Source code for

# emacs: -*- mode: python; py-indent-offset: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*-
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"""One and two sample permutation tests.
from __future__ import print_function, absolute_import

# Third-party imports
import numpy as np
import scipy.misc as sm
import warnings

# Our own imports
from nipy.algorithms.graph import wgraph_from_3d_grid
from nipy.algorithms.graph.field import Field, field_from_graph_and_data

from ..utils import zscore
from .onesample import stat as os_stat, stat_mfx as os_stat_mfx
from .twosample import stat as ts_stat, stat_mfx as ts_stat_mfx

# Default parameters
DEF_NDRAWS = int(1e5)
DEF_NPERMS = int(1e4)

# Cluster extraction functions

[docs]def extract_clusters_from_thresh(T,XYZ,th,k=18): """ Extract clusters from statistical map above specified threshold In: T (p) statistical map XYZ (3,p) voxels coordinates th <float> threshold k <int> the number of neighbours considered. (6,18 or 26) Out: labels (p) cluster labels """ labels = -np.ones(len(T),int) I = np.where(T >= th)[0] if len(I)>0: SupraThreshXYZ = XYZ[:, I] CC_label = wgraph_from_3d_grid(SupraThreshXYZ.T, k).cc() labels[I] = CC_label return labels
[docs]def max_dist(XYZ,I,J): """ Maximum distance between two set of points In: XYZ (3,p) voxels coordinates I (q) index of points J (r) index of points Out: d <float> """ if min(min(np.shape(I)), min(np.shape(J))) == 0: return 0 else: # Square distance matrix D = np.sum(np.square(XYZ[:,I].reshape(3, len(I), 1) - XYZ[:, J].reshape(3, 1, len(J))), axis=0) return np.sqrt((D).max())
[docs]def extract_clusters_from_diam(T, XYZ, th, diam, k=18): """ Extract clusters from a statistical map under diameter constraint and above given threshold In: T (p) statistical map XYZ (3,p) voxels coordinates th <float> minimum threshold diam <int> maximal diameter (in voxels) k <int> the number of neighbours considered. (6,18 or 26) Out: labels (p) cluster labels Comment by alexis-roche, September 15th 2012: this function was originally developed by Merlin Keller in an attempt to generalize classical cluster-level analysis by subdividing clusters in blobs with limited diameter (at least, this is my understanding). This piece of code seems to have remained very experimental and its usefulness in real-world neuroimaging image studies is still to be demonstrated. """ CClabels = extract_clusters_from_thresh(T,XYZ,th,k) nCC = CClabels.max() + 1 labels = -np.ones(len(CClabels),int) # Calls _extract_clusters_from_diam, a recursive function, and # catches an exception if maximum recursion depth is reached try: labels = _extract_clusters_from_diam(labels, T, XYZ, th, diam, k, nCC, CClabels) except RuntimeError: warnings.warn('_extract_clusters_from_diam did not converge') return labels
def _extract_clusters_from_diam(labels, T, XYZ, th, diam, k, nCC, CClabels): """ This recursive function modifies the `labels` input array. """ clust_label = 0 for i in range(nCC): #print "Searching connected component ", i, " out of ", nCC I = np.where(CClabels==i)[0] extCC = len(I) if extCC <= (diam+1)**3: diamCC = max_dist(XYZ,I,I) else: diamCC = diam+1 if diamCC <= diam: labels[I] = np.zeros(extCC,int) + clust_label #print "cluster ", clust_label, ", diam = ", diamCC #print "ext = ", len(I), ", diam = ", max_dist(XYZ,I,I) clust_label += 1 else: # build the field p = len(T[I]) F = field_from_graph_and_data( wgraph_from_3d_grid(XYZ[:, I].T, k), np.reshape(T[I],(p,1))) # compute the blobs idx, parent,label = F.threshold_bifurcations(0,th) nidx = np.size(idx) height = np.array([np.ceil(np.sum(label == i) ** (1./3)) for i in np.arange(nidx)]) #root = nidx-1 root = np.where(np.arange(nidx)==parent)[0] # Can constraint be met within current region? Imin = I[T[I]>=height[root]] extmin = len(Imin) if extmin <= (diam+1)**3: dmin = max_dist(XYZ,Imin,Imin) else: dmin = diam+1 if dmin <= diam:# If so, search for the largest cluster meeting the constraint Iclust = Imin # Smallest cluster J = I[T[I]<height[root]] # Remaining voxels argsortTJ = np.argsort(T[J])[::-1] # Sorted by decreasing T values l = 0 L = np.array([J[argsortTJ[l]]],int) diameter = dmin new_diameter = max(dmin,max_dist(XYZ,Iclust,L)) while new_diameter <= diam: #print "diameter = " + str(new_diameter) #sys.stdout.flush() Iclust = np.concatenate((Iclust,L)) diameter = new_diameter #print "diameter = ", diameter l += 1 L = np.array([J[argsortTJ[l]]],int) new_diameter = max(diameter,max_dist(XYZ,Iclust,L)) labels[Iclust] = np.zeros(len(Iclust),int) + clust_label #print "cluster ", clust_label, ", diam = ", diameter #print "ext = ", len(Iclust), ", diam = ", max_dist(XYZ,Iclust,Iclust) clust_label += 1 else:# If not, search inside sub-regions #print "Searching inside sub-regions " Irest = I[T[I]>height[root]] rest_labels = extract_clusters_from_diam(T[Irest],XYZ[:,Irest],th,diam,k) rest_labels[rest_labels>=0] += clust_label clust_label = rest_labels.max() + 1 labels[Irest] = rest_labels return labels
[docs]def extract_clusters_from_graph(T, G, th): """ This returns a label vector of same size as T, defining connected components for subgraph of weighted graph G containing vertices s.t. T >= th """ labels = np.zeros(len(T), int) - 1 I = T >= th nlabels = I.sum() if nlabels > 0: labels[I] = G.subgraph(I).cc() return labels
#====================================== #====================================== # Useful functions #====================================== #======================================
[docs]def sorted_values(a): """ Extract list of distinct sortedvalues from an array """ if len(a) == 0: return [] else: m = min(a) L = [m] L.extend( sorted_values(a[a>m]) ) return L
[docs]def onesample_stat(Y, V, stat_id, base=0.0, axis=0, Magics=None, niter=DEF_NITER): """ Wrapper for os_stat and os_stat_mfx """ if stat_id.find('_mfx')<0: return os_stat(Y, stat_id, base, axis, Magics) else: return os_stat_mfx(Y, V, stat_id, base, axis, Magics, niter)
[docs]def twosample_stat(Y1, V1, Y2, V2, stat_id, axis=0, Magics=None, niter=DEF_NITER): """ Wrapper for ts_stat and ts_stat_mfx """ if stat_id.find('_mfx')<0: return ts_stat(Y1, Y2, stat_id, axis, Magics) else: return ts_stat_mfx(Y1, V1, Y2, V2, stat_id, axis, Magics, niter)
#================================================= #================================================= # Compute cluster and region summary statistics #================================================= #=================================================
[docs]def compute_cluster_stats(Tvalues, labels, random_Tvalues, cluster_stats=["size","Fisher"]): """ size_values, Fisher_values = compute_cluster_stats(Tvalues, labels, random_Tvalues, cluster_stats=["size","Fisher"]) Compute summary statistics in each cluster In: see permutation_test_onesample class docstring Out: size_values Array of size nclust, or None if "size" not in cluster_stats Fisher_values Array of size nclust, or None if "Fisher" not in cluster_stats """ nclust = max(labels)+1 if nclust == 0: if "size" in cluster_stats: size_values = np.array([0]) else: size_values = None if "Fisher" in cluster_stats: Fisher_values = np.array([0]) else: Fisher_values = None else: if "size" in cluster_stats: size_values = np.zeros(nclust,int) else: size_values = None if "Fisher" in cluster_stats: Fisher_values = np.zeros(nclust,float) ndraws = len(random_Tvalues) pseudo_p_values = 1 - np.searchsorted(random_Tvalues,Tvalues)/float(ndraws) else: Fisher_values = None for i in range(nclust): I = np.where(labels==i)[0] if "size" in cluster_stats: size_values[i] = len(I) if "Fisher" in cluster_stats: Fisher_values[i] = -np.sum(np.log(pseudo_p_values[I])) return size_values, Fisher_values
[docs]def compute_region_stat(Tvalues, labels, label_values, random_Tvalues): """ Fisher_values = compute_region_stat(Tvalues, labels, label_values, random_Tvalues) Compute summary statistics in each cluster In: see permutation_test_onesample class docstring Out: Fisher_values Array of size nregions """ Fisher_values = np.zeros(len(label_values),float) pseudo_p_values = 1 - np.searchsorted(random_Tvalues,Tvalues)/float(len(random_Tvalues)) for i in range(len(label_values)): I = np.where(labels==label_values[i])[0] Fisher_values[i] = -np.sum(np.log(pseudo_p_values[I])) return Fisher_values
[docs]def peak_XYZ(XYZ, Tvalues, labels, label_values): """ Returns (3, n_labels) array of maximum T values coordinates for each label value """ C = np.zeros((3, len(label_values)), int) for i in range(len(label_values)): I = np.where(labels == label_values[i])[0] C[:, i] = XYZ[:, I[np.argmax(Tvalues[I])]] return C
#====================================== #====================================== # Generic permutation test class #====================================== #======================================
[docs]class permutation_test(object): """ This generic permutation test class contains the calibration method which is common to the derived classes permutation_test_onesample and permutation_test_twosample (as well as other common methods) """ #======================================================= # Permutation test calibration of summary statistics #=======================================================
[docs] def calibrate(self, nperms=DEF_NPERMS, clusters=None, cluster_stats=["size","Fisher"], regions=None, region_stats=["Fisher"], verbose=False): """ Calibrate cluster and region summary statistics using permutation test Parameters ---------- nperms : int, optional Number of random permutations generated. Exhaustive permutations are used only if nperms=None, or exceeds total number of possible permutations clusters : list [(thresh1,diam1),(thresh2,diam2),...], optional List of cluster extraction pairs: (thresh,diam). *thresh* provides T values threshold, *diam* is the maximum cluster diameter, in voxels. Using *diam*==None yields classical suprathreshold clusters. cluster_stats : list [stat1,...], optional List of cluster summary statistics id (either 'size' or 'Fisher') regions : list [Labels1,Labels2,...] List of region labels arrays, of size (p,) where p is the number of voxels region_stats : list [stat1,...], optional List of cluster summary statistics id (only 'Fisher' supported for now) verbose : boolean, optional "Chatterbox" mode switch Returns ------- voxel_results : dict A dictionary containing the following keys: ``p_values`` (p,) Uncorrected p-values.``Corr_p_values`` (p,) Corrected p-values, computed by the Tmax procedure. ``perm_maxT_values`` (nperms) values of the maximum statistic under permutation. cluster_results : list [results1,results2,...] List of permutation test results for each cluster extraction pair. These are dictionaries with the following keys "thresh", "diam", "labels", "expected_voxels_per_cluster", "expected_number_of_clusters", and "peak_XYZ" if XYZ field is nonempty and for each summary statistic id "S": "size_values", "size_p_values", "S_Corr_p_values", "perm_size_values", "perm_maxsize_values" region_results :list [results1,results2,...] List of permutation test results for each region labels arrays. These are dictionaries with the following keys: "label_values", "peak_XYZ" (if XYZ field nonempty) and for each summary statistic id "S": "size_values", "size_p_values", "perm_size_values", "perm_maxsize_values" """ # Permutation indices if self.nsamples ==1: n, p =[self.axis],[1-self.axis] max_nperms = 2**n elif self.nsamples == 2: n1,p = self.data1.shape[self.axis], self.data1.shape[1-self.axis] n2 = self.data2.shape[self.axis] max_nperms = sm.comb(n1+n2,n1,exact=1) data = np.concatenate((self.data1,self.data2), self.axis) if self.vardata1 is not None: vardata = np.concatenate((self.vardata1,self.vardata2), self.axis) if nperms is None or nperms >= max_nperms: magic_numbers = np.arange(max_nperms) else: #magic_numbers = np.random.randint(max_nperms,size=nperms) # np.random.randint does not handle longint! # So we use the following hack instead: magic_numbers = np.random.uniform(max_nperms,size=nperms) # Initialize cluster_results cluster_results = [] if clusters is not None: for (thresh,diam) in clusters: if diam is None: if self.XYZ is None: labels = extract_clusters_from_graph(self.Tvalues,self.G,thresh) else: labels = extract_clusters_from_thresh(self.Tvalues,self.XYZ,thresh) else: labels = extract_clusters_from_diam(self.Tvalues,self.XYZ,thresh,diam) results = {"thresh" : thresh, "diam" : diam, "labels" : labels} size_values, Fisher_values = compute_cluster_stats(self.Tvalues, labels, self.random_Tvalues, cluster_stats) nclust = labels.max() + 1 results["expected_voxels_per_thresh"] = 0.0 results["expected_number_of_clusters"] = 0.0 if self.XYZ is not None: results["peak_XYZ"] = peak_XYZ(self.XYZ, self.Tvalues, labels, np.arange(nclust)) if "size" in cluster_stats: results["size_values"] = size_values results["perm_size_values"] = [] results["perm_maxsize_values"] = np.zeros(len(magic_numbers),int) if "Fisher" in cluster_stats: results["Fisher_values"] = Fisher_values results["perm_Fisher_values"] = [] results["perm_maxFisher_values"] = np.zeros(len(magic_numbers),float) cluster_results.append( results ) # Initialize region_results region_results = [] if regions is not None: for labels in regions: label_values = sorted_values(labels) nregions = len(label_values) results = { "label_values" : label_values } if self.XYZ is not None: results["peak_XYZ"] = peak_XYZ(self.XYZ, self.Tvalues, labels, label_values) if "Fisher" in region_stats: results["Fisher_values"] = compute_region_stat(self.Tvalues, labels, label_values, self.random_Tvalues) results["perm_Fisher_values"] = np.zeros((nregions,len(magic_numbers)),float) results["Fisher_p_values"] = np.zeros(nregions,float) results["Fisher_Corr_p_values"] = np.zeros(nregions,float) region_results.append( results ) # Permutation test p_values = np.zeros(p,float) Corr_p_values = np.zeros(p,float) nmagic = len(magic_numbers) perm_maxT_values = np.zeros(nmagic, float) for j in range(nmagic): m = magic_numbers[j] if verbose: print("Permutation", j + 1, "out of", nmagic) # T values under permutation if self.nsamples == 1: rand_sign = (np.random.randint(2, size=n) * 2 - 1).\ reshape(n, 1) rand_data = rand_sign * if self.vardata is None: rand_vardata = None else: rand_vardata = rand_sign * self.vardata perm_Tvalues = onesample_stat( rand_data, rand_vardata, self.stat_id, self.base, self.axis, None, self.niter).squeeze() elif self.nsamples == 2: rand_perm = np.random.permutation(np.arange(n1 + n2)) rand_data1 = data[rand_perm[:n1]] rand_data2 = data[rand_perm[n1:]] if self.vardata1 is None: rand_vardata1 = None rand_vardata2 = None else: rand_vardata1 = vardata[rand_perm[:n1]] rand_vardata2 = vardata[rand_perm[n1:]] perm_Tvalues = np.squeeze(twosample_stat( rand_data1, rand_vardata1, rand_data2, rand_vardata2, self.stat_id, self.axis, np.array([m]), self.niter)) # update p values p_values += perm_Tvalues >= self.Tvalues Corr_p_values += max(perm_Tvalues) >= self.Tvalues perm_maxT_values[j] = max(perm_Tvalues) # Update cluster_results if clusters is not None: for i in range(len(clusters)): thresh, diam = clusters[i] if diam is None: if self.XYZ is None: perm_labels = extract_clusters_from_graph(perm_Tvalues,self.G,thresh) else: perm_labels = extract_clusters_from_thresh(perm_Tvalues,self.XYZ,thresh) else: perm_labels = extract_clusters_from_diam(perm_Tvalues,self.XYZ,thresh,diam) perm_size_values, perm_Fisher_values = compute_cluster_stats(perm_Tvalues, perm_labels, self.random_Tvalues, cluster_stats) perm_nclust = labels.max() + 1 cluster_results[i]["expected_voxels_per_thresh"] += perm_size_values.sum()/float(nclust) cluster_results[i]["expected_number_of_clusters"] += nclust if "size" in cluster_stats: cluster_results[i]["perm_size_values"][:0] = perm_size_values cluster_results[i]["perm_maxsize_values"][j] = max(perm_size_values) if "Fisher" in cluster_stats: cluster_results[i]["perm_Fisher_values"][:0] = perm_Fisher_values cluster_results[i]["perm_maxFisher_values"][j] = max(perm_Fisher_values) # Update region_results if regions is not None: for i in range(len(regions)): labels = regions[i] label_values = region_results[i]["label_values"] nregions = len(label_values) if "Fisher" in region_stats: perm_Fisher_values = compute_region_stat(perm_Tvalues, labels, label_values, self.random_Tvalues) region_results[i]["perm_Fisher_values"][:,j] = perm_Fisher_values # Compute p-values for clusters summary statistics if clusters is not None: for i in range(len(clusters)): if "size" in cluster_stats: cluster_results[i]["perm_size_values"] = np.array(cluster_results[i]["perm_size_values"]) cluster_results[i]["perm_size_values"].sort() cluster_results[i]["perm_maxsize_values"].sort() cluster_results[i]["size_p_values"] = 1 - np.searchsorted(cluster_results[i]["perm_size_values"], cluster_results[i]["size_values"])/float(cluster_results[i]["expected_number_of_clusters"]) cluster_results[i]["size_Corr_p_values"] = 1 - np.searchsorted(cluster_results[i]["perm_maxsize_values"], cluster_results[i]["size_values"])/float(nmagic) if "Fisher" in cluster_stats: cluster_results[i]["perm_Fisher_values"] = np.array(cluster_results[i]["perm_Fisher_values"]) cluster_results[i]["perm_Fisher_values"].sort() cluster_results[i]["perm_maxFisher_values"].sort() cluster_results[i]["Fisher_p_values"] = 1 - np.searchsorted(cluster_results[i]["perm_Fisher_values"], cluster_results[i]["Fisher_values"])/float(cluster_results[i]["expected_number_of_clusters"]) cluster_results[i]["Fisher_Corr_p_values"] = 1 - np.searchsorted(cluster_results[i]["perm_maxFisher_values"], cluster_results[i]["Fisher_values"])/float(nmagic) cluster_results[i]["expected_voxels_per_thresh"] /= float(nmagic) cluster_results[i]["expected_number_of_clusters"] /= float(nmagic) # Compute p-values for regions summary statistics if regions is not None: for i in range(len(regions)): if "Fisher" in region_stats: sorted_perm_Fisher_values = np.sort(region_results[i]["perm_Fisher_values"],axis=1) label_values = region_results[i]["label_values"] nregions = len(label_values) # Compute uncorrected p-values for j in range(nregions): region_results[i]["Fisher_p_values"][j] = 1 - np.searchsorted(sorted_perm_Fisher_values[j],region_results[i]["Fisher_values"][j])/float(nmagic) #Compute corrected p-values perm_Fisher_p_values = np.zeros((nregions,nmagic),float) for j in range(nregions): I = np.argsort(region_results[i]["perm_Fisher_values"][j]) perm_Fisher_p_values[j][I] = 1 - np.arange(1,nmagic+1)/float(nmagic) perm_min_Fisher_p_values = np.sort(perm_Fisher_p_values.min(axis=0)) region_results[i]["Fisher_Corr_p_values"] = 1 - np.searchsorted(-perm_min_Fisher_p_values,-region_results[i]["Fisher_p_values"])/float(nmagic) voxel_results = {'p_values':p_values/float(nmagic), 'Corr_p_values':Corr_p_values/float(nmagic), 'perm_maxT_values':perm_maxT_values} return voxel_results, cluster_results, region_results
[docs] def height_threshold(self, pval): """ Return the uniform height threshold matching a given permutation-based P-value. """ tvals = self.random_Tvalues ndraws = tvals.size idx = int(np.ceil(ndraws * (1 - pval))) if idx >= ndraws: return np.inf candidate = tvals[idx] if tvals[max(0, idx-1)] < candidate: return candidate idx = np.searchsorted(tvals, candidate, 'right') if idx >= ndraws: return np.inf return tvals[idx]
[docs] def pvalue(self, Tvalues=None): """ Return uncorrected voxel-level pseudo p-values. """ if Tvalues is None: Tvalues = self.Tvalues return 1 - np.searchsorted(self.random_Tvalues, Tvalues)/float(self.ndraws)
[docs] def zscore(self, Tvalues=None): """ Return z score corresponding to the uncorrected voxel-level pseudo p-value. """ if Tvalues is None: Tvalues = self.Tvalues return zscore(self.pvalue(Tvalues))
#====================================== #====================================== # One sample permutation test class #====================================== #======================================
[docs]class permutation_test_onesample(permutation_test): """ Class derived from the generic permutation_test class. Inherits the calibrate method """
[docs] def __init__(self, data, XYZ, axis=0, vardata=None, stat_id=DEF_STAT_ONESAMPLE, base=0.0, niter=DEF_NITER, ndraws=DEF_NDRAWS): """ Initialize permutation_test_onesample instance, compute statistic values in each voxel and under permutation In: data data array XYZ voxels coordinates axis <int> Subject axis in data vardata variance (same shape as data) optional (if None, mfx statistics cannot be used) stat_id <char> choice of test statistic (see onesample.stats for a list of possible stats) base <float> mean signal under H0 niter <int> number of iterations of EM algorithm ndraws <int> Number of generated random t values Out: self.Tvalues voxelwise test statistic values self.random_Tvalues sorted statistic values in random voxels and under random sign permutation """ # Create data fields n,p = data.shape[axis], data.shape[1-axis] = data self.stat_id = stat_id self.XYZ = XYZ self.axis = axis self.vardata = vardata self.niter = niter self.base = base self.ndraws = ndraws self.Tvalues = onesample_stat(data, vardata, stat_id, base, axis, Magics=None, niter=niter).squeeze() self.nsamples = 1 # Compute statistic values in random voxels and under random permutations # Use a self.verbose flag for this output? #print "Computing average null distribution of test statistic..." self.random_Tvalues = np.zeros(ndraws,float) # Random voxel selection I = np.random.randint(0,p,size=ndraws) if axis == 0: rand_data = data[:,I] if vardata is None: rand_vardata = None else: rand_vardata = vardata[:,I] else: rand_data = data[I] if vardata is None: rand_vardata = None else: rand_vardata = vardata[I] # Random sign permutation rand_sign = (np.random.binomial(1,0.5,size = n*ndraws)*2-1).reshape(n,ndraws) if axis == 1: rand_sign = rand_sign.transpose() rand_data *= rand_sign self.random_Tvalues = onesample_stat(rand_data, rand_vardata, stat_id, base, axis).squeeze() self.random_Tvalues.sort()
#================================================================== #================================================================== # One sample permutation test class with arbitrary graph structure #================================================================== #==================================================================
[docs]class permutation_test_onesample_graph(permutation_test): """ Class derived from the generic permutation_test class. Inherits the calibrate method """
[docs] def __init__(self,data,G,axis=0,vardata=None,stat_id=DEF_STAT_ONESAMPLE,base=0.0,niter=DEF_NITER,ndraws=DEF_NDRAWS): """ Initialize permutation_test_onesample instance, compute statistic values in each voxel and under permutation In: data data array G weighted graph (each vertex corresponds to a voxel) axis <int> Subject axis in data vardata variance (same shape as data) optional (if None, mfx statistics cannot be used) stat_id <char> choice of test statistic (see onesample.stats for a list of possible stats) base <float> mean signal under H0 niter <int> number of iterations of EM algorithm ndraws <int> Number of generated random t values Out: self.Tvalues voxelwise test statistic values self.random_Tvalues sorted statistic values in random voxels and under random sign permutation """ # Create data fields n,p = data.shape[axis], data.shape[1-axis] = data self.stat_id = stat_id self.XYZ = None self.G = G self.axis = axis self.vardata = vardata self.niter = niter self.base = base self.ndraws = ndraws self.Tvalues = onesample_stat(data, vardata, stat_id, base, axis, Magics=None, niter=niter).squeeze() self.nsamples = 1 # Compute statistic values in random voxels and under random permutations # Use a self.verbose flag for this output? #print "Computing average null distribution of test statistic..." self.random_Tvalues = np.zeros(ndraws,float) # Random voxel selection I = np.random.randint(0,p,size=ndraws) if axis == 0: rand_data = data[:,I] if vardata is None: rand_vardata = None else: rand_vardata = vardata[:,I] else: rand_data = data[I] if vardata is None: rand_vardata = None else: rand_vardata = vardata[I] # Random sign permutation rand_sign = (np.random.binomial(1,0.5,size = n*ndraws)*2-1).reshape(n,ndraws) if axis == 1: rand_sign = rand_sign.transpose() rand_data *= rand_sign self.random_Tvalues = onesample_stat(rand_data, rand_vardata, stat_id, base, axis).squeeze() self.random_Tvalues.sort()
#====================================== #====================================== # Two sample permutation test class #====================================== #======================================
[docs]class permutation_test_twosample(permutation_test): """ Class derived from the generic permutation_test class. Inherits the calibrate method """
[docs] def __init__(self, data1, data2, XYZ, axis=0, vardata1=None, vardata2=None, stat_id=DEF_STAT_TWOSAMPLE, niter=DEF_NITER, ndraws=DEF_NDRAWS): """ Initialize permutation_test_twosample instance, compute statistic values in each voxel and under permutation In: data1, data2 data arrays XYZ voxels coordinates axis <int> Subject axis in data vardata1, vardata2 variance (same shape as data) optional (if None, mfx statistics cannot be used) stat_id <char> choice of test statistic (see onesample.stats for a list of possible stats) niter <int> number of iterations of EM algorithm ndraws <int> Number of generated random t values Out: self.Tvalues voxelwise test statistic values self.random_Tvalues sorted statistic values in random voxels and under random sign permutation """ # Create data fields n1,p = data1.shape[axis], data1.shape[1-axis] n2 = data2.shape[axis] self.data1 = data1 self.data2 = data2 self.stat_id = stat_id self.XYZ = XYZ self.axis = axis self.vardata1 = vardata1 self.vardata2 = vardata2 self.niter = niter self.ndraws = ndraws self.Tvalues = twosample_stat(data1, vardata1, data2, vardata2, stat_id, axis, Magics=None, niter=niter).squeeze() self.nsamples = 2 # Compute statistic values in random voxels and under random permutations # Use a self.verbose flag for this output? #print "Computing average null distribution of test statistic..." self.random_Tvalues = np.zeros(ndraws,float) # Random voxel selection I = np.random.randint(0,p,size=ndraws) if axis == 0: perm_data = np.zeros((n1+n2,ndraws),float) perm_data[:n1] = data1[:,I] perm_data[n1:] = data2[:,I] if vardata1 is not None: perm_vardata = np.zeros((n1+n2,ndraws),float) perm_vardata[:n1] = vardata1[:,I] perm_vardata[n1:] = vardata2[:,I] else: perm_data = np.zeros((ndraws,n1+n2),float) perm_data[:,:n1] = data1[I] perm_data[:,n1:] = data2[I] if vardata1 is not None: perm_vardata = np.zeros((ndraws, n1+n2),float) perm_vardata[:,:n1] = vardata1[I] perm_vardata[:,n1:] = vardata2[I] rand_perm = np.array([np.random.permutation(np.arange(n1+n2)) for i in range(ndraws)]).transpose() ravel_rand_perm = rand_perm*ndraws + np.arange(ndraws).reshape(1,ndraws) if axis == 0: perm_data = perm_data.ravel()[ravel_rand_perm.ravel()].reshape(n1+n2,ndraws) if vardata1 is not None: perm_vardata = perm_vardata.ravel()[ravel_rand_perm.ravel()].reshape(n1+n2,ndraws) else: perm_data = (perm_data.transpose().ravel()[ravel_rand_perm.ravel()].reshape(n1+n2,ndraws)).transpose() if vardata1 is not None: perm_vardata = (perm_vardata.transpose().ravel()[ravel_rand_perm.ravel()].reshape(n1+n2,ndraws)).transpose() perm_data1 = perm_data[:n1] perm_data2 = perm_data[n1:] if vardata1 is None: perm_vardata1 = None perm_vardata2 = None else: perm_vardata1 = perm_vardata[:n1] perm_vardata2 = perm_vardata[n1:] self.random_Tvalues = twosample_stat(perm_data1, perm_vardata1, perm_data2, perm_vardata2, stat_id, axis).squeeze() self.random_Tvalues.sort()