Module for computation of mixed effects statistics with an EM algorithm.
solves problems of the form
y = X beta + e1 + e2,
where X and Y are known, e1 and e2 are centered with diagonal covariance.
V1 = var(e1) is known, and V2 = var(e2) = lambda identity.
the code estimates beta and lambda using an EM algorithm.
Likelihood ratio tests can then be used to test the columns of beta.
Author: Bertrand Thirion, 2012.
>>> N, P = 15, 500
>>> V1 = np.random.randn(N, P) ** 2
>>> effects = np.ones(P)
>>> Y = generate_data(np.ones(N), effects, .25, V1)
>>> T1 = one_sample_ttest(Y, V1, n_iter=5)
>>> T2 = t_stat(Y)
>>> assert(T1.std() < T2.std())
from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import print_function
import numpy as np
EPS = 100 * np.finfo(float).eps
[docs]def generate_data(X, beta, V2, V1):
""" Generate a group of individuals from the provided parameters
X: array of shape (n_samples, n_reg),
the design matrix of the model
beta: float or array of shape (n_reg, n_tests),
the associated effects
V2: float or array of shape (n_tests),
group variance
V1: array of shape(n_samples, n_tests),
the individual variances
Y: array of shape(n_samples, n_tests)
the individual data related to the two-level normal model
# check that the variances are positive
if (V1 < 0).any():
raise ValueError('Variance should be positive')
Y = np.random.randn(*V1.shape)
Y *= np.sqrt(V2 + V1)
if X.ndim == 1:
X = X[:, np.newaxis]
if np.isscalar(beta):
beta = beta * np.ones((X.shape[1], V1.shape[1]))
if beta.ndim == 1:
beta = beta[np.newaxis]
Y += np.dot(X, beta)
return Y
[docs]def check_arrays(Y, V1):
"""Check that the given data can be used for the models
Y: array of shape (n_samples, n_tests) or (n_samples)
the estimated effects
V1: array of shape (n_samples, n_tests) or (n_samples)
first-level variance
if (V1 < 0).any():
raise ValueError("a negative variance has been provided")
if np.size(Y) == Y.shape[0]:
Y = Y[:, np.newaxis]
if np.size(V1) == V1.shape[0]:
V1 = V1[:, np.newaxis]
if Y.shape != V1.shape:
raise ValueError("Y and V1 do not have the same shape")
return Y, V1
[docs]def t_stat(Y):
""" Returns the t stat of the sample on each row of the matrix
Y, array of shape (n_samples, n_tests)
t_variates, array of shape (n_tests)
return Y.mean(0) / Y.std(0) * np.sqrt(Y.shape[0] - 1)
[docs]class MixedEffectsModel(object):
"""Class to handle multiple one-sample mixed effects models
[docs] def __init__(self, X, n_iter=5, verbose=False):
Set the effects and first-level variance,
and initialize related quantities
X: array of shape(n_samples, n_effects),
the design matrix
n_iter: int, optional,
number of iterations of the EM algorithm
verbose: bool, optional, verbosity mode
self.n_iter = n_iter
self.verbose = verbose
self.X = X
self.pinv_X = np.linalg.pinv(X)
[docs] def log_like(self, Y, V1):
""" Compute the log-likelihood of (Y, V1) under the model
Y, array of shape (n_samples, n_tests) or (n_samples)
the estimated effects
V1, array of shape (n_samples, n_tests) or (n_samples)
first-level variance
logl: array of shape self.n_tests,
the log-likelihood of the model
Y, V1 = check_arrays(Y, V1)
tvar = self.V2 + V1
logl = np.sum(((Y - self.Y_) ** 2) / tvar, 0)
logl += np.sum(np.log(tvar), 0)
logl += np.log(2 * np.pi) * Y.shape[0]
logl *= (- 0.5)
return logl
[docs] def predict(self, Y, V1):
"""Return the log_likelihood of the data.See the log_like method"""
return self.log_like(Y, V1)
[docs] def score(self, Y, V1):
"""Return the log_likelihood of the data. See the log_like method"""
return self.log_like(Y, V1)
def _one_step(self, Y, V1):
"""Applies one step of an EM algorithm to estimate self.mean_, self.var
Y, array of shape (n_samples, n_tests) or (n_samples)
the estimated effects
V1, array of shape (n_samples, n_tests) or (n_samples)
first-level variance
# E step
prec = 1. / (self.V2 + V1)
Y_ = prec * (self.V2 * Y + V1 * self.Y_)
cvar = V1 * self.V2 * prec
# M step
self.beta_ = np.dot(self.pinv_X, Y_)
self.Y_ = np.dot(self.X, self.beta_)
self.V2 = np.mean((Y_ - self.Y_) ** 2, 0) + cvar.mean(0)
[docs] def fit(self, Y, V1):
""" Launches the EM algorithm to estimate self
Y, array of shape (n_samples, n_tests) or (n_samples)
the estimated effects
V1, array of shape (n_samples, n_tests) or (n_samples)
first-level variance
# Basic data checks
if self.X.shape[0] != Y.shape[0]:
raise ValueError('X and Y must have the same numbers of rows')
Y, V1 = check_arrays(Y, V1)
self.beta_ = np.dot(self.pinv_X, Y)
self.Y_ = np.dot(self.X, self.beta_)
self.V2 = np.mean((Y - self.Y_) ** 2, 0)
if self.verbose:
log_like_init = self.log_like(Y, V1)
print('Average log-likelihood: ', log_like_init.mean())
for i in range(self.n_iter):
self._one_step(Y, V1)
if self.verbose:
log_like_ = self.log_like(Y, V1)
if (log_like_ < (log_like_init - EPS)).any():
raise ValueError('The log-likelihood cannot decrease')
log_like_init = log_like_
print('Iteration %d, average log-likelihood: %f' % (
i, log_like_.mean()))
return self
[docs]def two_sample_ftest(Y, V1, group, n_iter=5, verbose=False):
"""Returns the mixed effects t-stat for each row of the X
(one sample test)
This uses the Formula in Roche et al., NeuroImage 2007
Y: array of shape (n_samples, n_tests)
the data
V1: array of shape (n_samples, n_tests)
first-level variance assocated with the data
group: array of shape (n_samples)
a vector of indicators yielding the samples membership
n_iter: int, optional,
number of iterations of the EM algorithm
verbose: bool, optional, verbosity mode
tstat: array of shape (n_tests),
statistical values obtained from the likelihood ratio test
# check that group is correct
if group.size != Y.shape[0]:
raise ValueError('The number of labels is not the number of samples')
if (np.unique(group) != np.array([0, 1])).all():
raise ValueError('group should be composed only of zeros and ones')
# create design matrices
X = np.vstack((np.ones_like(group), group)).T
return mfx_stat(Y, V1, X, 1, n_iter=n_iter, verbose=verbose,
return_t=False, return_f=True)[0]
[docs]def two_sample_ttest(Y, V1, group, n_iter=5, verbose=False):
"""Returns the mixed effects t-stat for each row of the X
(one sample test)
This uses the Formula in Roche et al., NeuroImage 2007
Y: array of shape (n_samples, n_tests)
the data
V1: array of shape (n_samples, n_tests)
first-level variance assocated with the data
group: array of shape (n_samples)
a vector of indicators yielding the samples membership
n_iter: int, optional,
number of iterations of the EM algorithm
verbose: bool, optional, verbosity mode
tstat: array of shape (n_tests),
statistical values obtained from the likelihood ratio test
X = np.vstack((np.ones_like(group), group)).T
return mfx_stat(Y, V1, X, 1, n_iter=n_iter, verbose=verbose,
[docs]def one_sample_ftest(Y, V1, n_iter=5, verbose=False):
"""Returns the mixed effects F-stat for each row of the X
(one sample test)
This uses the Formula in Roche et al., NeuroImage 2007
Y: array of shape (n_samples, n_tests)
the data
V1: array of shape (n_samples, n_tests)
first-level variance ssociated with the data
n_iter: int, optional,
number of iterations of the EM algorithm
verbose: bool, optional, verbosity mode
fstat, array of shape (n_tests),
statistical values obtained from the likelihood ratio test
sign, array of shape (n_tests),
sign of the mean for each test (allow for post-hoc signed tests)
return mfx_stat(Y, V1, np.ones((Y.shape[0], 1)), 0, n_iter=n_iter,
verbose=verbose, return_t=False, return_f=True)[0]
[docs]def one_sample_ttest(Y, V1, n_iter=5, verbose=False):
"""Returns the mixed effects t-stat for each row of the X
(one sample test)
This uses the Formula in Roche et al., NeuroImage 2007
Y: array of shape (n_samples, n_tests)
the observations
V1: array of shape (n_samples, n_tests)
first-level variance associated with the observations
n_iter: int, optional,
number of iterations of the EM algorithm
verbose: bool, optional, verbosity mode
tstat: array of shape (n_tests),
statistical values obtained from the likelihood ratio test
return mfx_stat(Y, V1, np.ones((Y.shape[0], 1)), 0, n_iter=n_iter,
verbose=verbose, return_t=True)[0]
[docs]def mfx_stat(Y, V1, X, column, n_iter=5, return_t=True,
return_f=False, return_effect=False,
return_var=False, verbose=False):
"""Run a mixed-effects model test on the column of the design matrix
Y: array of shape (n_samples, n_tests)
the data
V1: array of shape (n_samples, n_tests)
first-level variance assocated with the data
X: array of shape(n_samples, n_regressors)
the design matrix of the model
column: int,
index of the column of X to be tested
n_iter: int, optional,
number of iterations of the EM algorithm
return_t: bool, optional,
should one return the t test (True by default)
return_f: bool, optional,
should one return the F test (False by default)
return_effect: bool, optional,
should one return the effect estimate (False by default)
return_var: bool, optional,
should one return the variance estimate (False by default)
verbose: bool, optional, verbosity mode
(tstat, fstat, effect, var): tuple of arrays of shape (n_tests),
those required by the input return booleans
# check that X/columns are correct
column = int(column)
if X.shape[0] != Y.shape[0]:
raise ValueError('X.shape[0] is not the number of samples')
if (column > X.shape[1]):
raise ValueError('the column index is more than the number of columns')
# create design matrices
contrast_mask = 1 - np.eye(X.shape[1])[column]
X0 = X * contrast_mask
# instantiate the mixed effects models
model_0 = MixedEffectsModel(X0, n_iter=n_iter, verbose=verbose).fit(Y, V1)
model_1 = MixedEffectsModel(X, n_iter=n_iter, verbose=verbose).fit(Y, V1)
# compute the log-likelihood ratio statistic
fstat = 2 * (model_1.log_like(Y, V1) - model_0.log_like(Y, V1))
fstat = np.maximum(0, fstat)
sign = np.sign(model_1.beta_[column])
output = ()
if return_t:
output += (np.sqrt(fstat) * sign,)
if return_f:
output += (fstat,)
if return_var:
output += (model_1.V2,)
if return_effect:
output += (model_1.beta_[column],)
return output