# emacs: -*- mode: python; py-indent-offset: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*-
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This module implements the BipartiteGraph class, used to represent
weighted bipartite graph: it contains two types of vertices, say
'left' and 'right'; then edges can only exist between 'left' and
'right' vertices. For simplicity the vertices of either side are
labeled [1..V] and [1..W] respectively.
Author: Bertrand Thirion, 2006--2011
from __future__ import absolute_import
import numpy as np
[docs]def check_feature_matrices(X, Y):
""" checks wether the dismension of X and Y are consistent
X, Y arrays of shape (n1, p) and (n2, p)
where p = common dimension of the features
if np.size(X) == X.shape[0]:
X = np.reshape(X, (np.size(X), 1))
if np.size(Y) == Y.shape[0]:
Y = np.reshape(Y, (np.size(Y), 1))
if X.shape[1] != Y.shape[1]:
raise ValueError('X.shape[1] should = Y.shape[1]')
[docs]def bipartite_graph_from_coo_matrix(x):
Instantiates a weighted graph from a (sparse) coo_matrix
x: scipy.sparse.coo_matrix instance, the input matrix
bg: BipartiteGraph instance
i, j = x.nonzero()
edges = np.vstack((i, j)).T
weights = x.data
wg = BipartiteGraph(x.shape[0], x.shape[1], edges, weights)
return wg
[docs]def bipartite_graph_from_adjacency(x):
"""Instantiates a weighted graph from a square 2D array
x: 2D array instance, the input array
wg: BipartiteGraph instance
from scipy.sparse import coo_matrix
return bipartite_graph_from_coo_matrix(coo_matrix(x))
[docs]def cross_eps(X, Y, eps=1.):
"""Return the eps-neighbours graph of from X to Y
X, Y arrays of shape (n1, p) and (n2, p)
where p = common dimension of the features
eps=1, float: the neighbourhood size considered
the resulting bipartite graph instance
for the sake of speed it is advisable to give PCA-preprocessed matrices X
and Y.
from scipy.sparse import coo_matrix
check_feature_matrices(X, Y)
eps = float(eps)
"eps cannot be cast to a float"
if np.isnan(eps):
raise ValueError('eps is nan')
if np.isinf(eps):
raise ValueError('eps is inf')
ij = np.zeros((0, 2))
data = np.zeros(0)
for i, x in enumerate(X):
dist = np.sum((Y - x) ** 2, 1)
idx = np.asanyarray(np.where(dist < eps))
data = np.hstack((data, dist[idx.ravel()]))
ij = np.vstack((ij, np.hstack((
i * np.ones((idx.size, 1)), idx.T)))).astype(np.int)
data = np.maximum(data, 1.e-15)
adj = coo_matrix((data, ij.T), shape=(X.shape[0], Y.shape[0]))
return bipartite_graph_from_coo_matrix(adj)
[docs]def cross_knn(X, Y, k=1):
"""return the k-nearest-neighbours graph of from X to Y
X, Y arrays of shape (n1, p) and (n2, p)
where p = common dimension of the features
eps=1, float: the neighbourhood size considered
BipartiteGraph instance
For the sake of speed it is advised to give PCA-transformed matrices X and
from scipy.sparse import coo_matrix
check_feature_matrices(X, Y)
k = int(k)
"k cannot be cast to an int"
if np.isnan(k):
raise ValueError('k is nan')
if np.isinf(k):
raise ValueError('k is inf')
k = min(k, Y.shape[0] -1)
ij = np.zeros((0, 2))
data = np.zeros(0)
for i, x in enumerate(X):
dist = np.sum((Y - x) ** 2, 1)
idx = np.argsort(dist)[:k]
data = np.hstack((data, dist[idx]))
ij = np.vstack((ij, np.hstack((
i * np.ones((k, 1)), np.reshape(idx, (k, 1))))))
data = np.maximum(data, 1.e-15)
adj = coo_matrix((data, ij.T), shape=(X.shape[0], Y.shape[0]))
return bipartite_graph_from_coo_matrix(adj)
[docs]class BipartiteGraph(object):
""" Bipartite graph class
A graph for which there are two types of nodes, such that
edges can exist only between nodes of type 1 and type 2 (not within)
fields of this class:
V (int, > 0) the number of type 1 vertices
W (int, > 0) the number of type 2 vertices
E: (int) the number of edges
edges: array of shape (self.E, 2) reprensenting pairwise neighbors
weights, array of shape (self.E), +1/-1 for scending/descending links
[docs] def __init__(self, V, W, edges=None, weights=None):
""" Constructor
V (int), the number of vertices of subset 1
W (int), the number of vertices of subset 2
edges=None: array of shape (self.E, 2)
the edge array of the graph
weights=None: array of shape (self.E)
the asociated weights array
V = int(V)
W = int(W)
if (V < 1) or (W < 1):
raise ValueError('cannot create graph with no vertex')
self.V = V
self.W = W
self.E = 0
if (edges is None) & (weights is None):
self.edges = np.array([], np.int)
self.weights = np.array([])
if edges.shape[0] == np.size(weights):
E = edges.shape[0]
self.E = E
self.edges = - np.ones((E, 2), np.int)
raise ValueError('Incompatible size of the edges and \
weights matrices')
[docs] def set_weights(self, weights):
""" Set weights `weights` to edges
weights, array of shape(self.V): edges weights
if np.size(weights) != self.E:
raise ValueError('The weight size is not the edges size')
self.weights = np.reshape(weights, (self.E))
[docs] def set_edges(self, edges):
""" Set edges to graph
sets self.edges=edges if
1. edges has a correct size
2. edges take values in [0..V-1]*[0..W-1]
edges: array of shape(self.E, 2): set of candidate edges
if np.shape(edges) != np.shape(self.edges):
raise ValueError('Incompatible size of the edge matrix')
if np.size(edges) > 0:
if edges.max(0)[0] + 1 > self.V:
raise ValueError('Incorrect edge specification')
if edges.max(0)[1] + 1 > self.W:
raise ValueError('Incorrect edge specification')
self.edges = edges
[docs] def copy(self):
returns a copy of self
G = BipartiteGraph(self.V, self.W, self.edges.copy(),
return G
[docs] def subgraph_left(self, valid, renumb=True):
"""Extraction of a subgraph
valid, boolean array of shape self.V
renumb, boolean: renumbering of the (left) edges
G : None or ``BipartiteGraph`` instance
A new BipartiteGraph instance with only the left vertices that are
True. If sum(valid)==0, None is returned
if np.size(valid) != self.V:
raise ValueError('valid does not have the correct size')
if np.sum(valid > 0) == 0:
return None
if self.E > 0:
win_edges = valid[self.edges[:, 0]]
edges = self.edges[win_edges]
weights = self.weights[win_edges]
if renumb:
rindex = np.hstack((0, np.cumsum(valid > 0)))
edges[:, 0] = rindex[edges[:, 0]]
G = BipartiteGraph(np.sum(valid), self.W, edges, weights)
G = BipartiteGraph(self.V, self.W, edges, weights)
G = self.copy()
return G
[docs] def subgraph_right(self, valid, renumb=True):
Extraction of a subgraph
valid : bool array of shape self.V
renumb : bool, optional
renumbering of the (right) edges
G : None or ``BipartiteGraph`` instance.
A new BipartiteGraph instance with only the right vertices that are
True. If sum(valid)==0, None is returned
if np.size(valid) != self.V:
raise ValueError('valid does not have the correct size')
if np.sum(valid > 0) == 0:
return None
if self.E > 0:
win_edges = valid[self.edges[:, 1]]
edges = self.edges[win_edges]
weights = self.weights[win_edges]
if renumb:
rindex = np.hstack((0, np.cumsum(valid > 0)))
edges[:, 1] = rindex[edges[:, 1]]
G = BipartiteGraph(self.V, np.sum(valid), edges, weights)
G = BipartiteGraph(self.V, self.W, edges, weights)
G = self.copy()
return G