# emacs: -*- mode: python; py-indent-offset: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*-
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''' Time series diagnostics
These started life as ``tsdiffana.m`` - see
Oliver Josephs (FIL) gave me (MB) the idea of time-point to time-point
subtraction as a diagnostic for motion and other sudden image changes.
from __future__ import absolute_import
import numpy as np
from ...io.api import as_image
from ...core.reference.coordinate_map import (io_axis_indices, drop_io_dim, AxisError)
[docs]def time_slice_diffs(arr, time_axis=-1, slice_axis=None):
''' Time-point to time-point differences over volumes and slices
We think of the passed array as an image. The image has a "time"
dimension given by `time_axis` and a "slice" dimension, given by
`slice_axis`, and one or more other dimensions. In the case of imaging
there will usually be two more dimensions (the dimensions defining the size
of an image slice). A single slice in the time dimension we call a "volume".
A single entry in `arr` is a "voxel". For example, if `time_axis` == 0,
then ``v = arr[0]`` would be the first volume in the series. The volume
``v`` above has ``v.size`` voxels. If, in addition, `slice_axis` == 1, then
for the volume ``v`` (above) ``s = v[0]`` would be a "slice", with
``s.size`` voxels. These are obviously terms from neuroimaging.
arr : array_like
Array over which to calculate time and slice differences. We'll
call this array an 'image' in this doc.
time_axis : int, optional
axis of `arr` that varies over time. Default is last
slice_axis : None or int, optional
axis of `arr` that varies over image slice. None gives last non-time
results : dict
``T`` is the number of time points (``arr.shape[time_axis]``)
``S`` is the number of slices (``arr.shape[slice_axis]``)
``v`` is the shape of a volume (``rollimg(arr, time_axis)[0].shape``)
``d2[t]`` is the volume of squared differences between voxels at
time point ``t`` and time point ``t+1``
`results` has keys:
* 'volume_mean_diff2' : (T-1,) array
array containing the mean (over voxels in volume) of the
squared difference from one time point to the next
* 'slice_mean_diff2' : (T-1, S) array
giving the mean (over voxels in slice) of the difference from
one time point to the next, one value per slice, per
* 'volume_means' : (T,) array
mean over voxels for each volume ``vol[t] for t in 0:T``
* 'slice_diff2_max_vol' : v[:] array
volume, of same shape as input time point volumes, where each slice
is is the slice from ``d2[t]`` for t in 0:T-1, that has the largest
variance across ``t``. Thus each slice in the volume may well result
from a different difference time point.
* 'diff2_mean_vol`` : v[:] array
volume with the mean of ``d2[t]`` across t for t in 0:T-1.
ValueError : if `time_axis` refers to same axis as `slice_axis`
arr = np.asarray(arr)
ndim = arr.ndim
# roll time axis to 0, slice axis to 1 for convenience
if time_axis < 0:
time_axis += ndim
if slice_axis is None:
slice_axis = ndim-2 if time_axis == ndim-1 else ndim-1
elif slice_axis < 0:
slice_axis += ndim
if time_axis == slice_axis:
raise ValueError('Time axis refers to same axis as slice axis')
arr = np.rollaxis(arr, time_axis)
# we may have changed the position of slice_axis
if time_axis > slice_axis:
slice_axis += 1
arr = np.rollaxis(arr, slice_axis, 1)
# shapes of things
shape = arr.shape
T = shape[0]
S = shape[1]
vol_shape = shape[1:]
# loop over time points to save memory
volds = np.empty((T-1,))
sliceds = np.empty((T-1,S))
means = np.empty((T,))
diff_mean_vol = np.zeros(vol_shape)
slice_diff_max_vol = np.zeros(vol_shape)
slice_diff_maxes = np.zeros(S)
last_tp = arr[0]
means[0] = last_tp.mean()
for dtpi in range(0,T-1):
tp = arr[dtpi+1] # shape vol_shape
means[dtpi+1] = tp.mean()
dtp_diff2 = (tp - last_tp)**2
diff_mean_vol += dtp_diff2
sliceds[dtpi] = dtp_diff2.reshape(S, -1).mean(-1)
# check whether we have found a highest-diff slice
sdmx_higher = sliceds[dtpi] > slice_diff_maxes
if any(sdmx_higher):
slice_diff_maxes[sdmx_higher] = sliceds[dtpi][sdmx_higher]
slice_diff_max_vol[sdmx_higher] = dtp_diff2[sdmx_higher]
last_tp = tp
volds = sliceds.mean(1)
diff_mean_vol /= (T-1)
# roll vol shapes back to match input
diff_mean_vol = np.rollaxis(diff_mean_vol, 0, slice_axis)
slice_diff_max_vol = np.rollaxis(slice_diff_max_vol, 0, slice_axis)
return {'volume_mean_diff2': volds,
'slice_mean_diff2': sliceds,
'volume_means': means,
'diff2_mean_vol': diff_mean_vol,
'slice_diff2_max_vol': slice_diff_max_vol}
[docs]def time_slice_diffs_image(img, time_axis='t', slice_axis='slice'):
""" Time-point to time-point differences over volumes and slices of image
img : Image
The image on which to perform time-point differences
time_axis : str or int, optional
Axis indexing time-points. Default is 't'. If `time_axis` is an integer,
gives the index of the input (domain) axis of `img`. If `time_axis` is a str,
can be an input (domain) name, or an output (range) name, that maps to
an input (domain) name.
slice_axis : str or int, optional
Axis indexing MRI slices. If `slice_axis` is an integer, gives the
index of the input (domain) axis of `img`. If `slice_axis` is a str,
can be an input (domain) name, or an output (range) name, that maps to
an input (domain) name.
results : dict
`arr` refers to the array as loaded from `img`
``T`` is the number of time points (``img.shape[time_axis]``)
``S`` is the number of slices (``img.shape[slice_axis]``)
``v`` is the shape of a volume (``rollimg(img, time_axis)[0].shape``)
``d2[t]`` is the volume of squared differences between voxels at
time point ``t`` and time point ``t+1``
`results` has keys:
* 'volume_mean_diff2' : (T-1,) array
array containing the mean (over voxels in volume) of the
squared difference from one time point to the next
* 'slice_mean_diff2' : (T-1, S) array
giving the mean (over voxels in slice) of the difference from
one time point to the next, one value per slice, per
* 'volume_means' : (T,) array
mean over voxels for each volume ``vol[t] for t in 0:T``
* 'slice_diff2_max_vol' : v[:] image
image volume, of same shape as input time point volumes, where each
slice is is the slice from ``d2[t]`` for t in 0:T-1, that has the
largest variance across ``t``. Thus each slice in the volume may
well result from a different difference time point.
* 'diff2_mean_vol`` : v[:] image
image volume with the mean of ``d2[t]`` across t for t in 0:T-1.
img = as_image(img)
img_class = img.__class__
time_in_ax, time_out_ax = io_axis_indices(img.coordmap, time_axis)
if None in (time_in_ax, time_out_ax):
raise AxisError('Cannot identify matching input output axes with "%s"'
% time_axis)
slice_in_ax, slice_out_ax = io_axis_indices(img.coordmap, slice_axis)
if None in (slice_in_ax, slice_out_ax):
raise AxisError('Cannot identify matching input output axes with "%s"'
% slice_axis)
vol_coordmap = drop_io_dim(img.coordmap, time_axis)
results = time_slice_diffs(img.get_data(), time_in_ax, slice_in_ax)
for key in ('slice_diff2_max_vol', 'diff2_mean_vol'):
vol = img_class(results[key], vol_coordmap)
results[key] = vol
return results