Source code for

from __future__ import absolute_import
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__docformat__ = 'restructuredtext'

import numpy as np

[docs]class VarianceFunction(object): """ Variance function that relates the variance of a random variable to its mean. Defaults to 1. """ def __call__(self, mu): """ Default variance function INPUTS: mu -- mean parameters OUTPUTS: v v -- ones(mu.shape) """ return np.ones(mu.shape, np.float64)
constant = VarianceFunction()
[docs]class Power(object): """ Power variance function: V(mu) = fabs(mu)**power INPUTS: power -- exponent used in power variance function """
[docs] def __init__(self, power=1.): self.power = power
def __call__(self, mu): """ Power variance function INPUTS: mu -- mean parameters OUTPUTS: v v -- fabs(mu)**self.power """ return np.power(np.fabs(mu), self.power)
[docs]class Binomial(object): """ Binomial variance function p = mu / n; V(mu) = p * (1 - p) * n INPUTS: n -- number of trials in Binomial """ tol = 1.0e-10
[docs] def __init__(self, n=1): self.n = n
[docs] def clean(self, p): return np.clip(p, Binomial.tol, 1 - Binomial.tol)
def __call__(self, mu): """ Binomial variance function INPUTS: mu -- mean parameters OUTPUTS: v v -- mu / self.n * (1 - mu / self.n) * self.n """ p = self.clean(mu / self.n) return p * (1 - p) * self.n
mu = Power() mu_squared = Power(power=2) mu_cubed = Power(power=3) binary = Binomial()