted mean'.
id: any hashable type
Id of the ROI from which we want to extract a representative feature.
Can be None (default) if we want to get all ROIs's representatives.
ignore_children: bool,
Specify if the volume of the node should include
(ignore_children = False) or not the one of its children
(ignore_children = True).
assess_quality: bool
If True, a new roi feature is created, which represent the quality
of the feature representative (the number of non-nan value for the
feature over the ROI size).
Default is False.
rf = []
eps = 1.e-15
feature_quality = np.zeros(self.k)
for i, k in enumerate(self.get_id()):
f = self.get_feature(fid, k)
p_pos = self.select_id(k)
if not ignore_children:
# also include the children features
desc = np.nonzero(self.parents == p_pos)[0]
if p_pos in desc:
desc = desc[desc != p_pos]
for c in desc:
f = np.concatenate(
(f, self.get_feature(fid, self.get_id()[c])))
# NaN-resistant representative
if f.ndim == 2:
nan = np.isnan(f.sum(1))
nan = np.isnan(f)
# feature quality
feature_quality[i] = (~nan).sum() / float(nan.size)
# compute representative
if method == "mean":
rf.append(np.mean(f[~nan], 0))
if method == "weighted mean":
lvk = self.get_local_volume(k)
if not ignore_children:
# append weights for children's voxels
for c in desc:
lvk = np.concatenate(
self.get_local_volume(fid, self.select_id(c))))
tmp = np.dot(lvk[~nan], f[~nan].reshape((-1, 1))) / \
np.maximum(eps, np.sum(lvk[~nan]))
if method == "min":
if method == "max":
if method == "median":
rf.append(np.median(f[~nan], 0))
if id is not None:
summary_feature = rf[self.select_id(id)]
summary_feature = rf
if assess_quality:
self.set_roi_feature('%s_quality' % fid, feature_quality)
return np.array(summary_feature)
[docs]def make_hroi_from_subdomain(sub_domain, parents):
"""Instantiate an HROi from a SubDomain instance and parents
hroi = HierarchicalROI(sub_domain.domain, sub_domain.label, parents)
# set features
for fid in sub_domain.features:
hroi.set_feature(fid, sub_domain.get_feature(fid))
# set ROI features
for fid in sub_domain.roi_features:
hroi.set_roi_feature(fid, sub_domain.get_roi_feature(fid))
return hroi