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""" Some simple examples and utility functions for resampling.
from __future__ import absolute_import
import copy
import numpy as np
from ..fixes.scipy.ndimage import affine_transform
from nibabel.affines import from_matvec, to_matvec
from .interpolation import ImageInterpolator
from ..core.api import (Image, CoordinateMap, AffineTransform,
ArrayCoordMap, compose)
[docs]def resample_img2img(source, target, order=3, mode='constant', cval=0.0):
""" Resample `source` image to space of `target` image
This wraps the resample function to resample one image onto another.
The output of the function will give an image with shape of the
target and data from the source.
source : ``Image``
Image instance that is to be resampled
target : ``Image``
Image instance to which source is resampled. The output image will
have the same shape as the target, and the same coordmap.
order : ``int``, optional
What order of interpolation to use in ``scipy.ndimage``.
mode : str, optional
Points outside the boundaries of the input are filled according to the
given mode ('constant', 'nearest', 'reflect' or 'wrap'). Default is
cval : scalar, optional
Value used for points outside the boundaries of the input if
mode='constant'. Default is 0.0.
output : ``Image``
Image with interpolated data and output.coordmap == target.coordmap
>>> from nipy.testing import funcfile, anatfile
>>> from nipy.io.api import load_image
>>> aimg_source = load_image(anatfile)
>>> aimg_target = aimg_source
>>> # in this case, we resample aimg to itself
>>> resimg = resample_img2img(aimg_source, aimg_target)
sip, sop = source.coordmap.ndims
tip, top = target.coordmap.ndims
#print sip, sop, tip, top
if sop != top:
raise ValueError("source coordmap output dimension not equal "
"to target coordmap output dimension")
mapping = np.eye(sop+1) # this would usually be 3+1
resimg = resample(source, target.coordmap, mapping, target.shape,
order=order, mode=mode, cval=cval)
return resimg
[docs]def resample(image, target, mapping, shape, order=3, mode='constant',
""" Resample `image` to `target` CoordinateMap
Use a "world-to-world" mapping `mapping` and spline interpolation of a
Here, "world-to-world" refers to the fact that mapping should be a
callable that takes a physical coordinate in "target" and gives a
physical coordinate in "image".
image : Image instance
image that is to be resampled.
target : CoordinateMap
coordinate map for output image.
mapping : callable or tuple or array
transformation from target.function_range to
image.coordmap.function_range, i.e. 'world-to-world mapping'. Can
be specified in three ways: a callable, a tuple (A, b)
representing the mapping y=dot(A,x)+b or a representation of this
mapping as an affine array, in homogeneous coordinates.
shape : sequence of int
shape of output array, in target.function_domain.
order : int, optional
what order of interpolation to use in ``scipy.ndimage``.
mode : str, optional
Points outside the boundaries of the input are filled according to the
given mode ('constant', 'nearest', 'reflect' or 'wrap'). Default is
cval : scalar, optional
Value used for points outside the boundaries of the input if
mode='constant'. Default is 0.0.
output : Image instance
Image has interpolated data and output.coordmap == target.
if not callable(mapping):
if type(mapping) is type(()):
mapping = from_matvec(*mapping)
# image world to target world mapping
TW2IW = AffineTransform(target.function_range,
if isinstance(mapping, AffineTransform):
TW2IW = mapping
TW2IW = CoordinateMap(target.function_range,
# target voxel to image world mapping
TV2IW = compose(TW2IW, target)
# CoordinateMap describing mapping from target voxel to
# image world coordinates
if not isinstance(TV2IW, AffineTransform):
# interpolator evaluates image at values image.coordmap.function_range,
# i.e. physical coordinates rather than voxel coordinates
grid = ArrayCoordMap.from_shape(TV2IW, shape)
interp = ImageInterpolator(image, order=order, mode=mode, cval=cval)
idata = interp.evaluate(grid.transposed_values)
else: # it is an affine transform, but, what if we compose?
TV2IV = compose(image.coordmap.inverse(), TV2IW)
if isinstance(TV2IV, AffineTransform): # still affine
A, b = to_matvec(TV2IV.affine)
idata = affine_transform(image.get_data(), A,
else: # not affine anymore
interp = ImageInterpolator(image, order=order, mode=mode, cval=cval)
grid = ArrayCoordMap.from_shape(TV2IV, shape)
idata = interp.evaluate(grid.values)
return Image(idata, copy.copy(target))