# emacs: -*- mode: python; py-indent-offset: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*-
# vi: set ft=python sts=4 ts=4 sw=4 et:
CoordinateSystems are used to represent the space in which the image resides.
A CoordinateSystem contains named coordinates, one for each dimension
and a coordinate dtype. The purpose of the CoordinateSystem is to
specify the name and order of the coordinate axes for a particular
space. This allows one to compare two CoordinateSystems to determine
if they are equal.
from __future__ import print_function
from __future__ import absolute_import
__docformat__ = 'restructuredtext'
import numpy as np
[docs]class CoordinateSystemError(Exception):
[docs]class CoordinateSystem(object):
"""An ordered sequence of named coordinates of a specified dtype.
A coordinate system is defined by the names of the coordinates,
(attribute ``coord_names``) and the numpy dtype of each coordinate
value (attribute ``coord_dtype``). The coordinate system can also
have a name.
>>> names = ['first', 'second', 'third']
>>> cs = CoordinateSystem(names, 'a coordinate system', np.float)
>>> cs.coord_names
('first', 'second', 'third')
>>> cs.name
'a coordinate system'
>>> cs.coord_dtype
The coordinate system also has a ``dtype`` which is the composite
numpy dtype, made from the (``names``, ``coord_dtype``).
>>> dtype_template = [(name, np.float) for name in cs.coord_names]
>>> dtype_should_be = np.dtype(dtype_template)
>>> cs.dtype == dtype_should_be
Two CoordinateSystems are equal if they have the same dtype
and the same names and the same name.
>>> another_cs = CoordinateSystem(names, 'not irrelevant', np.float)
>>> cs == another_cs
>>> cs.dtype == another_cs.dtype
>>> cs.name == another_cs.name
_doc = {}
name = 'world-LPI'
_doc['name'] = 'Name describing the CoordinateSystem'
coord_names = ('x', 'y', 'z')
_doc['coord_names'] = 'Tuple of names describing each coordinate.'
coord_dtype = np.float64
_doc['coord_dtype'] = 'The builtin, scalar, dtype of each coordinate.'
ndim = 3
_doc['ndim'] = 'The number of dimensions'
dtype = np.dtype([('x', np.float),
('y', np.float),
('z', np.float)])
_doc['dtype'] = 'The composite dtype of the CoordinateSystem, ' + \
'expresses the fact that there are three numbers, the' + \
'first one corresponds to "x" and the second to "y".'
[docs] def __init__(self, coord_names, name='', coord_dtype=np.float):
"""Create a coordinate system with a given name and coordinate names.
The CoordinateSystem has two dtype attributes:
#. self.coord_dtype is the dtype of the individual coordinate values
#. self.dtype is the recarray dtype for the CoordinateSystem
which combines the coord_names and the coord_dtype. This
functions as the description of the CoordinateSystem.
coord_names : iterable
A sequence of coordinate names.
name : string, optional
The name of the coordinate system
coord_dtype : np.dtype, optional
The dtype of the coord_names. This should be a built-in
numpy scalar dtype. (default is np.float). The value can
by anything that can be passed to the np.dtype constructor.
For example ``np.float``, ``np.dtype(np.float)`` or ``f8``
all result in the same ``coord_dtype``.
>>> c = CoordinateSystem('ij', name='input')
>>> print(c)
CoordinateSystem(coord_names=('i', 'j'), name='input', coord_dtype=float64)
>>> c.coord_dtype
# this allows coord_names to be an iterator and have a length
coord_names = tuple(coord_names)
# Make sure each coordinate is unique
if len(set(coord_names)) != len(coord_names):
raise ValueError('coord_names must have distinct names')
# verify that the dtype is coord_dtype for sanity
sctypes = (np.sctypes['int'] + np.sctypes['float'] +
np.sctypes['complex'] + np.sctypes['uint'] + [np.object])
coord_dtype = np.dtype(coord_dtype)
if coord_dtype not in sctypes:
raise ValueError('Coordinate dtype should be one of %s' % sctypes)
# Set all the attributes
self.name = name
self.coord_names = coord_names
self.coord_dtype = coord_dtype
self.ndim = len(coord_names)
self.dtype = np.dtype([(name, self.coord_dtype)
for name in self.coord_names])
# All attributes are read only
def __setattr__(self, key, value):
if key in self.__dict__:
raise AttributeError('the value of %s has already been set and all attributes are read-only' % key)
object.__setattr__(self, key, value)
[docs] def index(self, coord_name):
"""Return the index of a given named coordinate.
>>> c = CoordinateSystem('ij', name='input')
>>> c.index('i')
>>> c.index('j')
return list(self.coord_names).index(coord_name)
def __ne__(self, other):
return not self.__eq__(other)
def __eq__(self, other):
"""Equality is defined by self.dtype and self.name
other : :class:`CoordinateSystem`
The object to be compared with
tf: bool
return (self.dtype == other.dtype) and (self.name == other.name)
[docs] def similar_to(self, other):
"""Similarity is defined by self.dtype, ignoring name
other : :class:`CoordinateSystem`
The object to be compared with
tf: bool
return (self.dtype == other.dtype)
def __repr__(self):
"""Create a string representation of the coordinate system
s : string
return ("CoordinateSystem(coord_names=%s, name='%s', coord_dtype=%s)" %
(self.coord_names, self.name, self.coord_dtype))
def _checked_values(self, arr):
''' Check ``arr`` for valid dtype and shape as coordinate values.
Raise Errors for failed checks.
The dtype of ``arr`` has to be castable (without loss of precision) to
``self.coord_dtype``. We use numpy ``can_cast`` for this check.
The last (or only) axis of ``arr`` should be of length ``self.ndim``.
arr : array-like
array to check
checked_arr : array
Possibly reshaped array
>>> cs = CoordinateSystem('ijk', coord_dtype=np.float32)
>>> arr = np.array([1, 2, 3], dtype=np.int16)
>>> cs._checked_values(arr) # 1D is OK with matching dimensions
array([[1, 2, 3]], dtype=int16)
>>> cs._checked_values(arr.reshape(1,3)) # as is 1 by N
array([[1, 2, 3]], dtype=int16)
This next is the wrong shape:
>>> cs._checked_values(arr.reshape(3,1)) #doctest: +IGNORE_EXCEPTION_DETAIL
Traceback (most recent call last):
CoordinateSystemError: Array shape[-1] (1) must match CoordinateSystem ndim (3).
CoordinateSystem(coord_names=('i', 'j', 'k'), name='', coord_dtype=float32)
Wrong length:
>>> cs._checked_values(arr[0:2]) #doctest: +IGNORE_EXCEPTION_DETAIL
Traceback (most recent call last):
CoordinateSystemError: Array shape[-1] (2) must match CoordinateSystem ndim (3).
CoordinateSystem(coord_names=('i', 'j', 'k'), name='', coord_dtype=float32)
The dtype has to be castable:
>>> cs._checked_values(np.array([1, 2, 3], dtype=np.float64)) #doctest: +IGNORE_EXCEPTION_DETAIL
Traceback (most recent call last):
CoordinateSystemError: Cannot cast array dtype float64 to CoordinateSystem coord_dtype float32.
CoordinateSystem(coord_names=('i', 'j', 'k'), name='', coord_dtype=float32)
The input array is unchanged, even if a reshape has
occurred. The returned array points to the same data.
>>> checked = cs._checked_values(arr)
>>> checked.shape == arr.shape
>>> checked is arr
>>> arr[0]
>>> checked[0,0] = 10
>>> arr[0]
For a 1D CoordinateSystem, passing a 1D vector length N could be a
mistake (you were expecting an N-dimensional coordinate system), or it
could be N points in 1D. Because it is ambiguous, this is an error.
>>> cs = CoordinateSystem('x')
>>> cs._checked_values(1)
>>> cs._checked_values([1, 2]) #doctest: +IGNORE_EXCEPTION_DETAIL
Traceback (most recent call last):
CoordinateSystemError: Array shape[-1] (2) must match CoordinateSystem ndim (1).
CoordinateSystem(coord_names=('x',), name='', coord_dtype=float64)
But of course 2D, N by 1 is OK
>>> cs._checked_values(np.array([1,2,3]).reshape(3, 1))
arr = np.atleast_2d(arr)
if arr.shape[-1] != self.ndim:
raise CoordinateSystemError('Array shape[-1] (%s) must match '
'CoordinateSystem ndim (%d).\n %s'
% (arr.shape[-1], self.ndim, str(self)))
if not np.can_cast(arr.dtype, self.coord_dtype):
raise CoordinateSystemError('Cannot cast array dtype %s to '
'CoordinateSystem coord_dtype %s.\n %s' %
(arr.dtype, self.coord_dtype, str(self)))
return arr.reshape((-1, self.ndim))
[docs]def is_coordsys(obj):
""" Test if `obj` has the CoordinateSystem API
obj : object
Object to test
tf : bool
True if `obj` has the coordinate system API
>>> is_coordsys(CoordinateSystem('xyz'))
>>> is_coordsys(CoordSysMaker('ikj'))
if not hasattr(obj, 'coord_names'):
return False
if not hasattr(obj, 'name'):
return False
if not hasattr(obj, 'coord_dtype'):
return False
# Distinguish from CoordSysMaker
return not callable(obj)
[docs]def safe_dtype(*dtypes):
"""Determine a dtype to safely cast all of the given dtypes to.
Safe dtypes are valid numpy dtypes or python types which can be
cast to numpy dtypes. See numpy.sctypes for a list of valid
dtypes. Composite dtypes and string dtypes are not safe dtypes.
dtypes : sequence of ``np.dtype``
dtype : np.dtype
>>> c1 = CoordinateSystem('ij', 'input', coord_dtype=np.float32)
>>> c2 = CoordinateSystem('kl', 'input', coord_dtype=np.complex)
>>> safe_dtype(c1.coord_dtype, c2.coord_dtype)
>>> # Strings are invalid dtypes
>>> safe_dtype(type('foo'))
Traceback (most recent call last):
TypeError: dtype must be valid numpy dtype int, uint, float, complex or object
>>> # Check for a valid dtype
>>> myarr = np.zeros(2, np.float32)
>>> myarr.dtype.isbuiltin
>>> # Composite dtypes are invalid
>>> mydtype = np.dtype([('name', 'S32'), ('age', 'i4')])
>>> myarr = np.zeros(2, mydtype)
>>> myarr.dtype.isbuiltin
>>> safe_dtype(mydtype)
Traceback (most recent call last):
TypeError: dtype must be valid numpy dtype int, uint, float, complex or object
arrays = [np.zeros(2, dtype) for dtype in dtypes]
kinds = [a.dtype.kind for a in arrays]
if not set(kinds).issubset('iubfcO'):
raise TypeError('dtype must be valid numpy dtype '
'int, uint, float, complex or object')
return np.array(arrays).dtype
[docs]def product(*coord_systems, **kwargs):
r"""Create the product of a sequence of CoordinateSystems.
The coord_dtype of the result will be determined by ``safe_dtype``.
\*coord_systems : sequence of :class:`CoordinateSystem`
name : str
Name of ouptut coordinate system
product_coord_system : :class:`CoordinateSystem`
>>> c1 = CoordinateSystem('ij', 'input', coord_dtype=np.float32)
>>> c2 = CoordinateSystem('kl', 'input', coord_dtype=np.complex)
>>> c3 = CoordinateSystem('ik', 'in3')
>>> print(product(c1, c2))
CoordinateSystem(coord_names=('i', 'j', 'k', 'l'), name='product', coord_dtype=complex128)
>>> print(product(c1, c2, name='another name'))
CoordinateSystem(coord_names=('i', 'j', 'k', 'l'), name='another name', coord_dtype=complex128)
>>> product(c2, c3)
Traceback (most recent call last):
ValueError: coord_names must have distinct names
name = kwargs.pop('name', 'product')
if kwargs:
raise TypeError('Unexpected kwargs %s' % kwargs)
coords = []
for c in coord_systems:
coords += c.coord_names
dtype = safe_dtype(*[c.coord_dtype for c in coord_systems])
return CoordinateSystem(coords, name, coord_dtype=dtype)
[docs]class CoordSysMakerError(Exception):
[docs]class CoordSysMaker(object):
""" Class to create similar coordinate maps of different dimensions
coord_sys_klass = CoordinateSystem
[docs] def __init__(self, coord_names, name='', coord_dtype=np.float):
"""Create a coordsys maker with given axis `coord_names`
coord_names : iterable
A sequence of coordinate names.
name : string, optional
The name of the coordinate system
coord_dtype : np.dtype, optional
The dtype of the coord_names. This should be a built-in
numpy scalar dtype. (default is np.float). The value can
by anything that can be passed to the np.dtype constructor.
For example ``np.float``, ``np.dtype(np.float)`` or ``f8``
all result in the same ``coord_dtype``.
>>> cmkr = CoordSysMaker('ijk', 'a name')
>>> print(cmkr(2))
CoordinateSystem(coord_names=('i', 'j'), name='a name', coord_dtype=float64)
>>> print(cmkr(3))
CoordinateSystem(coord_names=('i', 'j', 'k'), name='a name', coord_dtype=float64)
self.coord_names = tuple(coord_names)
self.name = name
self.coord_dtype = coord_dtype
def __call__(self, N, name=None, coord_dtype=None):
""" Create coordinate system of length `N`
N : int
length of coordinate map
name : None or str, optional
Name of coordinate map. Default is ``self.name``
coord_dtype : None or dtype
``coord_dtype`` of returned coordinate system. Default is
csys : coordinate system
if name is None:
name = self.name
if coord_dtype is None:
coord_dtype = self.coord_dtype
if N > len(self.coord_names):
raise CoordSysMakerError('Not enough axis names (have %d, '
'you asked for %d)' %
(len(self.coord_names), N))
return self.coord_sys_klass(self.coord_names[:N], name, coord_dtype)
[docs]def is_coordsys_maker(obj):
""" Test if `obj` has the CoordSysMaker API
obj : object
Object to test
tf : bool
True if `obj` has the coordinate system API
>>> is_coordsys_maker(CoordSysMaker('ikj'))
>>> is_coordsys_maker(CoordinateSystem('xyz'))
if not hasattr(obj, 'coord_names'):
return False
if not hasattr(obj, 'name'):
return False
if not hasattr(obj, 'coord_dtype'):
return False
# Distinguish from CoordinateSystem
return callable(obj)