# emacs: -*- mode: python; py-indent-offset: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*-
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This module implements the Field class, which simply a WeightedGraph
(see the graph.py) module, plus an arrray that yields (possibly
multi-dimnesional) features associated with graph vertices. This
allows some kinds of computations (all thoses relating to mathematical
morphology, diffusion etc.)
Certain functions are provided to Instantiate Fields easily, given a
WeightedGraph and feature data.
Author:Bertrand Thirion, 2006--2011
from __future__ import print_function
from __future__ import absolute_import
from warnings import warn
import numpy as np
from .graph import WeightedGraph, Graph
NEGINF = -np.inf
[docs]def field_from_coo_matrix_and_data(x, data):
""" Instantiates a weighted graph from a (sparse) coo_matrix
x: (V, V) scipy.sparse.coo_matrix instance,
the input matrix
data: array of shape (V, dim),
the field data
ifield: resulting Field instance
if x.shape[0] != x.shape[1]:
raise ValueError("the input coo_matrix is not square")
if data.shape[0] != x.shape[0]:
raise ValueError("data and x do not have consistent shapes")
i, j = x.nonzero()
edges = np.vstack((i, j)).T
weights = x.data
ifield = Field(x.shape[0], edges, weights, data)
return ifield
[docs]def field_from_graph_and_data(g, data):
""" Instantiate a Fieldfrom a WeightedGraph plus some feature data
x: (V, V) scipy.sparse.coo_matrix instance,
the input matrix
data: array of shape (V, dim),
the field data
ifield: resulting field instance
if data.shape[0] != g.V:
raise ValueError("data and g do not have consistent shapes")
ifield = Field(g.V, g.edges, g.weights, data)
return ifield
[docs]class Field(WeightedGraph):
This is the basic field structure,
which contains the weighted graph structure
plus an array of data (the 'field')
field is an array of size(n, p)
where n is the number of vertices of the graph
and p is the field dimension
[docs] def __init__(self, V, edges=None, weights=None, field=None):
V (int > 0) the number of vertices of the graph
edges=None: the edge array of the graph
weights=None: the asociated weights array
field=None: the field data itself
V = int(V)
if V < 1:
raise ValueError('cannot create graph with no vertex')
self.V = int(V)
self.E = 0
self.edges = []
self.weights = []
if (edges is not None) or (weights is not None):
if len(edges) == 0:
E = 0
elif edges.shape[0] == np.size(weights):
E = edges.shape[0]
raise ValueError('Incompatible size of the edges \
and weights matrices')
self.V = V
self.E = E
self.edges = edges
self.weights = weights
self.field = []
if field is None:
if np.size(field) == self.V:
field = np.reshape(field, (self.V, 1))
if field.shape[0] != self.V:
raise ValueError('field does not have a correct size')
self.field = field
[docs] def get_field(self):
return self.field
[docs] def set_field(self, field):
if np.size(field) == self.V:
field = np.reshape(field, (self.V, 1))
if field.shape[0] != self.V:
raise ValueError('field does not have a correct size')
self.field = field
[docs] def closing(self, nbiter=1):
"""Morphological closing of the field data.
self.field is changed inplace
nbiter=1 : the number of iterations required
nbiter = int(nbiter)
[docs] def opening(self, nbiter=1):
"""Morphological opening of the field data.
self.field is changed inplace
nbiter: int, optional, the number of iterations required
nbiter = int(nbiter)
[docs] def dilation(self, nbiter=1, fast=True):
"""Morphological dilation of the field data, changed in place
nbiter: int, optional, the number of iterations required
When data dtype is not float64, a slow version of the code is used
nbiter = int(nbiter)
if self.field.dtype != np.float64:
warn('data type is not float64; a slower version is used')
fast = False
if fast:
from ._graph import dilation
if self.E > 0:
if (self.field.size == self.V):
self.field = self.field.reshape((self.V, 1))
idx, neighb, _ = self.compact_neighb()
for i in range(nbiter):
dilation(self.field, idx, neighb)
from scipy.sparse import dia_matrix
adj = self.to_coo_matrix() + dia_matrix(
(np.ones(self.V), 0), (self.V, self.V))
rows = adj.tolil().rows
for i in range(nbiter):
self.field = np.array([self.field[row].max(0) for row in rows])
[docs] def highest_neighbor(self, refdim=0):
"""Computes the neighbor with highest field value along refdim
refdim: int, optional,
the dimension of the field under consideration
hneighb: array of shape(self.V),
index of the neighbor with highest value
from scipy.sparse import dia_matrix
refdim = int(refdim)
# add self-edges to avoid singularities, when taking the maximum
adj = self.to_coo_matrix() + dia_matrix(
(np.ones(self.V), 0), (self.V, self.V))
rows = adj.tolil().rows
hneighb = np.array([row[self.field[row].argmax()] for row in rows])
return hneighb
[docs] def erosion(self, nbiter=1):
"""Morphological openeing of the field
nbiter: int, optional, the number of iterations required
nbiter = int(nbiter)
lil = self.to_coo_matrix().tolil().rows.tolist()
for i in range(nbiter):
nf = np.zeros_like(self.field)
for k, neighbors in enumerate(lil):
nf[k] = self.field[neighbors].min(0)
self.field = nf
[docs] def get_local_maxima(self, refdim=0, th=NEGINF):
Look for the local maxima of one dimension (refdim) of self.field
refdim (int) the field dimension over which the maxima are looked after
th = float, optional
threshold so that only values above th are considered
idx: array of shape (nmax)
indices of the vertices that are local maxima
depth: array of shape (nmax)
topological depth of the local maxima :
depth[idx[i]] = q means that idx[i] is a q-order maximum
depth_all = self.local_maxima(refdim, th)
idx = np.ravel(np.where(depth_all))
depth = depth_all[idx]
return idx, depth
[docs] def local_maxima(self, refdim=0, th=NEGINF):
"""Returns all the local maxima of a field
refdim (int) field dimension over which the maxima are looked after
th: float, optional
threshold so that only values above th are considered
depth: array of shape (nmax)
a labelling of the vertices such that
depth[v] = 0 if v is not a local maximum
depth[v] = 1 if v is a first order maximum
depth[v] = q if v is a q-order maximum
refdim = int(refdim)
if np.size(self.field) == 0:
raise ValueError('No field has been defined so far')
if self.field.shape[1] - 1 < refdim:
raise ValueError(refdim > self.shape[1])
depth = np.zeros(self.V, np.int)
# create a subfield(thresholding)
sf = self.subfield(self.field.T[refdim] >= th)
initial_field = sf.field.T[refdim]
sf.field = initial_field.astype(np.float64)
# compute the depth in the subgraph
ldepth = sf.V * np.ones(sf.V, np.int)
for k in range(sf.V):
dilated_field_old = sf.field.ravel().copy()
non_max = sf.field.ravel() > dilated_field_old
ldepth[non_max] = np.minimum(k, ldepth[non_max])
if (non_max == False).all():
ldepth[sf.field.ravel() == initial_field] = np.maximum(k, 1)
# write all the depth values
depth[self.field[:, refdim] >= th] = ldepth
return depth
[docs] def diffusion(self, nbiter=1):
"""diffusion of the field data in the weighted graph structure
self.field is changed inplace
nbiter: int, optional the number of iterations required
The process is run for all the dimensions of the field
nbiter = int(nbiter)
adj = self.to_coo_matrix()
for i in range(nbiter):
self.field = adj * self.field
[docs] def custom_watershed(self, refdim=0, th=NEGINF):
""" customized watershed analysis of the field.
Note that bassins are found around each maximum
(and not minimum as conventionally)
refdim: int, optional
th: float optional, threshold of the field
idx: array of shape (nbassins)
indices of the vertices that are local maxima
label : array of shape (self.V)
labelling of the vertices according to their bassin
import numpy.ma as ma
if (np.size(self.field) == 0):
raise ValueError('No field has been defined so far')
if self.field.shape[1] - 1 < refdim:
raise ValueError('refdim>field.shape[1]')
label = - np.ones(self.V, np.int)
# create a subfield(thresholding)
sf = self.subfield(self.field[:, refdim] >= th)
# compute the basins
hneighb = sf.highest_neighbor()
edges = np.vstack((hneighb, np.arange(sf.V))).T
edges = np.vstack((edges, np.vstack((np.arange(sf.V), hneighb)).T))
aux = Graph(sf.V, edges.shape[0], edges)
llabel = aux.cc()
n_bassins = len(np.unique(llabel))
# write all the depth values
label[self.field[:, refdim] >= th] = llabel
idx = np.array([ma.array(
self.field[:, refdim], mask=(label != c)).argmax()
for c in range(n_bassins)])
return idx, label
[docs] def threshold_bifurcations(self, refdim=0, th=NEGINF):
"""Analysis of the level sets of the field:
Bifurcations are defined as changes in the topology in the level sets
when the level (threshold) is varied
This can been thought of as a kind of Morse analysis
th: float, optional,
threshold so that only values above th are considered
idx: array of shape (nlsets)
indices of the vertices that are local maxima
height: array of shape (nlsets)
the depth of the local maxima
depth[idx[i]] = q means that idx[i] is a q-order maximum
Note that this is also the diameter of the basins
associated with local maxima
parents: array of shape (nlsets)
the label of the maximum which dominates each local maximum
i.e. it describes the hierarchy of the local maxima
label: array of shape (self.V)
a labelling of thevertices according to their bassin
import numpy.ma as ma
if (np.size(self.field) == 0):
raise ValueError('No field has been defined so far')
if self.field.shape[1] - 1 < refdim:
raise ValueError('refdim>field.shape[1]')
label = - np.ones(self.V, np.int)
# create a subfield(thresholding)
sf = self.subfield(self.field[:, refdim] >= th)
initial_field = sf.field[:, refdim].copy()
sf.field = initial_field.copy()
# explore the subfield
order = np.argsort(- initial_field)
rows = sf.to_coo_matrix().tolil().rows
llabel = - np.ones(sf.V, np.int)
parent, root = np.arange(2 * self.V), np.arange(2 * self.V)
# q will denote the region index
q = 0
for i in order:
if (llabel[rows[i]] > - 1).any():
nlabel = np.unique(llabel[rows[i]])
if nlabel[0] == -1:
nlabel = nlabel[1:]
nlabel = np.unique(root[nlabel])
if len(nlabel) == 1:
# we are at a regular point
llabel[i] = nlabel[0]
# we are at a saddle point
llabel[i] = q
parent[nlabel] = q
root[nlabel] = q
for j in nlabel:
root[root == j] = q
q += 1
# this is a new component
llabel[i] = q
q += 1
parent = parent[:q]
# write all the depth values
label[self.field[:, refdim] >= th] = llabel
idx = np.array([ma.array(
self.field[:, refdim], mask=(label != c)).argmax()
for c in range(q)])
return idx, parent, label
[docs] def constrained_voronoi(self, seed):
"""Voronoi parcellation of the field starting from the input seed
seed: int array of shape(p), the input seeds
label: The resulting labelling of the data
FIXME: deal with graphs with several ccs
if np.size(self.field) == 0:
raise ValueError('No field has been defined so far')
seed = seed.astype(np.int)
weights = np.sqrt(np.sum((self.field[self.edges.T[0]] -
self.field[self.edges.T[1]]) ** 2, 1))
g = WeightedGraph(self.V, self.edges, weights)
label = g.voronoi_labelling(seed)
return label
[docs] def geodesic_kmeans(self, seeds=None, label=None, maxiter=100, eps=1.e-4,
""" Geodesic k-means algorithm
i.e. obtention of clusters that are topologically
connected and minimally variable concerning the information
of self.field
seeds: array of shape(p), optional,
initial indices of the seeds within the field
if seeds==None the labels are used as initialization
labels: array of shape(self.V) initial labels, optional,
it is expected that labels take their values
in a certain range (0..lmax)
if Labels==None, this is not used
if seeds==None and labels==None, an ewxception is raised
maxiter: int, optional,
maximal number of iterations
eps: float, optional,
increase of inertia at which convergence is declared
seeds: array of shape (p), the final seeds
label : array of shape (self.V), the resulting field label
J: float, inertia value
if np.size(self.field) == 0:
raise ValueError('No field has been defined so far')
if (seeds is None) and (label is None):
raise ValueError('No initialization has been provided')
k = np.size(seeds)
inertia_old = NEGINF
if seeds is None:
k = label.max() + 1
if np.size(np.unique(label)) != k:
raise ValueError('missing values, cannot proceed')
seeds = np.zeros(k).astype(np.int)
for j in range(k):
lj = np.nonzero(label == j)[0]
cent = np.mean(self.field[lj], 0)
tj = np.argmin(np.sum((cent - self.field[lj]) ** 2, 1))
seeds[j] = lj[tj]
k = np.size(seeds)
for i in range(maxiter):
# voronoi labelling
label = self.constrained_voronoi(seeds)
# update the seeds
inertia = 0
pinteria = 0
for j in range(k):
lj = np.nonzero(label == j)[0]
pinteria += np.sum(
(self.field[seeds[j]] - self.field[lj]) ** 2)
cent = np.mean(self.field[lj], 0)
tj = np.argmin(np.sum((cent - self.field[lj]) ** 2, 1))
seeds[j] = lj[tj]
inertia += np.sum((cent - self.field[lj]) ** 2)
if verbose:
print(i, inertia)
if np.absolute(inertia_old - inertia) < eps:
inertia_old = inertia
return seeds, label, inertia
[docs] def ward(self, nbcluster):
"""Ward's clustering of self
nbcluster: int,
the number of desired clusters
label: array of shape (self.V)
the resulting field label
J (float): the resulting inertia
from nipy.algorithms.clustering.hierarchical_clustering\
import ward_segment
label, J = ward_segment(self, self.field, qmax=nbcluster)
# compute the resulting inertia
inertia = 0
for j in range(nbcluster):
lj = np.nonzero(label == j)[0]
cent = np.mean(self.field[lj], 0)
inertia += np.sum((cent - self.field[lj]) ** 2)
return label, inertia
[docs] def copy(self):
""" copy function
return Field(self.V, self.edges.copy(),
self.weights.copy(), self.field.copy())
[docs] def subfield(self, valid):
"""Returns a subfield of self, with only vertices such that valid > 0
valid: array of shape (self.V),
nonzero for vertices to be retained
F: Field instance,
the desired subfield of self
The vertices are renumbered as [1..p] where p = sum(valid>0) when
sum(valid) == 0 then None is returned
G = self.subgraph(valid)
if G is None:
return None
field = self.field[valid]
if len(G.edges) == 0:
edges = np.array([[], []]).T
edges = G.edges
return Field(G.V, edges, G.weights, field)