Source code for nipy.algorithms.registration.scripting

#!/usr/bin/env python
# emacs: -*- mode: python; py-indent-offset: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*-
# vi: set ft=python sts=4 ts=4 sw=4 et:

A scripting wrapper around 4D registration (SpaceTimeRealign)
from __future__ import absolute_import

import os
import os.path as op
import numpy as np
import numpy.linalg as npl

import nibabel as nib
from nibabel.filename_parser import splitext_addext
import nibabel.eulerangles as euler
from nibabel.optpkg import optional_package
matplotlib, HAVE_MPL, _ = optional_package('matplotlib')

from .groupwise_registration import SpaceTimeRealign
import nipy.algorithms.slicetiming as st
from import save_image

timefuncs = st.timefuncs.SLICETIME_FUNCTIONS

__all__ = ["space_time_realign", "aff2euler"]

[docs]def aff2euler(affine): """ Compute Euler angles from 4 x 4 `affine` Parameters ---------- affine : 4 by 4 array An affine transformation matrix Returns ------- The Euler angles associated with the affine """ return euler.mat2euler(aff2rot_zooms(affine)[0])
[docs]def aff2rot_zooms(affine): """ Compute a rotation matrix and zooms from 4 x 4 `affine` Parameters ---------- affine : 4 by 4 array An affine transformation matrix Returns ------- R: 3 by 3 array A rotation matrix in 3D zooms: length 3 1-d array Vector with voxel sizes. """ RZS = affine[:3, :3] zooms = np.sqrt(np.sum(RZS * RZS, axis=0)) RS = RZS / zooms # Adjust zooms to make RS correspond (below) to a true # rotation matrix. if npl.det(RS) < 0: zooms[0] *= -1 RS[:,0] *= -1 # retrieve rotation matrix from RS with polar decomposition. # Discard shears P, S, Qs = npl.svd(RS) R =, Qs) return R, zooms
[docs]def space_time_realign(input, tr, slice_order='descending', slice_dim=2, slice_dir=1, apply=True, make_figure=False, out_name=None): """ This is a scripting interface to `nipy.algorithms.registration.SpaceTimeRealign` Parameters ---------- input : str or list A full path to a file-name (4D nifti time-series) , or to a directory containing 4D nifti time-series, or a list of full-paths to files. tr : float The repetition time slice_order : str (optional) This is the order of slice-times in the acquisition. This is used as a key into the ``SLICETIME_FUNCTIONS`` dictionary from :mod:`nipy.algorithms.slicetiming.timefuncs`. Default: 'descending'. slice_dim : int (optional) Denotes the axis in `images` that is the slice axis. In a 4D image, this will often be axis = 2 (default). slice_dir : int (optional) 1 if the slices were acquired slice 0 first (default), slice -1 last, or -1 if acquire slice -1 first, slice 0 last. apply : bool (optional) Whether to apply the transformation and produce an output. Default: True. make_figure : bool (optional) Whether to generate a .png figure with the parameters across scans. out_name : bool (optional) Specify an output location (full path) for the files that are generated. Default: generate files in the path of the inputs (with an `_mc` suffix added to the file-names. Returns ------- transforms : ndarray An (n_times_points,) shaped array containing `nipy.algorithms.registration.affine.Rigid` class instances for each time point in the time-series. These can be used as affine transforms by referring to their `.as_affine` attribute. """ if make_figure: if not HAVE_MPL: e_s ="You need to have matplotlib installed to run this function" e_s += " with `make_figure` set to `True`" raise RuntimeError(e_s) # If we got only a single file, we motion correct that one: if op.isfile(input): if not (input.endswith('.nii') or input.endswith('.nii.gz')): e_s = "Input needs to be a nifti file ('.nii' or '.nii.gz'" raise ValueError(e_s) fnames = [input] input = nib.load(input) # If this is a full-path to a directory containing files, it's still a # string: elif isinstance(input, str): list_of_files = os.listdir(input) fnames = [op.join(input, f) for f in np.sort(list_of_files) if (f.endswith('.nii') or f.endswith('.nii.gz')) ] input = [nib.load(x) for x in fnames] # Assume that it's a list of full-paths to files: else: input = [nib.load(x) for x in input] slice_times = timefuncs[slice_order] slice_info = [slice_dim, slice_dir] reggy = SpaceTimeRealign(input, tr, slice_times, slice_info) reggy.estimate(align_runs=True) # We now have the transformation parameters in here: transforms = np.squeeze(np.array(reggy._transforms)) rot = np.array([t.rotation for t in transforms]) trans = np.array([t.translation for t in transforms]) if apply: new_reggy = reggy.resample(align_runs=True) for run_idx, new_im in enumerate(new_reggy): # Fix output TR - it was probably lost in the image realign step assert new_im.affine.shape == (5, 5) new_im.affine[:] =[1, 1, 1, tr, 1])) # Save it out to a '.nii.gz' file: froot, ext, trail_ext = splitext_addext(fnames[run_idx]) path, fname = op.split(froot) # We retain the file-name adding '_mc' regardless of where it's # saved new_path = path if out_name is None else out_name save_image(new_im, op.join(new_path, fname + '_mc.nii.gz')) if make_figure: # Delay MPL plotting import to latest moment to avoid errors trying # import the default MPL backend (such as tkinter, which may not be # installed). See: import matplotlib.pyplot as plt figure, ax = plt.subplots(2) figure.set_size_inches([8, 6]) ax[0].plot(rot) ax[0].set_xlabel('Time (TR)') ax[0].set_ylabel('Translation (mm)') ax[1].plot(trans) ax[1].set_xlabel('Time (TR)') ax[1].set_ylabel('Rotation (radians)') figure.savefig(op.join(os.path.split(fnames[0])[0], 'mc_params.png')) return transforms