This module defines the StructuredDomain class,
that represents a generic neuroimaging kind of domain
This is meant to provide a unified API to deal with n-d imaged and meshes.
Author: Bertrand Thirion, 2010
from __future__ import absolute_import
import numpy as np
import scipy.sparse as sp
from nibabel import load, Nifti1Image, save
from nipy.io.nibcompat import get_header, get_affine
from nipy.algorithms.graph import (WeightedGraph, wgraph_from_coo_matrix,
from nipy.externals.six import string_types
# Ancillary functions
[docs]def smatrix_from_3d_array(mask, nn=18):
"""Create a sparse adjacency matrix from an array
mask : 3d array,
input array, interpreted as a mask
nn: int, optional
3d neighboring system to be chosen within {6, 18, 26}
coo_mat: a sparse coo matrix,
adjacency of the neighboring system
ijk = np.array(np.where(mask)).T
return smatrix_from_3d_idx(ijk, nn)
[docs]def smatrix_from_3d_idx(ijk, nn=18):
"""Create a sparse adjacency matrix from 3d index system
idx:array of shape (n_samples, 3), type int
indexes of certain positions in a 3d space
nn: int, optional
3d neighboring system to be chosen within {6, 18, 26}
coo_mat: a sparse coo matrix,
adjacency of the neighboring system
G = wgraph_from_3d_grid(ijk, nn)
return G.to_coo_matrix()
[docs]def smatrix_from_nd_array(mask, nn=0):
"""Create a sparse adjacency matrix from an arbitrary nd array
mask : nd array,
input array, interpreted as a mask
nn: int, optional
nd neighboring system, unsused at the moment
coo_mat: a sparse coo matrix,
adjacency of the neighboring system
idx = np.array(np.where(mask)).T
return smatrix_from_nd_idx(idx, nn)
[docs]def smatrix_from_nd_idx(idx, nn=0):
"""Create a sparse adjacency matrix from nd index system
idx:array of shape (n_samples, dim), type int
indexes of certain positions in a nd space
nn: int, optional
nd neighboring system, unused at the moment
coo_mat: a sparse coo matrix,
adjacency of the neighboring system
n = idx.shape[0]
dim = idx.shape[1]
nidx = idx - idx.min(0)
eA = []
eB = []
# compute the edges in each possible direction
for d in range(dim):
mi = nidx.max(0) + 2
a = np.hstack((1, np.cumprod(mi[:dim - 1])))
v1 = np.dot(nidx, a)
assert(np.size(v1) == np.size(np.unique(v1)))
o1 = np.argsort(v1)
sv1 = v1[o1]
nz = np.squeeze(np.nonzero(sv1[:n - 1] - sv1[1:] == - 1))
nz = np.reshape(nz, np.size(nz))
eB.append(o1[nz + 1])
nidx = np.roll(nidx, 1, 1)
eA = np.concatenate(eA)
eB = np.concatenate(eB)
E = 2 * np.size(eA)
# create a graph structure
if E == 0:
return sp.coo_matrix((n, n))
edges = np.vstack((np.hstack((eA, eB)), np.hstack((eB, eA)))).T
weights = np.ones(E)
G = WeightedGraph(n, edges, weights)
return G.to_coo_matrix()
[docs]def array_affine_coord(mask, affine):
"""Compute coordinates from a boolean array and an affine transform
mask: nd array,
input array, interpreted as a mask
affine: (n+1, n+1) matrix,
affine transform that maps the mask points to some embedding space
coords: array of shape(sum(mask>0), n),
the computed coordinates
idx = np.array(np.where(mask)).T
return idx_affine_coord(idx, affine)
[docs]def idx_affine_coord(idx, affine):
"""Compute coordinates from a set of indexes and an affine transform
idx:array of shape (n_samples, dim), type int
indexes of certain positions in a nd space
affine: (n+1, n+1) matrix,
affine transform that maps the mask points to some embedding space
coords: array of shape(sum(mask>0), n),
the computed coordinates
size = idx.shape[0]
hidx = np.hstack((idx, np.ones((size, 1))))
coord = np.dot(hidx, affine.T)[:, 0:-1]
return coord
[docs]def reduce_coo_matrix(mat, mask):
"""Reduce a supposedly coo_matrix to the vertices in the mask
mat: sparse coo_matrix,
input matrix
mask: boolean array of shape mat.shape[0],
desired elements
G = wgraph_from_coo_matrix(mat)
K = G.subgraph(mask)
if K is None:
return None
return K.to_coo_matrix()
# Functions to instantiate StructuredDomains
[docs]def domain_from_binary_array(mask, affine=None, nn=0):
"""Return a StructuredDomain from an n-d array
mask: np.array instance
a supposedly boolean array that repesents the domain
affine: np.array, optional
affine transform that maps the array coordinates
to some embedding space
by default, this is np.eye(dim+1, dim+1)
nn: neighboring system considered
unsued at the moment
dim = len(mask.shape)
if affine is None:
affine = np.eye(dim + 1)
mask = mask > 0
vol = np.absolute(np.linalg.det(affine)) * np.ones(np.sum(mask))
coord = array_affine_coord(mask, affine)
topology = smatrix_from_nd_array(mask)
return StructuredDomain(dim, coord, vol, topology)
[docs]def domain_from_image(mim, nn=18):
"""Return a StructuredDomain instance from the input mask image
mim: NiftiIImage instance, or string path toward such an image
supposedly a mask (where is used to crate the DD)
nn: int, optional
neighboring system considered from the image
can be 6, 18 or 26
The corresponding StructuredDomain instance
if isinstance(mim, string_types):
iim = load(mim)
iim = mim
return domain_from_binary_array(iim.get_data(), get_affine(iim), nn)
[docs]def grid_domain_from_binary_array(mask, affine=None, nn=0):
"""Return a NDGridDomain from an n-d array
mask: np.array instance
a supposedly boolean array that repesents the domain
affine: np.array, optional
affine transform that maps the array coordinates
to some embedding space
by default, this is np.eye(dim+1, dim+1)
nn: neighboring system considered
unsued at the moment
dim = len(mask.shape)
shape = mask.shape
if affine is None:
affine = np.eye(dim + 1)
mask = mask > 0
ijk = np.array(np.where(mask)).T
vol = np.absolute(np.linalg.det(affine[:3, 0:3])) * np.ones(np.sum(mask))
topology = smatrix_from_nd_idx(ijk, nn)
return NDGridDomain(dim, ijk, shape, affine, vol, topology)
[docs]def grid_domain_from_image(mim, nn=18):
"""Return a NDGridDomain instance from the input mask image
mim: NiftiIImage instance, or string path toward such an image
supposedly a mask (where is used to crate the DD)
nn: int, optional
neighboring system considered from the image
can be 6, 18 or 26
The corresponding NDGridDomain instance
if isinstance(mim, string_types):
iim = load(mim)
iim = mim
return grid_domain_from_binary_array(iim.get_data(), get_affine(iim), nn)
[docs]def grid_domain_from_shape(shape, affine=None):
"""Return a NDGridDomain from an n-d array
shape: tuple
the shape of a rectangular domain.
affine: np.array, optional
affine transform that maps the array coordinates
to some embedding space.
By default, this is np.eye(dim+1, dim+1)
dim = len(shape)
if affine is None:
affine = np.eye(dim + 1)
rect = np.ones(shape)
ijk = np.array(np.where(rect)).T
vol = (np.absolute(np.linalg.det(affine[:3, 0:3])) *
topology = smatrix_from_nd_idx(ijk, 0)
return NDGridDomain(dim, ijk, shape, affine, vol, topology)
# Domain from mesh
[docs]class MeshDomain(object):
temporary class to handle meshes
[docs] def __init__(self, coord, triangles):
"""Initialize mesh domain instance
coord: array of shape (n_vertices, 3),
the node coordinates
triangles: array of shape(n_triables, 3),
indices of the nodes per triangle
self.coord = coord
self.triangles = triangles
self.V = len(coord)
# fixme: implement consistency checks
[docs] def area(self):
"""Return array of areas for each node
area: array of shape self.V,
area of each node
E = len(self.triangles)
narea = np.zeros(self.V)
def _area(a, b):
"""Area spanned by the vectors(a,b) in 3D
c = np.array([a[1] * b[2] - a[2] * b[1],
- a[0] * b[2] + a[2] * b[0],
a[0] * b[1] - a[1] * b[0]])
return np.sqrt((c ** 2).sum())
for e in range(E):
i, j, k = self.triangles[e]
a = self.coord[i] - self.coord[k]
b = self.coord[j] - self.coord[k]
ar = _area(a, b)
narea[i] += ar
narea[j] += ar
narea[k] += ar
narea /= 6
# because division by 2 has been 'forgotten' in area computation
# the area of a triangle is divided into the 3 vertices
return narea
[docs] def topology(self):
"""Returns a sparse matrix that represents the connectivity in self
E = len(self.triangles)
edges = np.zeros((3 * E, 2))
weights = np.ones(3 * E)
for i in range(E):
sa, sb, sc = self.triangles[i]
edges[3 * i] = np.array([sa, sb])
edges[3 * i + 1] = np.array([sa, sc])
edges[3 * i + 2] = np.array([sb, sc])
G = WeightedGraph(self.V, edges, weights)
# symmeterize the graph
G = G.symmeterize()
# remove redundant edges
G = G.cut_redundancies()
# make it a metric graph
return G.to_coo_matrix()
[docs]def domain_from_mesh(mesh):
"""Instantiate a StructuredDomain from a gifti mesh
mesh: nibabel gifti mesh instance, or path to such a mesh
if isinstance(mesh, string_types):
from nibabel.gifti import read
mesh_ = read(mesh)
mesh_ = mesh
if len(mesh_.darrays) == 2:
cor, tri = mesh_.darrays
elif len(mesh_.darrays) == 3:
cor, nor, tri = mesh_.darrays
raise Exception("%d arrays in gifti file (case not handled)" \
% len(mesh_.darrays))
mesh_dom = MeshDomain(cor.data, tri.data)
vol = mesh_dom.area()
topology = mesh_dom.topology()
dim = 2
return StructuredDomain(dim, mesh_dom.coord, vol, topology)
# StructuredDomain class
[docs]class DiscreteDomain(object):
Descriptor of a certain domain that consists of discrete elements that
are characterized by a coordinate system and a topology:
the coordinate system is specified through a coordinate array
the topology encodes the neighboring system
[docs] def __init__(self, dim, coord, local_volume, id='', referential=''):
"""Initialize discrete domain instance
dim: int
the (physical) dimension of the domain.
coord: array of shape(size, em_dim)
explicit coordinates of the domain sites.
local_volume: array of shape(size)
yields the volume associated with each site.
id: string, optional
domain identifier.
referential: string, optional
identifier of the referential of the coordinates system.
Caveat: em_dim may be greater than dim e.g. (meshes coordinate in 3D)
# dimension
self.dim = dim
# number of discrete elements
self.size = coord.shape[0]
# coordinate system
if np.size(coord) == coord.shape[0]:
coord = np.reshape(coord, (np.size(coord), 1))
if np.size(coord) == 0:
self.em_dim = dim
self.em_dim = coord.shape[1]
if self.em_dim < dim:
raise ValueError('Embedding dimension cannot be smaller than dim')
self.coord = coord
# volume
if np.size(local_volume) != self.size:
raise ValueError("Inconsistent Volume size")
if (local_volume < 0).any():
raise ValueError('Volume should be positive')
self.local_volume = np.ravel(local_volume)
self.id = id
self.referential = referential
self.features = {}
[docs] def copy(self):
"""Returns a copy of self
new_dom = DiscreteDomain(self.dim, self.coord.copy(),
self.local_volume.copy(), self.id,
for fid in list(self.features.keys()):
new_dom.set_feature(fid, self.get_feature(fid).copy())
return new_dom
[docs] def get_coord(self):
"""Returns self.coord
return self.coord
[docs] def get_volume(self):
"""Returns self.local_volume
return self.local_volume
[docs] def connected_components(self):
"""returns a labelling of the domain into connected components
if self.topology is not None:
return wgraph_from_coo_matrix(self.topology).cc()
return []
[docs] def mask(self, bmask, id=''):
"""Returns an DiscreteDomain instance that has been further masked
if bmask.size != self.size:
raise ValueError('Invalid mask size')
svol = self.local_volume[bmask]
scoord = self.coord[bmask]
DD = DiscreteDomain(self.dim, scoord, svol, id, self.referential)
for fid in list(self.features.keys()):
f = self.features.pop(fid)
DD.set_feature(fid, f[bmask])
return DD
[docs] def set_feature(self, fid, data, override=True):
"""Append a feature 'fid'
fid: string,
feature identifier
data: array of shape(self.size, p) or self.size
the feature data
if data.shape[0] != self.size:
raise ValueError('Wrong data size')
if (fid in self.features) & (override == False):
self.features.update({fid: data})
[docs] def get_feature(self, fid):
"""Return self.features[fid]
return self.features[fid]
[docs] def representative_feature(self, fid, method):
"""Compute a statistical representative of the within-Foain feature
fid: string, feature id
method: string, method used to compute a representative
to be chosen among 'mean', 'max', 'median', 'min'
f = self.get_feature(fid)
if method == "mean":
return np.mean(f, 0)
if method == "min":
return np.min(f, 0)
if method == "max":
return np.max(f, 0)
if method == "median":
return np.median(f, 0)
[docs] def integrate(self, fid):
"""Integrate certain feature over the domain and returns the result
fid : string, feature identifier,
by default, the 1 function is integrataed, yielding domain volume
lsum = array of shape (self.feature[fid].shape[1]),
the result
if fid is None:
return np.sum(self.local_volume)
ffid = self.features[fid]
if np.size(ffid) == ffid.shape[0]:
ffid = np.reshape(ffid, (self.size, 1))
slv = np.reshape(self.local_volume, (self.size, 1))
return np.sum(ffid * slv, 0)
[docs]class StructuredDomain(DiscreteDomain):
Besides DiscreteDomain attributed, StructuredDomain has a topology,
which allows many operations (morphology etc.)
[docs] def __init__(self, dim, coord, local_volume, topology, did='',
"""Initialize structured domain instance
dim: int,
the (physical) dimension of the domain
coord: array of shape(size, em_dim),
explicit coordinates of the domain sites
local_volume: array of shape(size),
yields the volume associated with each site
topology: sparse binary coo_matrix of shape (size, size),
that yields the neighboring locations in the domain
did: string, optional,
domain identifier
referential: string, optional,
identifier of the referential of the coordinates system
DiscreteDomain.__init__(self, dim, coord, local_volume, id,
# topology
if topology is not None:
if topology.shape != (self.size, self.size):
raise ValueError('Incompatible shape for topological model')
self.topology = topology
[docs] def mask(self, bmask, did=''):
"""Returns a StructuredDomain instance that has been further masked
td = DiscreteDomain.mask(self, bmask)
stopo = reduce_coo_matrix(self.topology, bmask)
dd = StructuredDomain(self.dim, td.coord, td.local_volume,
stopo, did, self.referential)
for fid in list(td.features.keys()):
dd.set_feature(fid, td.features.pop(fid))
return dd
[docs]class NDGridDomain(StructuredDomain):
Particular instance of StructuredDomain, that receives
3 additional variables:
affine: array of shape (dim+1, dim+1),
affine transform that maps points to a coordinate system
shape: dim-tuple,
shape of the domain
ijk: array of shape(size, dim), int
grid coordinates of the points
This is to allow easy conversion to images when dim==3,
and for compatibility with previous classes
[docs] def __init__(self, dim, ijk, shape, affine, local_volume, topology,
"""Initialize ndgrid domain instance
dim: int,
the (physical) dimension of the domain
ijk: array of shape(size, dim), int
grid coordinates of the points
shape: dim-tuple,
shape of the domain
affine: array of shape (dim+1, dim+1),
affine transform that maps points to a coordinate system
local_volume: array of shape(size),
yields the volume associated with each site
topology: sparse binary coo_matrix of shape (size, size),
that yields the neighboring locations in the domain
referential: string, optional,
identifier of the referential of the coordinates system
FIXME: local_volume might be computed on-the-fly as |det(affine)|
# shape
if len(shape) != dim:
raise ValueError('Incompatible shape and dim')
self.shape = shape
# affine
if affine.shape != (dim + 1, dim + 1):
raise ValueError('Incompatible dim and affine')
self.affine = affine
# ijk
if (np.size(ijk) == ijk.shape[0]) & (np.size(ijk) > 0):
ijk = np.reshape(ijk, (ijk.size, 1))
if (ijk.max(0) + 1 > shape).any():
raise ValueError('Provided indices do not fit within shape')
self.ijk = ijk
# coord
coord = idx_affine_coord(ijk, affine)
StructuredDomain.__init__(self, dim, coord, local_volume, topology)
[docs] def mask(self, bmask):
"""Returns an instance of self that has been further masked
if bmask.size != self.size:
raise ValueError('Invalid mask size')
svol = self.local_volume[bmask]
stopo = reduce_coo_matrix(self.topology, bmask)
sijk = self.ijk[bmask]
DD = NDGridDomain(self.dim, sijk, self.shape, self.affine, svol,
stopo, self.referential)
for fid in list(self.features.keys()):
f = self.features.pop(fid)
DD.set_feature(fid, f[bmask])
return DD
[docs] def to_image(self, path=None, data=None):
"""Write itself as a binary image, and returns it
path: string, path of the output image, if any
data: array of shape self.size,
data to put in the nonzer-region of the image
if data is None:
wdata = np.zeros(self.shape, np.int8)
wdata = np.zeros(self.shape, data.dtype)
wdata[self.ijk[:, 0], self.ijk[:, 1], self.ijk[:, 2]] = 1
if data is not None:
if data.size != self.size:
raise ValueError('incorrect data size')
wdata[wdata > 0] = data
nim = Nifti1Image(wdata, self.affine)
get_header(nim)['descrip'] = ('mask image representing domain %s'
% self.id)
if path is not None:
save(nim, path)
return nim
[docs] def make_feature_from_image(self, path, fid=''):
"""Extract the information from an image to make it a domain a feature
path: string or Nifti1Image instance,
the image from which one wished to extract data
fid: string, optional
identifier of the resulting feature.
if '', the feature is not stored
the correponding set of values
if isinstance(path, string_types):
nim = load(path)
nim = path
if (get_affine(nim) != self.affine).any():
raise ValueError('nim and self do not have the same referential')
data = nim.get_data()
feature = data[self.ijk[:, 0], self.ijk[:, 1], self.ijk[:, 2]]
if fid is not '':
self.features[fid] = feature
return feature