Implementation of Von-Mises-Fisher Mixture models,
i.e. the equaivalent of mixture of Gaussian on the sphere.
Author: Bertrand Thirion, 2010-2011
from __future__ import print_function
from __future__ import absolute_import
import numpy as np
from warnings import warn
warn('Module nipy.algorithms.clustering.von_mises_fisher_mixture' +
'deprecated, will be removed',
[docs]class VonMisesMixture(object):
Model for Von Mises mixture distribution with fixed variance
on a two-dimensional sphere
[docs] def __init__(self, k, precision, means=None, weights=None,
""" Initialize Von Mises mixture
k: int,
number of components
precision: float,
the fixed precision parameter
means: array of shape(self.k, 3), optional
input component centers
weights: array of shape(self.k), optional
input components weights
null_class: bool, optional
Inclusion of a null class within the model
(related to k=0)
consistency checks
self.k = k
self.dim = 2
self.em_dim = 3
self.means = means
self.precision = precision
self.weights = weights
self.null_class = null_class
[docs] def log_density_per_component(self, x):
"""Compute the per-component density of the data
x: array fo shape(n,3)
should be on the unit sphere
like: array of shape(n, self.k), with non-neagtive values
the density
n = x.shape[0]
constant = self.precision / (2 * np.pi * (1 - np.exp( - \
2 * self.precision)))
loglike = np.log(constant) + \
(np.dot(x, self.means.T) - 1) * self.precision
if self.null_class:
loglike = np.hstack((np.log(1. / (4 * np.pi)) * np.ones((n, 1)),
return loglike
[docs] def density_per_component(self, x):
Compute the per-component density of the data
x: array fo shape(n,3)
should be on the unit sphere
like: array of shape(n, self.k), with non-neagtive values
the density
return np.exp(self.log_density_per_component(x))
[docs] def weighted_density(self, x):
""" Return weighted density
x: array shape(n,3)
should be on the unit sphere
like: array
of shape(n, self.k)
return(self.density_per_component(x) * self.weights)
[docs] def log_weighted_density(self, x):
""" Return log weighted density
x: array fo shape(n,3)
should be on the unit sphere
log_like: array of shape(n, self.k)
return(self.log_density_per_component(x) + np.log(self.weights))
[docs] def mixture_density(self, x):
""" Return mixture density
x: array fo shape(n,3)
should be on the unit sphere
like: array of shape(n)
wl = self.weighted_density(x)
return np.sum(wl, 1)
[docs] def responsibilities(self, x):
""" Return responsibilities
x: array fo shape(n,3)
should be on the unit sphere
resp: array of shape(n, self.k)
lwl = self.log_weighted_density(x)
wl = np.exp(lwl.T - lwl.mean(1)).T
swl = np.sum(wl, 1)
resp = (wl.T / swl).T
return resp
[docs] def estimate_weights(self, z):
""" Calculate and set weights from `z`
z: array of shape(self.k)
self.weights = np.sum(z, 0) / z.sum()
[docs] def estimate_means(self, x, z):
""" Calculate and set means from `x` and `z`
x: array fo shape(n,3)
should be on the unit sphere
z: array of shape(self.k)
m = np.dot(z.T, x)
self.means = (m.T / np.sqrt(np.sum(m ** 2, 1))).T
[docs] def estimate(self, x, maxiter=100, miniter=1, bias=None):
""" Return average log density across samples
x: array of shape (n,3)
should be on the unit sphere
maxiter : int, optional
maximum number of iterations of the algorithms
miniter : int, optional
minimum number of iterations
bias : array of shape(n), optional
prior probability of being in a non-null class
ll : float
average (across samples) log-density
# initialization with random positions and constant weights
if self.weights is None:
self.weights = np.ones(self.k) / self.k
if self.null_class:
self.weights = np.ones(self.k + 1) / (self.k + 1)
if self.means is None:
aux = np.arange(x.shape[0])
self.means = x[aux[:self.k]]
# EM algorithm
assert not(np.isnan(self.means).any())
pll = - np.inf
for i in range(maxiter):
ll = np.log(self.mixture_density(x)).mean()
z = self.responsibilities(x)
assert not(np.isnan(z).any())
# bias z
if bias is not None:
z[:, 0] *= (1 - bias)
z[:, 1:] = ((z[:, 1:].T) * bias).T
z = (z.T / np.sum(z, 1)).T
if self.null_class:
self.estimate_means(x, z[:, 1:])
self.estimate_means(x, z)
assert not(np.isnan(self.means).any())
if (i > miniter) and (ll < pll + 1.e-6):
pll = ll
return ll
[docs] def show(self, x):
""" Visualization utility
x: array of shape (n, 3)
should be on the unit sphere
Uses ``matplotlib``.
# label the data
z = np.argmax(self.responsibilities(x), 1)
import pylab
import mpl_toolkits.mplot3d.axes3d as p3
fig = pylab.figure()
ax = p3.Axes3D(fig)
colors = (['b', 'g', 'r', 'c', 'm', 'y', 'k', 'w'] * \
(1 + (1 + self.k) // 8))[:self.k + 1]
if (self.null_class) and (z == 0).any():
ax.plot3D(x[z == 0, 0], x[z == 0, 1], x[z == 0, 2], '.',
for k in range(self.k):
if self.null_class:
if np.sum(z == (k + 1)) == 0:
uk = z == (k + 1)
ax.plot3D(x[uk, 0], x[uk, 1], x[uk, 2], '.',
color=colors[k + 1])
ax.plot3D([self.means[k, 0]], [self.means[k, 1]],
[self.means[k, 2]], 'o', color=colors[k + 1])
if np.sum(z == k) == 0:
ax.plot3D(x[z == k, 0], x[z == k, 1], x[z == k, 2], '.',
ax.plot3D([self.means[k, 0]], [self.means[k, 1]],
[self.means[k, 2]], 'o', color=colors[k])
[docs]def estimate_robust_vmm(k, precision, null_class, x, ninit=10, bias=None,
""" Return the best von_mises mixture after severla initialization
k: int, number of classes
precision: float, priori precision parameter
null class: bool, optional,
should a null class be included or not
x: array fo shape(n,3)
input data, should be on the unit sphere
ninit: int, optional,
number of iterations
bias: array of shape(n), optional
prior probability of being in a non-null class
maxiter: int, optional,
maximum number of iterations after each initialization
score = - np.inf
for i in range(ninit):
aux = VonMisesMixture(k, precision, null_class=null_class)
ll = aux.estimate(x, bias=bias)
if ll > score:
best_model = aux
score = ll
return best_model
[docs]def select_vmm(krange, precision, null_class, x, ninit=10, bias=None,
maxiter=100, verbose=0):
"""Return the best von_mises mixture after severla initialization
krange: list of ints,
number of classes to consider
null class:
x: array fo shape(n,3)
should be on the unit sphere
ninit: int, optional,
number of iterations
maxiter: int, optional,
bias: array of shape(n),
a prior probability of not being in the null class
verbose: Bool, optional
score = - np.inf
for k in krange:
aux = estimate_robust_vmm(k, precision, null_class, x, ninit, bias,
ll = aux.estimate(x)
if null_class:
bic = ll - np.log(x.shape[0]) * k * 3 / x.shape[0]
bic = ll - np.log(x.shape[0]) * (k * 3 - 1) / x.shape[0]
if verbose:
print(k, bic)
if bic > score:
best_model = aux
score = bic
return best_model
[docs]def select_vmm_cv(krange, precision, x, null_class, cv_index,
ninit=5, maxiter=100, bias=None, verbose=0):
"""Return the best von_mises mixture after severla initialization
krange: list of ints,
number of classes to consider
precision: float,
precision parameter of the von-mises densities
x: array fo shape(n, 3)
should be on the unit sphere
null class: bool, whether a null class should be included or not
cv_index: set of indices for cross validation
ninit: int, optional,
number of iterations
maxiter: int, optional,
bias: array of shape (n), prior
score = - np.inf
mll = []
for k in krange:
mll.append( - np.inf)
for j in range(1):
ll = np.zeros_like(cv_index).astype(np.float)
for i in np.unique(cv_index):
xl = x[cv_index != i]
xt = x[cv_index == i]
bias_l = None
if bias is not None:
bias_l = bias[cv_index != i]
aux = estimate_robust_vmm(k, precision, null_class, xl,
ninit=ninit, bias=bias_l,
if bias is None:
ll[cv_index == i] = np.log(aux.mixture_density(xt))
bias_t = bias[cv_index == i]
lwd = aux.weighted_density(xt)
ll[cv_index == i] = np.log(lwd[:, 0] * (1 - bias_t) + \
lwd[:, 1:].sum(1) * bias_t)
if ll.mean() > mll[-1]:
mll[-1] = ll.mean()
aux = estimate_robust_vmm(k, precision, null_class, x,
ninit, bias=bias, maxiter=maxiter)
if verbose:
print(k, mll[ - 1])
if mll[ - 1] > score:
best_model = aux
score = mll[ - 1]
return best_model
[docs]def sphere_density(npoints):
"""Return the points and area of a npoints**2 points sampled on a sphere
s : array of shape(npoints ** 2, 3)
area: array of shape(npoints)
u = np.linspace(0, 2 * np.pi, npoints + 1)[:npoints]
v = np.linspace(0, np.pi, npoints + 1)[:npoints]
s = np.vstack((np.ravel(np.outer(np.cos(u), np.sin(v))),
np.ravel(np.outer(np.sin(u), np.sin(v))),
np.ravel(np.outer(np.ones(np.size(u)), np.cos(v))))).T
area = np.abs(np.ravel(np.outer(np.ones(np.size(u)), np.sin(v)))) * \
np.pi ** 2 * 2 * 1. / (npoints ** 2)
return s, area
[docs]def example_noisy():
x1 = [0.6, 0.48, 0.64]
x2 = [-0.8, 0.48, 0.36]
x3 = [0.48, 0.64, -0.6]
x = np.random.randn(200, 3) * .1
x[:30] += x1
x[40:150] += x2
x[150:] += x3
x = (x.T / np.sqrt(np.sum(x ** 2, 1))).T
precision = 100.
vmm = select_vmm(list(range(2, 7)), precision, True, x)
# check that it sums to 1
s, area = sphere_density(100)
print((vmm.mixture_density(s) * area).sum())
[docs]def example_cv_nonoise():
x1 = [0.6, 0.48, 0.64]
x2 = [-0.8, 0.48, 0.36]
x3 = [0.48, 0.64, -0.6]
x = np.random.randn(30, 3) * .1
x[0::3] += x1
x[1::3] += x2
x[2::3] += x3
x = (x.T / np.sqrt(np.sum(x ** 2, 1))).T
precision = 50.
sub = np.repeat(np.arange(10), 3)
vmm = select_vmm_cv(list(range(1, 8)), precision, x, cv_index=sub,
null_class=False, ninit=20)
# check that it sums to 1
s, area = sphere_density(100)
return vmm