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The volume grid class.
This class represents data lying on a (non rigid, non regular) grid embedded
in a 3D world represented as a 3+D array.
from __future__ import absolute_import
import copy as copy
import numpy as np
from scipy import ndimage
# Local imports
from .volume_data import VolumeData
from ..transforms.affine_utils import apply_affine, from_matrix_vector
# class `VolumeGrid`
[docs]class VolumeGrid(VolumeData):
""" A class representing data stored in a 3+D array embedded in a 3D
This object has data stored in an array-like multidimensional
indexable objects, with the 3 first dimensions corresponding to
spatial axis and defining a 3D grid that may be non-regular or
The object knows how the data is mapped to a 3D "real-world
space", and how it can change real-world coordinate system. The
transform mapping it to world is arbitrary, and thus the grid
can be warped: in the world space, the grid may not be regular or
world_space: string
World space the data is embedded in. For instance `mni152`.
metadata: dictionnary
Optional, user-defined, dictionnary used to carry around
extra information about the data as it goes through
transformations. The consistency of this information is not
maintained as the data is modified.
Private pointer to the data.
The data is stored in an undefined way: prescalings might need to
be applied to it before using it, or the data might be loaded on
demand. The best practice to access the data is not to access the
_data attribute, but to use the `get_data` method.
If the transform associated with the image has no inverse
mapping, data corresponding to a given world space position cannot
be calulated. If it has no forward mapping, it is impossible to
resample another dataset on the same support.
# Public methods -- VolumeGrid interface
[docs] def __init__(self, data, transform, metadata=None,
""" The base image containing data.
data: ndarray
n dimensional array giving the embedded data, with the 3
first dimensions being spatial.
transform: nipy transform object
The transformation from voxel to world.
metadata : dictionnary, optional
Dictionnary of user-specified information to store with
the image.
interpolation : 'continuous' or 'nearest', optional
Interpolation type used when calculating values in
different word spaces.
if not interpolation in ('continuous', 'nearest'):
raise ValueError('interpolation must be either continuous '
'or nearest')
self._data = data
self._transform = transform
self.world_space = transform.output_space
if metadata is None:
metadata = dict()
self.metadata = metadata
self.interpolation = interpolation
[docs] def as_volume_img(self, affine=None, shape=None,
interpolation=None, copy=True):
if affine is None:
affine = np.eye(3)
if affine.shape[0] == 3 or shape is None:
affine3d = affine[:3, :3]
affine4d = np.eye(4)
affine4d[:3, :3] = affine3d
x, y, z = self.get_world_coords()
x, y, z = apply_affine(x, y, z, np.linalg.inv(affine4d))
xmin = x.min()
ymin = y.min()
zmin = z.min()
if affine.shape[0] == 3:
offset = np.array((xmin, ymin, zmin))
offset = np.dot(affine3d, offset)
affine = from_matrix_vector(affine3d, offset[:3])
if shape is None:
xmax = x.max()
ymax = y.max()
zmax = z.max()
shape = (np.ceil(xmax - xmin)+1,
np.ceil(ymax - ymin)+1,
np.ceil(zmax - zmin)+1, )
shape = [int(s) for s in shape]
if not len(shape) == 3:
raise ValueError('The shape specified should be the shape '
'the 3D grid, and thus of length 3. %s was specified'
% shape )
x, y, z = np.indices(shape)
x, y, z = apply_affine(x, y, z, affine)
values = self.values_in_world(x, y, z)
# We import late to avoid circular import
from .volume_img import VolumeImg
return VolumeImg(values, affine,
self.world_space, metadata=self.metadata,
# Inherit docstring
as_volume_img.__doc__ = VolumeData.as_volume_img.__doc__
[docs] def get_world_coords(self):
""" Return the data points coordinates in the world
x: ndarray
x coordinates of the data points in world space
y: ndarray
y coordinates of the data points in world space
z: ndarray
z coordinates of the data points in world space
x, y, z = np.indices(self._data.shape[:3])
return self.get_transform().mapping(x, y, z)
# XXX: The docstring should be inherited
[docs] def like_from_data(self, data):
return self.__class__(data = data,
transform = copy.copy(self._transform),
metadata = copy.copy(self.metadata),
interpolation = self.interpolation,
# Inherit docstring
like_from_data.__doc__ = VolumeData.like_from_data.__doc__
# Inherit docstring
get_transform.__doc__ = VolumeData.get_transform.__doc__
[docs] def values_in_world(self, x, y, z, interpolation=None):
""" Return the values of the data at the world-space positions given by
x, y, z
x : number or ndarray
x positions in world space, in other words milimeters
y : number or ndarray
y positions in world space, in other words milimeters.
The shape of y should match the shape of x
z : number or ndarray
z positions in world space, in other words milimeters.
The shape of z should match the shape of x
interpolation : None, 'continuous' or 'nearest', optional
Interpolation type used when calculating values in
different word spaces. If None, the object's interpolation
logic is used.
values : number or ndarray
Data values interpolated at the given world position.
This is a number or an ndarray, depending on the shape of
the input coordinate.
interpolation_order = self._get_interpolation_order(interpolation)
transform = self.get_transform()
if transform.inverse_mapping is None:
raise ValueError(
"Cannot calculate the world values for volume data: mapping to "
"word is not invertible."
x = np.atleast_1d(x)
y = np.atleast_1d(y)
z = np.atleast_1d(z)
shape = list(x.shape)
if not ((x.shape == y.shape) and (x.shape == z.shape)):
raise ValueError('x, y and z shapes should be equal')
x = x.ravel()
y = y.ravel()
z = z.ravel()
i, j, k = transform.inverse_mapping(x, y, z)
coords = np.c_[i, j, k].T
# work round an ndimage deficiency in scipy <= 0.9.0.
# See: https://github.com/scipy/scipy/pull/64
if coords.dtype == np.dtype(np.intp):
coords = coords.astype(np.dtype(coords.dtype.str))
data = self.get_data()
data_shape = list(data.shape)
n_dims = len(data_shape)
if n_dims > 3:
# Iter in a set of 3D volumes, as the interpolation problem is
# separable in the extra dimensions. This reduces the
# computational cost
data = np.reshape(data, data_shape[:3] + [-1])
data = np.rollaxis(data, 3)
values = [ ndimage.map_coordinates(slice, coords,
for slice in data]
values = np.array(values)
values = np.swapaxes(values, 0, -1)
values = np.reshape(values, shape + data_shape[3:])
values = ndimage.map_coordinates(data, coords,
values = np.reshape(values, shape)
return values
# Inherit docstring
values_in_world.__doc__ = VolumeData.values_in_world.__doc__