# emacs: -*- mode: python; py-indent-offset: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*-
# vi: set ft=python sts=4 ts=4 sw=4 et:
from __future__ import absolute_import
import numpy as np
import scipy.stats as sps
from . import kalman
from ..utils import mahalanobis
from nipy.algorithms.statistics.utils import z_score as zscore
DEF_TINY = 1e-50
models = {'spherical': ['ols', 'kalman'], 'ar1': ['kalman']}
[docs]class glm(object):
[docs] def __init__(self, Y=None, X=None, formula=None, axis=0,
model='spherical', method=None, niter=2):
# Check dimensions
if Y is None:
self.fit(Y, X, formula, axis, model, method, niter)
[docs] def fit(self, Y, X, formula=None, axis=0, model='spherical', method=None,
if Y.shape[axis] != X.shape[0]:
raise ValueError('Response and predictors are inconsistent')
# Find model type
self._axis = axis
if isinstance(formula, str):
model = 'mfx'
if model in models:
self.model = model
if method is None:
self.method = models[model][0]
elif models[model].count(method):
self.method = method
raise ValueError('Unknown method')
raise ValueError('Unknown model')
# Initialize fields
constants = []
a = 0
# Switch on models / methods
if self.model == 'spherical':
constants = ['nvbeta', 'a']
if self.method == 'ols':
out = ols(Y, X, axis=axis)
elif self.method == 'kalman':
out = kalman.ols(Y, X, axis=axis)
elif self.model == 'ar1':
constants = ['a']
out = kalman.ar1(Y, X, axis=axis, niter=niter)
a = out[4]
out = out[0: 4]
# Finalize
self.beta, self.nvbeta, self.s2, self.dof = out
self.s2 = self.s2.squeeze()
self.a = a
self._constants = constants
[docs] def save(self, file):
""" Save fit into a .npz file
[docs] def contrast(self, c, type='t', tiny=DEF_TINY, dofmax=DEF_DOFMAX):
""" Specify and estimate a constrast
c must be a numpy.ndarray (or anything that numpy.asarray
can cast to a ndarray).
For a F contrast, c must be q x p
where q is the number of contrast vectors and
p is the total number of regressors.
c = np.asarray(c)
#dim = len(c.shape)
if c.ndim == 1:
dim = 1
dim = c.shape[0]
axis = self._axis
ndims = len(self.beta.shape)
# Compute the contrast estimate: c*B
B = np.rollaxis(self.beta, axis, ndims)
con = np.inner(c, B) # shape = q, X
# Compute the variance of the contrast estimate: s2 * (c' * nvbeta * c)
# Two cases are considered: either the input effect variance
# is position-dependent (output by RKF_fit), or it is a global
# one (output by KF_fit)
s2 = self.s2.squeeze()
nvbeta = self.nvbeta
if not 'nvbeta' in self._constants:
nvbeta = np.rollaxis(nvbeta, axis, ndims + 1)
nvbeta = np.rollaxis(nvbeta, axis, ndims + 1) # shape = X, p, p
if dim == 1:
vcon = np.inner(c, np.inner(c, nvbeta))
vcon = vcon.squeeze() * s2
vcon = np.dot(c, np.inner(nvbeta, c)) # q, X, q or q, q
if not 'nvbeta' in self._constants:
vcon = np.rollaxis(vcon, ndims, 1) * s2 # q, q, X
aux = vcon.shape # q, q
vcon = np.resize(vcon, s2.shape + aux) # X, q, q
vcon = vcon.T.reshape(aux + (s2.size,)) * \
s2.reshape((s2.size,)) # q, q, Xflat
vcon = vcon.reshape(aux + s2.shape) # q, q, X
# Create contrast instance
c = contrast(dim, type, tiny, dofmax)
c.effect = con
c.variance = vcon
c.dof = self.dof
return c
[docs]class contrast(object):
[docs] def __init__(self, dim, type='t', tiny=DEF_TINY, dofmax=DEF_DOFMAX):
"""tiny is a numerical constant for computations.
self.dim = dim
self.effect = None
self.variance = None
self.dof = None
if dim > 1:
if type is 't':
type = 'F'
self.type = type
self._stat = None
self._pvalue = None
self._baseline = 0
self._tiny = tiny
self._dofmax = dofmax
[docs] def summary(self):
Return a dictionary containing the estimated contrast effect,
the associated ReML-based estimation variance, and the estimated
degrees of freedom (variance of the variance).
return {'effect': self.effect,
'variance': self.variance,
'dof': self.dof}
[docs] def stat(self, baseline=0.0):
Return the decision statistic associated with the test of the
null hypothesis: (H0) 'contrast equals baseline'
self._baseline = baseline
# Case: one-dimensional contrast ==> t or t**2
if self.dim == 1:
# avoids division by zero
t = (self.effect - baseline) / np.sqrt(
np.maximum(self.variance, self._tiny))
if self.type == 'F':
t = t ** 2
# Case: F contrast
elif self.type == 'F':
# F = |t|^2/q , |t|^2 = e^t v-1 e
t = mahalanobis(self.effect - baseline, np.maximum(
self.variance, self._tiny)) / self.dim
# Case: tmin (conjunctions)
elif self.type == 'tmin':
vdiag = self.variance.reshape([self.dim ** 2] + list(
self.variance.shape[2:]))[:: self.dim + 1]
t = (self.effect - baseline) / np.sqrt(
np.maximum(vdiag, self._tiny))
t = t.min(0)
# Unknwon stat
raise ValueError('Unknown statistic type')
self._stat = t
return t
[docs] def pvalue(self, baseline=0.0):
Return a parametric approximation of the p-value associated
with the null hypothesis: (H0) 'contrast equals baseline'
if self._stat is None or not self._baseline == baseline:
self._stat = self.stat(baseline)
# Valid conjunction as in Nichols et al, Neuroimage 25, 2005.
if self.type in ['t', 'tmin']:
p = sps.t.sf(self._stat, np.minimum(self.dof, self._dofmax))
elif self.type == 'F':
p = sps.f.sf(self._stat, self.dim, np.minimum(
self.dof, self._dofmax))
raise ValueError('Unknown statistic type')
self._pvalue = p
return p
[docs] def zscore(self, baseline=0.0):
Return a parametric approximation of the z-score associated
with the null hypothesis: (H0) 'contrast equals baseline'
if self._pvalue is None or not self._baseline == baseline:
self._pvalue = self.pvalue(baseline)
# Avoid inf values kindly supplied by scipy.
z = zscore(self._pvalue)
return z
def __add__(self, other):
if self.dim != other.dim:
return None
con = contrast(self.dim)
con.type = self.type
con.effect = self.effect + other.effect
con.variance = self.variance + other.variance
con.dof = self.dof + other.dof
return con
def __rmul__(self, other):
k = float(other)
con = contrast(self.dim)
con.type = self.type
con.effect = k * self.effect
con.variance = k ** 2 * self.variance
con.dof = self.dof
return con
__mul__ = __rmul__
def __div__(self, other):
return self.__rmul__(1 / float(other))
[docs]def ols(Y, X, axis=0):
"""Essentially, compute pinv(X)*Y
ndims = len(Y.shape)
pX = np.linalg.pinv(X)
beta = np.rollaxis(np.inner(pX, np.rollaxis(Y, axis, ndims)), 0, axis + 1)
nvbeta = np.inner(pX, pX)
res = Y - np.rollaxis(
np.inner(X, np.rollaxis(beta, axis, ndims)), 0, axis + 1)
n = res.shape[axis]
s2 = (res ** 2).sum(axis) / float(n - X.shape[1])
dof = float(X.shape[0] - X.shape[1])
return beta, nvbeta, s2, dof
[docs]def load(file):
"""Load a fitted glm
from os.path import splitext
if splitext(file)[1] == '':
file = file + '.npz'
fmod = np.load(file)
mod = glm()
mod.beta = fmod['beta']
mod.nvbeta = fmod['nvbeta']
mod.s2 = fmod['s2']
mod.dof = fmod['dof']
mod.a = fmod['a']
mod.model = str(fmod['model'])
mod.method = str(fmod['method'])
mod._axis = int(fmod['axis'])
mod._constants = list(fmod['constants'])
return mod