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""" Random field theory routines
The theoretical results for the EC densities appearing in this module
were partially supported by NSF grant DMS-0405970.
Taylor, J.E. & Worsley, K.J. (2012). "Detecting sparse cone alternatives
for Gaussian random fields, with an application to fMRI". arXiv:1207.3840
[math.ST] and Statistica Sinica 23 (2013): 1629-1656.
Taylor, J.E. & Worsley, K.J. (2008). "Random fields of multivariate
test statistics, with applications to shape analysis." arXiv:0803.1708
[math.ST] and Annals of Statistics 36( 2008): 1-27
from __future__ import print_function
from __future__ import absolute_import
import numpy as np
from numpy.linalg import pinv
from scipy import stats
from scipy.misc import factorial
from scipy.special import gamma, gammaln, beta, hermitenorm
# Legacy repr printing from numpy.
from nipy.testing import legacy_printing as setup_module # noqa
[docs]def binomial(n, k):
""" Binomial coefficient
c = ---------
(n-k)! k!
n : float
n of (n, k)
k : float
k of (n, k)
c : float
First 3 values of 4 th row of Pascal triangle
>>> [binomial(4, k) for k in range(3)]
[1.0, 4.0, 6.0]
if n <= k or n == 0:
return 0.
elif k == 0:
return 1.
return 1./(beta(n-k+1, k+1)*(n+1))
[docs]def Q(dim, dfd=np.inf):
r""" Q polynomial
If `dfd` == inf (the default), then Q(dim) is the (dim-1)-st Hermite
.. math::
H_j(x) = (-1)^j * e^{x^2/2} * (d^j/dx^j e^{-x^2/2})
If `dfd` != inf, then it is the polynomial Q defined in [Worsley1994]_
dim : int
dimension of polynomial
dfd : scalar
q_poly : np.poly1d instance
.. [Worsley1994] Worsley, K.J. (1994). 'Local maxima and the expected Euler
characteristic of excursion sets of \chi^2, F and t fields.' Advances in
Applied Probability, 26:13-42.
m = dfd
j = dim
if j <= 0:
raise ValueError('Q defined only for dim > 0')
coeffs = np.around(hermitenorm(j - 1).c)
if np.isfinite(m):
for L in range((j - 1) // 2 + 1):
f = np.exp(gammaln((m + 1) / 2.)
- gammaln((m + 2 - j + 2 * L) / 2.)
- 0.5 * (j - 1 - 2 * L) * (np.log(m / 2.)))
coeffs[2 * L] *= f
return np.poly1d(coeffs)
[docs]class ECquasi(np.poly1d):
""" Polynomials with premultiplier
A subclass of poly1d consisting of polynomials with a premultiplier of the
(1 + x^2/m)^-exponent
where m is a non-negative float (possibly infinity, in which case the
function is a polynomial) and exponent is a non-negative multiple of 1/2.
These arise often in the EC densities.
>>> import numpy
>>> from nipy.algorithms.statistics.rft import ECquasi
>>> x = numpy.linspace(0,1,101)
>>> a = ECquasi([3,4,5])
>>> a
ECquasi(array([3, 4, 5]), m=inf, exponent=0.000000)
>>> a(3) == 3*3**2 + 4*3 + 5
>>> b = ECquasi(a.coeffs, m=30, exponent=4)
>>> numpy.allclose(b(x), a(x) * numpy.power(1+x**2/30, -4))
[docs] def __init__(self, c_or_r, r=0, exponent=None, m=None):
np.poly1d.__init__(self, c_or_r, r=r, variable='x')
if exponent is None and not hasattr(self, 'exponent'):
self.exponent = 0
elif not hasattr(self, 'exponent'):
self.exponent = exponent
if m is None and not hasattr(self, 'm'):
self.m = np.inf
elif not hasattr(self, 'm'):
self.m = m
if not np.isfinite(self.m):
self.exponent = 0.
[docs] def denom_poly(self):
""" Base of the premultiplier: (1+x^2/m).
>>> import numpy
>>> b = ECquasi([3,4,20], m=30, exponent=4)
>>> d = b.denom_poly()
>>> d
poly1d([ 0.03333333, 0. , 1. ])
>>> numpy.allclose(d.c, [1./b.m,0,1])
return np.poly1d([1./self.m, 0, 1])
[docs] def change_exponent(self, _pow):
""" Change exponent
Multiply top and bottom by an integer multiple of the
>>> import numpy
>>> b = ECquasi([3,4,20], m=30, exponent=4)
>>> x = numpy.linspace(0,1,101)
>>> c = b.change_exponent(3)
>>> c
ECquasi(array([ 1.11111111e-04, 1.48148148e-04, 1.07407407e-02,
1.33333333e-02, 3.66666667e-01, 4.00000000e-01,
5.00000000e+00, 4.00000000e+00, 2.00000000e+01]), m=30.000000, exponent=7.000000)
>>> numpy.allclose(c(x), b(x))
if np.isfinite(self.m):
_denom_poly = self.denom_poly()
if int(_pow) != _pow or _pow < 0:
raise ValueError('expecting a non-negative integer')
p = _denom_poly**int(_pow)
exponent = self.exponent + _pow
coeffs = np.polymul(self, p).coeffs
return ECquasi(coeffs, exponent=exponent, m=self.m)
return ECquasi(self.coeffs, exponent=self.exponent, m=self.m)
def __setattr__(self, key, val):
if key == 'exponent':
if 2*float(val) % 1 == 0:
self.__dict__[key] = float(val)
raise ValueError('expecting multiple of a half, got %f' % val)
elif key == 'm':
if float(val) > 0 or val == np.inf:
self.__dict__[key] = val
raise ValueError('expecting positive float or inf')
else: np.poly1d.__setattr__(self, key, val)
[docs] def compatible(self, other):
""" Check compatibility of degrees of freedom
Check whether the degrees of freedom of two instances are equal
so that they can be multiplied together.
>>> import numpy
>>> b = ECquasi([3,4,20], m=30, exponent=4)
>>> x = numpy.linspace(0,1,101)
>>> c = b.change_exponent(3)
>>> b.compatible(c)
>>> d = ECquasi([3,4,20])
>>> b.compatible(d)
if self.m != other.m:
#raise ValueError, 'quasi polynomials are not compatible, m disagrees'
return False
return True
def __add__(self, other):
""" Add two compatible ECquasi instances together.
>>> b = ECquasi([3,4,20], m=30, exponent=4)
>>> c = ECquasi([1], m=30, exponent=4)
>>> b+c #doctest: +IGNORE_DTYPE
ECquasi(array([ 3, 4, 21]), m=30.000000, exponent=4.000000)
>>> d = ECquasi([1], m=30, exponent=3)
>>> b+d
ECquasi(array([ 3.03333333, 4. , 21. ]), m=30.000000, exponent=4.000000)
if self.compatible(other):
if np.isfinite(self.m):
M = max(self.exponent, other.exponent)
q1 = self.change_exponent(M-self.exponent)
q2 = other.change_exponent(M-other.exponent)
p = np.poly1d.__add__(q1, q2)
return ECquasi(p.coeffs,
p = np.poly1d.__add__(self, other)
return ECquasi(p.coeffs,
def __mul__(self, other):
""" Multiply two compatible ECquasi instances together.
>>> b=ECquasi([3,4,20], m=30, exponent=4)
>>> c=ECquasi([1,2], m=30, exponent=4.5)
>>> b*c
ECquasi(array([ 3, 10, 28, 40]), m=30.000000, exponent=8.500000)
if np.isscalar(other):
return ECquasi(self.coeffs * other,
elif self.compatible(other):
p = np.poly1d.__mul__(self, other)
return ECquasi(p.coeffs,
def __call__(self, val):
"""Evaluate the ECquasi instance.
>>> import numpy
>>> x = numpy.linspace(0,1,101)
>>> a = ECquasi([3,4,5])
>>> a
ECquasi(array([3, 4, 5]), m=inf, exponent=0.000000)
>>> a(3) == 3*3**2 + 4*3 + 5
>>> b = ECquasi(a.coeffs, m=30, exponent=4)
>>> numpy.allclose(b(x), a(x) * numpy.power(1+x**2/30, -4))
n = np.poly1d.__call__(self, val)
_p = self.denom_poly()(val)
return n / np.power(_p, self.exponent)
def __div__(self, other):
raise NotImplementedError
def __eq__(self, other):
return (np.poly1d.__eq__(self, other) and
self.m == other.m and
self.exponent == other.exponent)
def __ne__(self, other):
return not self.__eq__(other)
def __pow__(self, _pow):
""" Power of a ECquasi instance.
>>> b = ECquasi([3,4,5],m=10, exponent=3)
>>> b**2
ECquasi(array([ 9, 24, 46, 40, 25]), m=10.000000, exponent=6.000000)
p = np.poly1d.__pow__(self, int(_pow))
q = ECquasi(p, m=self.m, exponent=_pow*self.exponent)
return q
def __sub__(self, other):
""" Subtract `other` from `self`
other : ECquasi instance
subbed : ECquasi
>>> b = ECquasi([3,4,20], m=30, exponent=4)
>>> c = ECquasi([1,2], m=30, exponent=4)
>>> print(b-c) #doctest: +IGNORE_DTYPE
ECquasi(array([ 3, 3, 18]), m=30.000000, exponent=4.000000)
return self + (other * -1)
def __repr__(self):
if not np.isfinite(self.m):
m = repr(self.m)
m = '%f' % self.m
return "ECquasi(%s, m=%s, exponent=%f)" % (
repr(self.coeffs), m, self.exponent)
__str__ = __repr__
__rsub__ = __sub__
__rmul__ = __mul__
__rdiv__ = __div__
[docs] def deriv(self, m=1):
""" Evaluate derivative of ECquasi
m : int, optional
>>> a = ECquasi([3,4,5])
>>> a.deriv(m=2) #doctest: +IGNORE_DTYPE
ECquasi(array([6]), m=inf, exponent=0.000000)
>>> b = ECquasi([3,4,5], m=10, exponent=3)
>>> b.deriv()
ECquasi(array([-1.2, -2. , 3. , 4. ]), m=10.000000, exponent=4.000000)
if m == 1:
if np.isfinite(self.m):
q1 = ECquasi(np.poly1d.deriv(self, m=1),
q2 = ECquasi(np.poly1d.__mul__(self, self.denom_poly().deriv(m=1)),
m = self.m,
return q1 - self.exponent * q2
return ECquasi(np.poly1d.deriv(self, m=1),
d = self.deriv(m=1)
return d.deriv(m=m-1)
[docs]class fnsum(object):
[docs] def __init__(self, *items):
self.items = list(items)
def __call__(self, x):
v = 0
for q in self.items:
v += q(x)
return v
[docs]class IntrinsicVolumes(object):
""" Compute intrinsic volumes of products of sets
A simple class that exists only to compute the intrinsic volumes of
products of sets (that themselves have intrinsic volumes, of course).
[docs] def __init__(self, mu=[1]):
if isinstance(mu, IntrinsicVolumes):
mu = mu.mu
self.mu = np.asarray(mu, np.float64)
self.order = self.mu.shape[0]-1
def __str__(self):
return str(self.mu)
def __mul__(self, other):
if not isinstance(other, IntrinsicVolumes):
raise ValueError('expecting an IntrinsicVolumes instance')
order = self.order + other.order + 1
mu = np.zeros(order)
for i in range(order):
for j in range(i+1):
mu[i] += self.mu[j] * other.mu[i-j]
return self.__class__(mu)
[docs]class ECcone(IntrinsicVolumes):
""" EC approximation to supremum distribution of var==1 Gaussian process
A class that takes the intrinsic volumes of a set and gives the EC
approximation to the supremum distribution of a unit variance Gaussian
process with these intrinsic volumes. This is the basic building block of
all of the EC densities.
If product is not None, then this product (an instance of IntrinsicVolumes)
will effectively be prepended to the search region in any call, but it will
also affect the (quasi-)polynomial part of the EC density. For instance,
Hotelling's T^2 random field has a sphere as product, as does Roy's maximum
[docs] def __init__(self, mu=[1], dfd=np.inf, search=[1], product=[1]):
self.dfd = dfd
IntrinsicVolumes.__init__(self, mu=mu)
self.product = IntrinsicVolumes(product)
self.search = IntrinsicVolumes(search)
def __call__(self, x, search=None):
""" Get expected EC for a search region
Default is self.search which itself defaults to [1] giving the
survival function.
x = np.asarray(x, np.float64)
if search is None:
search = self.search
search = IntrinsicVolumes(search)
search *= self.product
if np.isfinite(self.dfd):
q_even = ECquasi([0], m=self.dfd, exponent=0)
q_odd = ECquasi([0], m=self.dfd, exponent=0.5)
q_even = np.poly1d([0])
q_odd = np.poly1d([0])
for k in range(search.mu.shape[0]):
q = self.quasi(k)
c = float(search.mu[k]) * np.power(2*np.pi, -(k+1)/2.)
if np.isfinite(self.dfd):
q_even += q[0] * c
q_odd += q[1] * c
q_even += q * c
_rho = q_even(x) + q_odd(x)
if np.isfinite(self.dfd):
_rho *= np.power(1 + x**2/self.dfd, -(self.dfd-1)/2.)
_rho *= np.exp(-x**2/2.)
if search.mu[0] * self.mu[0] != 0.:
# tail probability is not "quasi-polynomial"
if not np.isfinite(self.dfd):
P = stats.norm.sf
P = lambda x: stats.t.sf(x, self.dfd)
_rho += P(x) * search.mu[0] * self.mu[0]
return _rho
[docs] def pvalue(self, x, search=None):
return self(x, search=search)
[docs] def integ(self, m=None, k=None):
raise NotImplementedError # this could be done with stats.t,
# at least m=1
[docs] def density(self, x, dim):
""" The EC density in dimension `dim`.
return self(x, search=[0]*dim+[1])
def _quasi_polynomials(self, dim):
""" list of quasi-polynomials for EC density calculation.
c = self.mu / np.power(2*np.pi, np.arange(self.order+1.)/2.)
quasi_polynomials = []
for k in range(c.shape[0]):
if k+dim > 0:
_q = ECquasi(Q(k+dim, dfd=self.dfd),
_q *= float(c[k])
return quasi_polynomials
[docs] def quasi(self, dim):
r""" (Quasi-)polynomial parts of EC density in dimension `dim`
- ignoring a factor of (2\pi)^{-(dim+1)/2} in front.
q_even = ECquasi([0], m=self.dfd, exponent=0)
q_odd = ECquasi([0], m=self.dfd, exponent=0.5)
quasi_polynomials = self._quasi_polynomials(dim)
for k in range(len(quasi_polynomials)):
_q = quasi_polynomials[k]
if _q.exponent % 1 == 0:
q_even += _q
q_odd += _q
if not np.isfinite(self.dfd):
q_even += q_odd
return np.poly1d(q_even.coeffs)
return (q_even, q_odd)
Gaussian = ECcone
[docs]def mu_sphere(n, j, r=1):
""" `j`th curvature for `n` dimensional sphere radius `r`
Return mu_j(S_r(R^n)), the j-th Lipschitz Killing
curvature of the sphere of radius r in R^n.
From Chapter 6 of
Adler & Taylor, 'Random Fields and Geometry'. 2006.
if j < n:
if n-1 == j:
return 2 * np.power(np.pi, n/2.) * np.power(r, n-1) / gamma(n/2.)
if (n-1-j)%2 == 0:
return 2 * binomial(n-1, j) * mu_sphere(n,n-1) * np.power(r, j) / mu_sphere(n-j,n-j-1)
return 0
return 0
[docs]def mu_ball(n, j, r=1):
""" `j`th curvature of `n`-dimensional ball radius `r`
Return mu_j(B_n(r)), the j-th Lipschitz Killing curvature of the
ball of radius r in R^n.
if j <= n:
if n == j:
return np.power(np.pi, n/2.) * np.power(r, n) / gamma(n/2. + 1.)
return binomial(n, j) * np.power(r, j) * mu_ball(n,n) / mu_ball(n-j,n-j)
return 0
[docs]def spherical_search(n, r=1):
""" A spherical search region of radius r.
return IntrinsicVolumes([mu_sphere(n,j,r=r) for j in range(n)])
[docs]def ball_search(n, r=1):
""" A ball-shaped search region of radius r.
return IntrinsicVolumes([mu_ball(n,j,r=r) for j in range(n+1)])
[docs]def volume2ball(vol, d=3):
""" Approximate volume with ball
Approximate intrinsic volumes of a set with a given volume by those of a
ball with a given dimension and equal volume.
if d > 0:
r = np.power(vol * 1. / mu_ball(d, d), 1./d)
return ball_search(d, r=r)
return IntrinsicVolumes([1])
[docs]class ChiSquared(ECcone):
""" EC densities for a Chi-Squared(n) random field.
[docs] def __init__(self, dfn, dfd=np.inf, search=[1]):
self.dfn = dfn
ECcone.__init__(self, mu=spherical_search(self.dfn), search=search, dfd=dfd)
def __call__(self, x, search=None):
return ECcone.__call__(self, np.sqrt(x), search=search)
[docs]class TStat(ECcone):
""" EC densities for a t random field.
[docs] def __init__(self, dfd=np.inf, search=[1]):
ECcone.__init__(self, mu=[1], dfd=dfd, search=search)
[docs]class FStat(ECcone):
""" EC densities for a F random field.
[docs] def __init__(self, dfn, dfd=np.inf, search=[1]):
self.dfn = dfn
ECcone.__init__(self, mu=spherical_search(self.dfn), search=search, dfd=dfd)
def __call__(self, x, search=None):
return ECcone.__call__(self, np.sqrt(x * self.dfn), search=search)
[docs]class Roy(ECcone):
""" Roy's maximum root
Maximize an F_{dfd,dfn} statistic over a sphere of dimension k.
[docs] def __init__(self, dfn=1, dfd=np.inf, k=1, search=[1]):
product = spherical_search(k)
self.k = k
self.dfn = dfn
ECcone.__init__(self, mu=spherical_search(self.dfn),
search=search, dfd=dfd, product=product)
def __call__(self, x, search=None):
return ECcone.__call__(self, np.sqrt(x * self.dfn), search=search)
[docs]class Hotelling(ECcone):
""" Hotelling's T^2
Maximize an F_{1,dfd}=T_dfd^2 statistic over a sphere of dimension
[docs] def __init__(self, dfd=np.inf, k=1, search=[1]):
product = spherical_search(k)
self.k = k
ECcone.__init__(self, mu=[1], search=search, dfd=dfd, product=product)
def __call__(self, x, search=None):
return ECcone.__call__(self, np.sqrt(x), search=search)
[docs]class OneSidedF(ECcone):
""" EC densities for one-sided F statistic
Worsley, K.J. & Taylor, J.E. (2005). 'Detecting fMRI activation
allowing for unknown latency of the hemodynamic response.'
Neuroimage, 29,649-654.
[docs] def __init__(self, dfn, dfd=np.inf, search=[1]):
self.dfn = dfn
self.regions = [spherical_search(dfn), spherical_search(dfn-1)]
ECcone.__init__(self, mu=spherical_search(self.dfn), search=search, dfd=dfd)
def __call__(self, x, search=None):
IntrinsicVolumes.__init__(self, self.regions[0])
d1 = ECcone.__call__(self, np.sqrt(x * self.dfn), search=search)
IntrinsicVolumes.__init__(self, self.regions[1])
d2 = ECcone.__call__(self, np.sqrt(x * (self.dfn-1)), search=search)
self.mu = self.regions[0].mu
return (d1 - d2) * 0.5
[docs]class ChiBarSquared(ChiSquared):
def _getmu(self):
x = np.linspace(0, 2 * self.dfn, 100)
sf = 0.
g = Gaussian()
for i in range(1, self.dfn+1):
sf += binomial(self.dfn, i) * stats.chi.sf(x, i) / np.power(2., self.dfn)
d = np.array([g.density(np.sqrt(x), j) for j in range(self.dfn)])
c = np.dot(pinv(d.T), sf)
sf += 1. / np.power(2, self.dfn)
self.mu = IntrinsicVolumes(c)
[docs] def __init__(self, dfn=1, search=[1]):
ChiSquared.__init__(self, dfn=dfn, search=search)
def __call__(self, x, dim=0, search=[1]):
if search is None:
search = self.stat
search = IntrinsicVolumes(search) * self.stat
return FStat.__call__(self, x, dim=dim, search=search)
[docs]def scale_space(region, interval, kappa=1.):
""" scale space intrinsic volumes of region x interval
Siegmund, D.O and Worsley, K.J. (1995). 'Testing for a signal
with unknown location and scale in a stationary Gaussian random
field.' Annals of Statistics, 23:608-639.
Taylor, J.E. & Worsley, K.J. (2005). 'Random fields of multivariate
test statistics, with applications to shape analysis and fMRI.'
(available on http://www.math.mcgill.ca/keith
w1, w2 = interval
region = IntrinsicVolumes(region)
D = region.order
out = np.zeros((D+2,))
out[0] = region.mu[0]
for i in range(1, D+2):
if i < D+1:
out[i] = (1./w1 + 1./w2) * region.mu[i] * 0.5
for j in range(int(np.floor((D-i+1)/2.)+1)):
denom = (i + 2*j - 1.)
# w^-i/i when i=0
# according to Keith Worsley the 2005 paper has a typo
if denom == 0:
f = np.log(w2/w1)
f = (w1**(-i-2*j+1) - w2**(-i-2*j+1)) / denom
f *= kappa**((1-2*j)/2.) * (-1)**j * factorial(int(denom))
f /= (1 - 2*j) * (4*np.pi)**j * factorial(j) * factorial(i-1)
out[i] += region.mu[int(denom)] * f
return IntrinsicVolumes(out)