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Non-linear least squares model
from __future__ import absolute_import
__docformat__ = 'restructuredtext'
import numpy as np
import numpy.linalg as npl
from .model import Model
from nipy.externals.six import Iterator
[docs]class NLSModel(Model, Iterator):
Class representing a simple nonlinear least squares model.
[docs] def __init__(self, Y, design, f, grad, theta, niter=10):
""" Initialize non-linear model instance
Y : ndarray
the data in the NLS model
design : ndarray
the design matrix, X
f : callable
the map between the (linear parameters (in the design matrix) and
the nonlinear parameters (theta)) and the predicted data. `f`
accepts the design matrix and the parameters (theta) as input, and
returns the predicted data at that design.
grad : callable
the gradient of f, this should be a function of an nxp design
matrix X and qx1 vector theta that returns an nxq matrix
df_i/dtheta_j where:
.. math::
f_i(theta) = f(X[i], theta)
is the nonlinear response function for the i-th instance in
the model.
theta : array
niter : int
number of iterations
self.Y = Y
self.design = design
self.f = f
self.grad = grad
self.theta = theta
self.niter = niter
if self.design is not None and self.Y is not None:
if self.Y.shape[0] != self.design.shape[0]:
raise ValueError('Y should be same shape as design')
def _Y_changed(self):
if self.design is not None:
if self.Y.shape[0] != self.design.shape[0]:
raise ValueError('Y should be same shape as design')
def _design_changed(self):
if self.Y is not None:
if self.Y.shape[0] != self.design.shape[0]:
raise ValueError('Y should be same shape as design')
[docs] def getZ(self):
""" Set Z into `self`
self._Z = self.grad(self.design, self.theta)
[docs] def getomega(self):
""" Set omega into `self`
self._omega = self.predict() - np.dot(self._Z, self.theta)
[docs] def predict(self, design=None):
""" Get predicted values for `design` or ``self.design``
design : None or array, optional
design at which to predict data. If None (the default) then use the
initial ``self.design``
y_predicted : array
predicted data at given (or initial) design
if design is None:
design = self.design
return self.f(design, self.theta)
[docs] def SSE(self):
""" Sum of squares error.
sse: float
sum of squared residuals
return sum((self.Y - self.predict()) ** 2)
def __iter__(self):
""" Get iterator from model instance
itor : iterator
Returns ``self``
if self.theta is not None:
self.initial = self.theta
elif self.initial is not None:
self.theta = self.initial
raise ValueError('need an initial estimate for theta')
self._iter = 0
self.theta = self.initial
return self
def __next__(self):
""" Do an iteration of fit
if self._iter < self.niter:
Zpinv = npl.pinv(self._Z)
self.theta = np.dot(Zpinv, self.Y - self._omega)
raise StopIteration
self._iter += 1