Source code for

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An implementation of some of the NIFTI conventions as desribed in:

A version of the same file is in the nibabel repisitory at


We (nipystas) make an explicit distinction between:

* an input coordinate system of an image (the array == voxel coordinates)
* output coordinate system (usually millimeters in some world for space, seconds
  for time)
* the mapping between the two.

The collection of these three is the ``coordmap`` attribute of a NIPY image.

There is no constraint that the number of input and output coordinates should be
the same.

We don't specify the units of our output coordinate system, but assume spatial
units are millimeters and time units are seconds.

NIFTI is mostly less explicit, but more constrained.

NIFTI input coordinate system

NIFTI files can have up to seven voxel dimensions (7 axes in the input
coordinate system).

The first 3 voxel dimensions of a NIFTI file must be spatial but can be in any
order in relationship to directions in mm space (the output coordinate system)

The 4th voxel dimension is assumed to be time.  In particular, if you have some
other meaning for a non-spatial dimension, the NIFTI standard suggests you set
the length of the 4th dimension to be 1, and use the 5th dimension of the image
instead, and set the NIFTI "intent" fields to state the meaning. If the
``intent`` field is set correctly then it should be possible to set meaningful
input coordinate axis names for dimensions > (0, 1, 2).

There's a wrinkle to the 4th axis is time story; the ``xyxt_units`` field in the
NIFTI header can specify the 4th dimension units as Hz (frequency), PPM
(concentration) or Radians / second.

NIFTI also has a 'dim_info' header attribute that optionally specifies that 0 or
more of the first three voxel axes are 'frequency', 'phase' or 'slice'.  These
terms refer to 2D MRI acquisition encoding, where 'slice's are collected
sequentially, and the two remaining dimensions arose from frequency and phase
encoding.  The ``dim_info`` fields are often not set.  3D acquisitions don't have
a 'slice' dimension.

NIFTI output coordinate system

In the NIFTI specification, the order of the output coordinates (at least the
first 3) are fixed to be what might be called RAS+, that is ('x=L->R', 'y=P->A',
'z=I->S'). This RAS+ output order is not allowed to change and there is no way of
specifying such a change in the NIFTI header.

The world in which these RAS+ X, Y, Z axes exist can be one of the recognized
spaces, which are: scanner, aligned (to another file's world space), Talairach,
MNI 152 (aligned to the MNI 152 atlas).

By implication, the 4th output dimension is likely to be seconds (given the 4th
input dimension is likely time), but there's a field ``xyzt_units`` (see above)
that can be used to imply the 4th output dimension is actually frequency,
concentration or angular velocity.

NIFTI input / output mapping

NIFTI stores the relationship between the first 3 (spatial) voxel axes and the
RAS+ coordinates in an *XYZ affine*.  This is a homogenous coordinate affine,
hence 4 by 4 for 3 (spatial) dimensions.

NIFTI also stores "pixel dimensions" in a ``pixdim`` field. This can give you
scaling for individual axes.  We ignore the values of ``pixdim`` for the first 3
axes if we have a full ("sform") affine stored in the header, otherwise they
form part of the affine above.  ``pixdim``[3:] provide voxel to output scalings
for later axes.  The units for the 4th dimension can come from ``xyzt_units`` as

We take the convention that the output coordinate names are ('x=L->R', 'y=P->A',
'z=I->S','t','u','v','w') unless there is no time axis (see below) in which case
we just omit 't'.  The first 3 axes are also named after the output space
('scanner-x=L->R', 'mni-x=L-R' etc).

The input axes are 'ijktuvw' unless there is no time axis (see below), in which
case they are 'ijkuvw' (remember, NIFTI only allows 7 dimensions, and one is
used up by the time length 1 axis).

Time-like axes

A time-like axis is an axis that is any of time, Hz, PPM or radians / second.

We recognize time in a NIPY coordinate map by an input or an output axis named
't' or 'time'.  If it's an output axis we work out the corresponding input axis.

A Hz axis can be called 'hz' or 'frequency-hz'.

A PPM axis can be called 'ppm' or 'concentration-ppm'.

A radians / second axis can be called 'rads' or 'radians/s'.

Does this NIFTI image have a time-like axis?

We take there to be no time axis if there are only three NIFTI dimensions, or

* the length of the fourth NIFTI dimension is 1 AND
* There are more than four dimensions AND
* The ``xyzt_units`` field does not indicate time or time-like units.

What we do about all this

For saving a NIPY image to NIFTI, see the docstring for :func:`nipy2nifti`.
For loading a NIFTI image to NIPY, see the docstring for :func:`nifti2nipy`.

from __future__ import absolute_import

import sys

import warnings
from copy import copy

import numpy as np

import nibabel as nib
from nibabel.affines import to_matvec, from_matvec

from ..core.reference.coordinate_system import CoordinateSystem as CS
from ..core.reference.coordinate_map import (AffineTransform as AT,
                                             product as cm_product)
from ..core.reference import spaces as ncrs
from ..core.image.image import Image
from ..core.image.image_spaces import as_xyz_image

from .nibcompat import get_header, get_affine

XFORM2SPACE = {'scanner': ncrs.scanner_space,
               'aligned': ncrs.aligned_space,
               'talairach': ncrs.talairach_space,
               'mni': ncrs.mni_space}

    t = dict(aliases=('time',),
    hz = dict(aliases=('frequency-hz',),
    ppm = dict(aliases=('concentration-ppm',),
    rads = dict(aliases=('radians/s',),

for _name, _info in TIME_LIKE_AXES.items():
    for _alias in (_name,) + _info['aliases']:
        TIME_LIKE_MAP[_alias] = _name

TIME_LIKE_ORDERED = ('t', 'hz', 'ppm', 'rads')

# Threshold for near-zero affine values
TINY = 1e-5

[docs]class NiftiError(Exception): pass
[docs]def nipy2nifti(img, data_dtype=None, strict=None, fix0=True): """ Return NIFTI image from nipy image `img` Parameters ---------- img : object An object, usually a NIPY ``Image``, having attributes `coordmap` and `shape` data_dtype : None or dtype specifier None means try and use header dtype, otherwise try and use data dtype, otherwise use np.float32. A dtype specifier means set the header output data dtype using ``np.dtype(data_dtype)``. strict : bool, optional Whether to use strict checking of input image for creating NIFTI fix0: bool, optional Whether to fix potential 0 column / row in affine. This option only used when trying to find time etc axes in the coordmap output names. In order to find matching input names, we need to use the corresponding rows and columns in the affine. Sometimes time, in particular, has 0 scaling, and thus all 0 in the corresponding row / column. In that case it's hard to work out which input corresponds. If `fix0` is True, and there is only one all zero (matrix part of the) affine row, and only one all zero (matrix part of the) affine column, fix scaling for that combination to zero, assuming this a zero scaling for time. Returns ------- ni_img : ``nibabel.Nifti1Image`` NIFTI image Raises ------ NiftiError: if space axes not orthogonal to non-space axes NiftiError: if non-space axes not orthogonal to each other NiftiError: if `img` output space does not match named spaces in NIFTI NiftiError: if input image has more than 7 dimensions NiftiError: if input image has 7 dimensions, but no time dimension, because we need to add an extra 1 length axis at position 3 NiftiError: if we find a time-like input axis but the matching output axis is a different time-like. NiftiError: if we find a time-like output axis but the matching input axis is a different time-like. NiftiError: if we find a time output axis and there are non-zero non-spatial offsets in the affine, but we can't find a corresponding input axis. Notes ----- First, we need to create a valid XYZ Affine. We check if this can be done by checking if there are recognizable X, Y, Z output axes and corresponding input (voxel) axes. This requires the input image to be at least 3D. If we find these requirements, we reorder the image axes to have XYZ output axes and 3 spatial input axes first, and get the corresponding XYZ affine. If the spatial dimensions are not orthogonal to the non-spatial dimensions, raise a NiftiError. If the non-spatial dimensions are not orthogonal to each other, raise a NiftiError. We check if the XYZ output fits with the NIFTI named spaces of scanner, aligned, Talairach, MNI. If so, set the NIFTI code and qform, sform accordingly. If the space corresponds to 'unknown' then we must set the NIFTI transform codes to 0, and the affine must match the affine we will get from loading the NIFTI with no qform, sform. If not, we're going to lose information in the affine, and raise an error. If any of the first three input axes are named ('slice', 'freq', 'phase') set the ``dim_info`` field accordingly. Set the ``xyzt_units`` field to indicate millimeters and seconds, if there is a 't' axis, otherwise millimeters and 0 (unknown). We look to see if we have a time-like axis in the inputs or the outputs. A time-like axis has labels 't', 'hz', 'ppm', 'rads'. If we have an axis 't' in the inputs *and* the outputs, check they either correspond, or both inputs and output correspond with no other axis, otherwise raise NiftiError. Do the same check for 'hz', then 'ppm', then 'rads'. If we do have a time-like axis, roll that axis to be the 4th axis. If this axis is actually time, take the ``affine[3, -1]`` and put into the ``toffset`` field. If there's no time-like axis, but there are other non-spatial axes, make a length 1 4th array axis to indicate this. If the resulting NIFTI image has more than 7 dimensions, raise a NiftiError. Set ``pixdim`` for axes >= 3 using vector length of corresponding affine columns. We don't set the intent-related fields for now. """ strict_none = strict is None if strict_none: warnings.warn('Default `strict` currently False; this will change to ' 'True in a future version of nipy', FutureWarning, stacklevel = 2) strict = False known_names = ncrs.known_names if not strict: # add simple 'xyz' to acceptable spatial names known_names = copy(known_names) # copy module global dict for c in 'xyz': known_names[c] = c try: img = as_xyz_image(img, known_names) except (ncrs.AxesError, ncrs.AffineError): # Python 2.5 / 3 compatibility e = sys.exc_info()[1] raise NiftiError('Image cannot be reordered to XYZ because: "%s"' % e) coordmap = img.coordmap # Get useful information from old header in_hdr = img.metadata.get('header', None) hdr = nib.Nifti1Header.from_header(in_hdr) # Default behavior is to take datatype from old header, unless there was no # header, in which case we try to use the data dtype. data = None if data_dtype is None: if in_hdr is None: data = img.get_data() data_dtype = data.dtype else: data_dtype = in_hdr.get_data_dtype() else: data_dtype = np.dtype(data_dtype) hdr.set_data_dtype(data_dtype) # Remaining axes orthogonal? rzs, trans = to_matvec(coordmap.affine) if (not np.allclose(rzs[3:, :3], 0) or not np.allclose(rzs[:3, 3:], 0)): raise NiftiError('Non space axes not orthogonal to space') # And to each other? nsp_affine = rzs[3:,3:] nsp_nzs = np.abs(nsp_affine) > TINY n_in_col = np.sum(nsp_nzs, axis=0) n_in_row = np.sum(nsp_nzs, axis=1) if np.any(n_in_col > 1) or np.any(n_in_row > 1): raise NiftiError('Non space axes not orthogonal to each other') # Affine seems OK, check for space xyz_affine = ncrs.xyz_affine(coordmap, known_names) spatial_output_names = coordmap.function_range.coord_names[:3] out_space = CS(spatial_output_names) for name, space in XFORM2SPACE.items(): if out_space in space: hdr.set_sform(xyz_affine, name) hdr.set_qform(xyz_affine, name) break else: if not strict and spatial_output_names == ('x', 'y', 'z'): warnings.warn('Default `strict` currently False; ' 'this will change to True in a future version of ' 'nipy; output names of "x", "y", "z" will raise ' 'an error. Please use canonical output names from ' 'nipy.core.reference.spaces', FutureWarning, stacklevel = 2) hdr.set_sform(xyz_affine, 'scanner') hdr.set_qform(xyz_affine, 'scanner') elif not out_space in ncrs.unknown_space: # no space we recognize raise NiftiError('Image world not a NIFTI world') else: # unknown space requires affine that matches # Set guessed shape to set zooms correctly hdr.set_data_shape(img.shape) # Use qform set to set the zooms, but with 'unknown' code hdr.set_qform(xyz_affine, 'unknown') hdr.set_sform(None) if not np.allclose(xyz_affine, hdr.get_base_affine()): raise NiftiError("Image world is 'unknown' but affine not " "compatible; please reset image world or " "affine") # Use list() to get .index method for python < 2.6 input_names = list(coordmap.function_domain.coord_names) spatial_names = input_names[:3] dim_infos = [] for fps in 'freq', 'phase', 'slice': dim_infos.append( spatial_names.index(fps) if fps in spatial_names else None) hdr.set_dim_info(*dim_infos) # Set units without knowing time hdr.set_xyzt_units(xyz='mm') # Done if we only have 3 input dimensions n_ns = coordmap.ndims[0] - 3 if n_ns == 0: # No non-spatial dimensions return nib.Nifti1Image(img.get_data(), xyz_affine, hdr) elif n_ns > 4: raise NiftiError("Too many dimensions to convert") # Go now to data, pixdims if data is None: data = img.get_data() rzs, trans = to_matvec(img.coordmap.affine) ns_pixdims = list(np.sqrt(np.sum(rzs[3:, 3:] ** 2, axis=0))) in_ax, out_ax, tl_name = _find_time_like(coordmap, fix0) if in_ax is None: # No time-like axes # add new 1-length axis if n_ns == 4: raise NiftiError("Too many dimensions to convert") n_ns += 1 data = data[:, :, :, None, ...] # xyzt_units hdr.set_xyzt_units(xyz='mm') # shift pixdims ns_pixdims.insert(0, 0) else: # Time-like hdr.set_xyzt_units(xyz='mm', t=TIME_LIKE_AXES[tl_name]['units']) # If this is really time, set toffset if tl_name == 't' and np.any(trans[3:]): # Which output axis corresponds to time? if out_ax is None: raise NiftiError('Time input and output do not match') hdr['toffset'] = trans[out_ax] # Make sure this time-like axis is first non-space axis if in_ax != 3: data = np.rollaxis(data, in_ax, 3) order = list(range(n_ns)) order.pop(in_ax - 3) order.insert(0, in_ax - 3) ns_pixdims = [ns_pixdims[i] for i in order] hdr['pixdim'][4:(4 + n_ns)] = ns_pixdims return nib.Nifti1Image(data, xyz_affine, hdr)
def _find_time_like(coordmap, fix0): """ Return input axis corresponding to best time-like axis Parameters ---------- coordmap : AffineTransform fix0 : bool True if we use zero column, zero row heuristic to match time input and output axes. Returns ------- in_ax : int or None None if there was no time-like axis that could be mapped to an input, otherwise the input axis index. out_ax : int or None None if there was no time-like axis that could be mapped to an input, otherwise the input axis index. tl_name: str or None: None if there was no time-like axis that could be mapped to an input, otherwise the canonical name of this time-like. """ non_space_inames = list(coordmap.function_domain.coord_names[3:]) non_space_onames = list(coordmap.function_range.coord_names[3:]) # Make time-like names canonical, set to None elsewhere for ax_names in [non_space_inames, non_space_onames]: for ax_no, ax_name in enumerate(ax_names): ax_names[ax_no] = TIME_LIKE_MAP.get(ax_name) # Find best time in axis, check correspondence in2out, out2in = axmap(coordmap, 'both', fix0) in_ax, out_ax = None, None for name in TIME_LIKE_ORDERED: if name in non_space_inames: in_ax = non_space_inames.index(name) + 3 corr_out = in2out[in_ax] if name in non_space_onames: # in both - matching? same_time_out = non_space_onames.index(name) + 3 corr_in = out2in[same_time_out] if corr_out is None: if corr_in is not None: raise NiftiError("Axis type '%s' found in input and " "output but they do not appear to " "match" % name) return (in_ax, None, name) if corr_out != same_time_out: raise NiftiError("Axis type '%s' found in input and " "output but they do not appear to " "match" % name) return (in_ax, corr_out, name) # Name not in output, but is there another time-like name at this # output position? matching = non_space_onames[corr_out - 3] if matching is None: return (in_ax, corr_out, name) raise NiftiError("Axis type '%s' in input matches axis type '%s' " "in output" % (name, matching)) # Now check in output names elif name in non_space_onames: # Found name in output axes, corresponding input? out_ax = non_space_onames.index(name) + 3 in_ax = out2in[out_ax] if in_ax is None: # no corresponding axis continue matching = non_space_inames[in_ax - 3] if matching is None: return (in_ax, out_ax, name) raise NiftiError("Axis type '%s' in output matches axis type " "'%s' in input" % (name, matching)) return None, None, None TIME_LIKE_UNITS = dict( sec = dict(name='t', scaling = 1), msec = dict(name='t', scaling = 1 / 1000.), usec = dict(name='t', scaling = 1 / 1000000.), hz = dict(name='hz', scaling = 1), ppm = dict(name='ppm', scaling = 1), rads = dict(name='rads', scaling = 1))
[docs]def nifti2nipy(ni_img): """ Return NIPY image from NIFTI image `ni_image` Parameters ---------- ni_img : nibabel.Nifti1Image NIFTI image Returns ------- img : :class:`Image` nipy image Raises ------ NiftiError : if image is < 3D Notes ----- Lacking any other information, we take the input coordinate names for axes 0:7 to be ('i', 'j', 'k', 't', 'u', 'v', 'w'). If the image is 1D or 2D then we have a problem. If there's a defined (sform, qform) affine, this has 3 input dimensions, and we have to guess what the extra input dimensions are. If we don't have a defined affine, we don't know what the output dimensions are. For example, if the image is 2D, and we don't have an affine, are these X and Y or X and Z or Y and Z? In the presence of ambiguity, resist the temptation to guess - raise a NiftiError. If there is a time-like axis, name the input and corresponding output axis for the type of axis ('t', 'hz', 'ppm', 'rads'). Otherwise remove the 't' axis from both input and output names, and squeeze the length 1 dimension from the input data. If there's a 't' axis get ``toffset`` and put into affine at position [3, -1]. If ``dim_info`` is set coherently, set input axis names to 'slice', 'freq', 'phase' from ``dim_info``. Get the output spatial coordinate names from the 'scanner', 'aligned', 'talairach', 'mni' XYZ spaces (see :mod:`nipy.core.reference.spaces`). We construct the N-D affine by taking the XYZ affine and adding scaling diagonal elements from ``pixdim``. If the space units in NIFTI ``xyzt_units`` are 'microns' or 'meters' we adjust the affine to mm units, but warn because this might be a mistake. If the time units in NIFTI `xyzt_units` are 'msec' or 'usec', scale the time axis ``pixdim`` values accordingly. Ignore the intent-related fields for now, but warn that we are doing so if there appears to be specific information in there. """ hdr = get_header(ni_img) affine = get_affine(ni_img) # Affine will not be None from a loaded image, but just in case if affine is None: affine = hdr.get_best_affine() else: affine = affine.copy() data = ni_img.get_data() shape = list(ni_img.shape) ndim = len(shape) if ndim < 3: raise NiftiError("With less than 3 dimensions we cannot be sure " "which input and output dimensions you intend for " "the coordinate map. Please fix this image with " "nibabel or some other tool") # For now we only warn if intent is set to an unexpected value intent, _, _ = hdr.get_intent() if intent != 'none': warnings.warn('Ignoring intent field meaning "%s"' % intent, UserWarning) # Which space? world_label = hdr.get_value_label('sform_code') if world_label == 'unknown': world_label = hdr.get_value_label('qform_code') world_space = XFORM2SPACE.get(world_label, ncrs.unknown_space) # Get information from dim_info input_names3 = list('ijk') freq, phase, slice = hdr.get_dim_info() if freq is not None: input_names3[freq] = 'freq' if phase is not None: input_names3[phase] = 'phase' if slice is not None: input_names3[slice] = 'slice' # Add to mm scaling, with warning space_units, time_like_units = hdr.get_xyzt_units() if space_units in ('micron', 'meter'): warnings.warn('"%s" space scaling in NIFTI ``xyt_units field; ' 'applying scaling to affine, but this may not be what ' 'you want' % space_units, UserWarning) if space_units == 'micron': affine[:3] /= 1000. elif space_units == 'meter': affine[:3] *= 1000. input_cs3 = CS(input_names3, name='voxels') output_cs3 = world_space.to_coordsys_maker()(3) cmap3 = AT(input_cs3, output_cs3, affine) if ndim == 3: return Image(data, cmap3, {'header': hdr}) space_units, time_like_units = hdr.get_xyzt_units() units_info = TIME_LIKE_UNITS.get(time_like_units, None) n_ns = ndim - 3 ns_zooms = list(hdr.get_zooms()[3:]) ns_trans = [0] * n_ns ns_names = tuple('uvw') # Have we got a time axis? if (shape[3] == 1 and ndim > 4 and units_info is None): # Squeeze length 1 no-time axis shape.pop(3) ns_zooms.pop(0) ns_trans.pop(0) data = data.reshape(shape) n_ns -= 1 else: # have time-like if units_info is None: units_info = TIME_LIKE_UNITS['sec'] time_name = units_info['name'] if units_info['scaling'] != 1: ns_zooms[0] *= units_info['scaling'] if time_name == 't': # Get time offset ns_trans[0] = hdr['toffset'] ns_names = (time_name,) + ns_names output_cs = CS(ns_names[:n_ns]) input_cs = CS(ns_names[:n_ns]) aff = from_matvec(np.diag(ns_zooms), ns_trans) ns_cmap = AT(input_cs, output_cs, aff) cmap = cm_product(cmap3, ns_cmap,, return Image(data, cmap, {'header': hdr})