# emacs: -*- mode: python; py-indent-offset: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*-
# vi: set ft=python sts=4 ts=4 sw=4 et:
These routines perform some hierrachical agglomerative clustering
of some input data. The following alternatives are proposed:
- Distance based average-link
- Similarity-based average-link
- Distance based maximum-link
- Ward's algorithm under graph constraints
- Ward's algorithm without graph constraints
In this latest version, the results are returned in a 'WeightedForest'
structure, which gives access to the clustering hierarchy, facilitates
the plot of the result etc.
For back-compatibility, *_segment versions of the algorithms have been
appended, with the old API (except the qmax parameter, which now
represents the number of wanted clusters)
Author : Bertrand Thirion,Pamela Guevara, 2006-2009
from __future__ import print_function
from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import division
# ------ Routines for Agglomerative Hierarchical Clustering ----------------
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
import numpy as np
from warnings import warn
from ..graph.graph import WeightedGraph
from ..graph.forest import Forest
[docs]class WeightedForest(Forest):
This is a weighted Forest structure, i.e. a tree
- each node has one parent and children
(hierarchical structure)
- some of the nodes can be viewed as leaves, other as roots
- the edges within a tree are associated with a weight:
+1 from child to parent
-1 from parent to child
- additionally, the nodes have a value, which is called 'height',
especially useful from dendrograms
V : (int, >0) the number of vertices
E : (int) the number of edges
parents: array of shape (self.V) the parent array
edges: array of shape (self.E,2) reprensenting pairwise neighbors
weights, array of shape (self.E), +1/-1 for scending/descending links
children: list of arrays that represents the childs of any node
height: array of shape(self.V)
[docs] def __init__(self, V, parents=None, height=None):
V: the number of edges of the graph
parents=None: array of shape (V)
the parents of the graph
by default, the parents are set to range(V), i.e. each
node is its own parent, and each node is a tree
height=None: array of shape(V)
the height of the nodes
V = int(V)
if V < 1:
raise ValueError('cannot create graphs with no vertex')
self.V = int(V)
# define the parents
if parents is None:
self.parents = np.arange(self.V)
if np.size(parents) != V:
raise ValueError('Incorrect size for parents')
if parents.max() > self.V:
raise ValueError('Incorrect value for parents')
self.parents = np.reshape(parents, self.V)
if self.check() == 0:
raise ValueError('The proposed structure is not a forest')
self.children = []
if height is None:
height = np.zeros(self.V)
if np.size(height) != V:
raise ValueError('Incorrect size for height')
self.height = np.reshape(height, self.V)
[docs] def set_height(self, height=None):
"""Set the height array
if height is None:
height = np.zeros(self.V)
if np.size(height) != self.V:
raise ValueError('Incorrect size for height')
self.height = np.reshape(height, self.V)
[docs] def get_height(self):
"""Get the height array
return self.height
[docs] def check_compatible_height(self):
"""Check that height[parents[i]]>=height[i] for all nodes
OK = True
for i in range(self.V):
if self.height[self.parents[i]] < self.height[i]:
OK = False
return OK
[docs] def plot(self, ax=None):
"""Plot the dendrogram associated with self
the rank of the data in the dendogram is returned
ax: axis handle, optional
ax, the axis handle
import matplotlib.pylab as mp
if self.check_compatible_height() == False:
raise ValueError('cannot plot myself in my current state')
n = np.sum(self.isleaf())
# 1. find a permutation of the leaves that makes it nice
aux = _label(self.parents)
temp = np.zeros(self.V)
rank = np.arange(self.V)
temp[:n] = np.argsort(aux[:n])
for i in range(n):
rank[int(temp[i])] = i
# 2. derive the abscissa in the dendrogram
idx = np.zeros(self.V)
temp = np.argsort(rank[:n])
for i in range(n):
idx[temp[i]] = i
for i in range(n, self.V):
j = np.nonzero(self.parents == i)[0]
idx[i] = np.mean(idx[j])
# 3. plot
if ax is None:
ax = mp.subplot(1, 1, 1)
for i in range(self.V):
h1 = self.height[i]
h2 = self.height[self.parents[i]]
mp.plot([idx[i], idx[i]], [h1, h2], 'k')
ch = self.get_children()
for i in range(self.V):
if np.size(ch[i]) > 0:
lidx = idx[ch[i]]
m = lidx.min()
M = lidx.max()
h = self.height[i]
mp.plot([m, M], [h, h], 'k')
cM = 1.05 * self.height.max() - 0.05 * self.height.min()
cm = 1.05 * self.height.min() - 0.05 * self.height.max()
mp.axis([-1, idx.max() + 1, cm, cM])
return ax
[docs] def partition(self, threshold):
""" Partition the tree according to a cut criterion
valid = self.height < threshold
f = self.subforest(valid)
u = f.cc()
return u[f.isleaf()]
[docs] def split(self, k):
idem as partition, but a number of components are supplied instead
k = int(k)
if k > self.V:
k = self.V
nbcc = self.cc().max() + 1
if k <= nbcc:
u = self.cc()
return u[self.isleaf()]
sh = np.sort(self.height)
th = sh[nbcc - k]
u = self.partition(th)
return u
[docs] def plot_height(self):
"""Plot the height of the non-leaves nodes
import matplotlib.pylab as mp
sh = np.sort(self.height[self.isleaf() == False])
n = np.sum(self.isleaf() == False)
mp.bar(np.arange(n), sh)
[docs] def list_of_subtrees(self):
returns the list of all non-trivial subtrees in the graph
Caveat: theis function assumes that the vertices are sorted in a
way such that parent[i]>i forall i
Only the leaves are listeed, not the subtrees themselves
lst = []
n = np.sum(self.isleaf())
for i in range(self.V):
lst.append(np.array([], np.int))
for i in range(n):
lst[i] = np.array([i], np.int)
for i in range(self.V - 1):
j = self.parents[i]
lst[j] = np.hstack((lst[i], lst[j]))
return lst[n:self.V]
#------------- Average link clustering on a graph -------------------------
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs]def fusion(K, pop, i, j, k):
""" Modifies the graph K to merge nodes i and j into nodes k
The similarity values are weighted averaged, where pop[i] and pop[j]
yield the relative weights.
this is used in average_link_slow (deprecated)
fi = float(pop[i]) / (pop[k])
fj = 1.0 - fi
# replace i ny k
idxi = np.nonzero(K.edges[:, 0] == i)
K.weights[idxi] = K.weights[idxi] * fi
K.edges[idxi, 0] = k
idxi = np.nonzero(K.edges[:, 1] == i)
K.weights[idxi] = K.weights[idxi] * fi
K.edges[idxi, 1] = k
# replace j by k
idxj = np.nonzero(K.edges[:, 0] == j)
K.weights[idxj] = K.weights[idxj] * fj
K.edges[idxj, 0] = k
idxj = np.nonzero(K.edges[:, 1] == j)
K.weights[idxj] = K.weights[idxj] * fj
K.edges[idxj, 1] = k
#sum/remove double edges
#left side
idxk = np.nonzero(K.edges[:, 0] == k)[0]
corr = K.edges[idxk, 1]
scorr = np.sort(corr)
acorr = np.argsort(corr)
for a in range(np.size(scorr) - 1):
if scorr[a] == scorr[a + 1]:
i1 = idxk[acorr[a]]
i2 = idxk[acorr[a + 1]]
K.weights[i1] = K.weights[i1] + K.weights[i2]
K.weights[i2] = - np.inf
K.edges[i2] = -1
#right side
idxk = np.nonzero(K.edges[:, 1] == k)[0]
corr = K.edges[idxk, 0]
scorr = np.sort(corr)
acorr = np.argsort(corr)
for a in range(np.size(scorr) - 1):
if scorr[a] == scorr[a + 1]:
i1 = idxk[acorr[a]]
i2 = idxk[acorr[a + 1]]
K.weights[i1] = K.weights[i1] + K.weights[i2]
K.weights[i2] = - np.inf
K.edges[i2] = - 1
[docs]def average_link_graph(G):
Agglomerative function based on a (hopefully sparse) similarity graph
G the input graph
t a weightForest structure that represents the dendrogram of the data
In that case, the homogeneity is associated with high similarity
(as opposed to low cost as in most clustering procedures,
e.g. distance-based procedures). Thus the tree is created with
negated affinity values, in roder to respect the traditional
ordering of cluster potentials. individual points have the
potential (-np.inf).
This problem is handled transparently inthe associated segment functionp.
warn('Function average_link_graph deprecated, will be removed',
# prepare a graph with twice the number of vertices
n = G.V
nbcc = G.cc().max() + 1
K = WeightedGraph(2 * G.V)
K.E = G.E
K.edges = G.edges.copy()
K.weights = G.weights.copy()
parent = np.arange(2 * n - nbcc, dtype=np.int)
pop = np.ones(2 * n - nbcc, np.int)
height = np.inf * np.ones(2 * n - nbcc)
# iteratively merge clusters
for q in range(n - nbcc):
# 1. find the heaviest edge
m = (K.weights).argmax()
cost = K.weights[m]
k = q + n
height[k] = cost
i = K.edges[m, 0]
j = K.edges[m, 1]
# 2. remove the current edge
K.edges[m] = -1
K.weights[m] = - np.inf
m = np.nonzero((K.edges[:, 0] == j) * (K.edges[:, 1] == i))[0]
K.edges[m] = - 1
K.weights[m] = - np.inf
# 3. merge the edges with third part edges
parent[i] = k
parent[j] = k
pop[k] = pop[i] + pop[j]
fusion(K, pop, i, j, k)
height[height < 0] = 0
height[np.isinf(height)] = height[n] + 1
t = WeightedForest(2 * n - nbcc, parent, - height)
return t
[docs]def average_link_graph_segment(G, stop=0, qmax=1, verbose=False):
"""Agglomerative function based on a (hopefully sparse) similarity graph
G the input graph
stop: float
the stopping criterion
qmax: int, optional
the number of desired clusters (in the limit of the stopping criterion)
verbose : bool, optional
If True, print diagnostic information
u: array of shape (G.V)
a labelling of the graph vertices according to the criterion
cost: array of shape (G.V (?))
the cost of each merge step during the clustering procedure
warn('Function average_link_graph_segment deprecated, will be removed',
# prepare a graph with twice the number of vertices
n = G.V
if qmax == - 1:
qmax = n
qmax = int(np.minimum(qmax, n))
t = average_link_graph(G)
if verbose:
u1 = np.zeros(n, np.int)
u2 = np.zeros(n, np.int)
if stop >= 0:
u1 = t.partition( - stop)
if qmax > 0:
u2 = t.split(qmax)
if u1.max() < u2.max():
u = u2
u = u1
cost = - t.get_height()
cost = cost[t.isleaf() == False]
return u, cost
#------------- Ward's algorithm with graph constraints --------------------
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
def _inertia_(i, j, Features):
Compute the variance of the set which is
the concatenation of Feature[i] and Features[j]
if np.size(np.shape(Features[i])) < 2:
print(i, np.shape(Features[i]), Features[i])
if np.size(np.shape(Features[i])) < 2:
print(j, np.shape(Features[j]), Features[j])
if np.shape(Features[i])[1] != np.shape(Features[j])[1]:
print(i, j, np.shape(Features[i]), np.shape(Features[j]))
localset = np.vstack((Features[i], Features[j]))
return np.var(localset, 0).sum()
def _inertia(i, j, Features):
Compute the variance of the set which is
the concatenation of Feature[i] and Features[j]
n = Features[0][i] + Features[0][j]
s = Features[1][i] + Features[1][j]
q = Features[2][i] + Features[2][j]
return np.sum(q - (s ** 2 / n))
def _initial_inertia(K, Features, seeds=None):
""" Compute the variance associated with each
edge-related pair of vertices
Thre sult is written in K;weights
if seeds if provided (seeds!=None)
this is done only for vertices adjacent to the seeds
if seeds is None:
for e in range(K.E):
i = K.edges[e, 0]
j = K.edges[e, 1]
ESS = _inertia(i, j, Features)
K.weights[e] = ESS
aux = np.zeros(K.V).astype('bool')
aux[seeds] = 1
for e in range(K.E):
i = K.edges[e, 0]
j = K.edges[e, 1]
if (aux[i] or aux[j]):
K.weights[e] = _inertia(i, j, Features)
K.weights[e] = np.inf
def _auxiliary_graph(G, Features):
prepare a graph with twice the number of vertices
this graph will contain the connectivity information
along the merges.
K = WeightedGraph(2 * G.V - 1)
K.E = G.E
K.edges = G.edges.copy()
K.weights = np.ones(K.E)
if K.E > 0:
valid = K.edges[:, 0] < K.edges[:, 1]
_initial_inertia(K, Features)
return K
def _remap(K, i, j, k, Features, linc, rinc):
"""Modifies the graph K to merge nodes i and j into nodes k
the graph weights are modified accordingly
K graph instance:
the existing graphical model
i,j,k: int
indexes of the nodes to be merged and of the parent respectively
Features: list of node-per-node features
linc: array of shape(K.V)
left incidence matrix
rinc: array of shape(K.V)
right incidencematrix
# -------
# replace i by k
# --------
idxi = np.array(linc[i]).astype(np.int)
if np.size(idxi) > 1:
for l in idxi:
K.weights[l] = _inertia(k, K.edges[l, 1], Features)
elif np.size(idxi) == 1:
K.weights[idxi] = _inertia(k, K.edges[idxi, 1], Features)
if np.size(idxi) > 0:
K.edges[idxi, 0] = k
idxi = np.array(rinc[i]).astype(np.int)
if np.size(idxi) > 1:
for l in idxi:
K.weights[l] = _inertia(K.edges[l, 0], k, Features)
elif np.size(idxi) == 1:
K.weights[idxi] = _inertia(K.edges[idxi, 0], k, Features)
if np.size(idxi) > 0:
K.edges[idxi, 1] = k
# replace j by k
idxj = np.array(linc[j]).astype(np.int)
if np.size(idxj) > 1:
for l in idxj:
K.weights[l] = _inertia(k, K.edges[l, 1], Features)
elif np.size(idxj) == 1:
K.weights[idxj] = _inertia(k, K.edges[idxj, 1], Features)
if np.size(idxj) > 0:
K.edges[idxj, 0] = k
idxj = np.array(rinc[j]).astype(np.int)
if np.size(idxj) > 1:
for l in idxj:
K.weights[l] = _inertia(k, K.edges[l, 0], Features)
elif np.size(idxj) == 1:
K.weights[idxj] = _inertia(k, K.edges[idxj, 0], Features)
if np.size(idxj) > 0:
K.edges[idxj, 1] = k
# update linc, rinc
lidxk = list(linc[j]) + list(linc[i])
for L in lidxk:
if K.edges[L, 1] == -1:
linc[k] = lidxk
linc[i] = []
linc[j] = []
ridxk = list(rinc[j]) + list(rinc[i])
for L in ridxk:
if K.edges[L, 0] == -1:
rinc[k] = ridxk
rinc[i] = []
rinc[j] = []
#remove double edges
#left side
idxk = np.array(linc[k]).astype(np.int)
if np.size(idxk) > 0:
corr = K.edges[idxk, 1]
scorr = np.sort(corr)
acorr = np.argsort(corr)
for a in range(np.size(scorr) - 1):
if scorr[a] == scorr[a + 1]:
i2 = idxk[acorr[a + 1]]
K.weights[i2] = np.inf
rinc[K.edges[i2, 1]].remove(i2)
K.edges[i2] = - 1
#right side
idxk = np.array(rinc[k]).astype(np.int)
if np.size(idxk) > 0:
corr = K.edges[idxk, 0]
scorr = np.sort(corr)
acorr = np.argsort(corr)
for a in range(np.size(scorr) - 1):
if scorr[a] == scorr[a + 1]:
i2 = idxk[acorr[a + 1]]
K.weights[i2] = np.inf
linc[K.edges[i2, 0]].remove(i2)
K.edges[i2] = - 1
return linc, rinc
[docs]def ward_quick(G, feature, verbose=False):
""" Agglomerative function based on a topology-defining graph
and a feature matrix.
G : graph instance
topology-defining graph
feature: array of shape (G.V,dim_feature)
some vectorial information related to the graph vertices
verbose : bool, optional
If True, print diagnostic information
t: weightForest instance,
that represents the dendrogram of the data
Hopefully a quicker version
A euclidean distance is used in the feature space
Caveat : only approximate
warn('Function ward_quick from ' +
'nipy.algorithms.clustering.hierrachical_clustering ' +
'deprecated, will be removed',
# basic check
if feature.ndim == 1:
feature = np.reshape(feature, (-1, 1))
if feature.shape[0] != G.V:
raise ValueError(
"Incompatible dimension for the feature matrix and the graph")
Features = [np.ones(2 * G.V), np.zeros((2 * G.V, feature.shape[1])),
np.zeros((2 * G.V, feature.shape[1]))]
Features[1][:G.V] = feature
Features[2][:G.V] = feature ** 2
n = G.V
nbcc = G.cc().max() + 1
# prepare a graph with twice the number of vertices
K = _auxiliary_graph(G, Features)
parent = np.arange(2 * n - nbcc).astype(np.int)
height = np.zeros(2 * n - nbcc)
linc = K.left_incidence()
rinc = K.right_incidence()
# iteratively merge clusters
q = 0
while (q < n - nbcc):
# 1. find the lightest edges
aux = np.zeros(2 * n)
ape = np.nonzero(K.weights < np.inf)
ape = np.reshape(ape, np.size(ape))
idx = np.argsort(K.weights[ape])
for e in range(n - nbcc - q):
i, j = K.edges[ape[idx[e]], 0], K.edges[ape[idx[e]], 1]
if (aux[i] == 1) or (aux[j] == 1):
aux[i] = 1
aux[j] = 1
emax = np.maximum(e, 1)
for e in range(emax):
m = ape[idx[e]]
cost = K.weights[m]
k = q + n
i = K.edges[m, 0]
j = K.edges[m, 1]
height[k] = cost
if verbose:
print(q, i, j, m, cost)
# 2. remove the current edge
K.edges[m] = -1
K.weights[m] = np.inf
ml = linc[j]
if np.sum(K.edges[ml, 1] == i) > 0:
m = ml[int(np.flatnonzero(K.edges[ml, 1] == i))]
K.edges[m] = -1
K.weights[m] = np.inf
# 3. merge the edges with third part edges
parent[i] = k
parent[j] = k
for p in range(3):
Features[p][k] = Features[p][i] + Features[p][j]
linc, rinc = _remap(K, i, j, k, Features, linc, rinc)
q += 1
# build a tree to encode the results
t = WeightedForest(2 * n - nbcc, parent, height)
return t
[docs]def ward_field_segment(F, stop=-1, qmax=-1, verbose=False):
"""Agglomerative function based on a field structure
F the input field (graph+feature)
stop: float, optional
the stopping crterion. if stop==-1, then no stopping criterion is used
qmax: int, optional
the maximum number of desired clusters (in the limit of the stopping
verbose : bool, optional
If True, print diagnostic information
u: array of shape (F.V)
labelling of the graph vertices according to the criterion
cost array of shape (F.V - 1)
the cost of each merge step during the clustering procedure
See ward_quick_segment for more information
Caveat : only approximate
u, cost = ward_quick_segment(F, F.field, stop, qmax, verbose)
return u, cost
[docs]def ward_quick_segment(G, feature, stop=-1, qmax=1, verbose=False):
Agglomerative function based on a topology-defining graph
and a feature matrix.
G: labs.graph.WeightedGraph instance
the input graph (a topological graph essentially)
feature array of shape (G.V,dim_feature)
vectorial information related to the graph vertices
stop1 : int or float, optional
the stopping crterion if stop==-1, then no stopping criterion is used
qmax : int, optional
the maximum number of desired clusters (in the limit of the stopping
verbose : bool, optional
If True, print diagnostic information
u: array of shape (G.V)
labelling of the graph vertices according to the criterion
cost: array of shape (G.V - 1)
the cost of each merge step during the clustering procedure
Hopefully a quicker version
A euclidean distance is used in the feature space
Caveat : only approximate
# basic check
if feature.ndim == 1:
feature = np.reshape(feature, (-1, 1))
if feature.shape[0] != G.V:
raise ValueError(
"Incompatible dimension for the feature matrix and the graph")
n = G.V
if stop == - 1:
stop = np.inf
qmax = int(np.minimum(qmax, n - 1))
t = ward_quick(G, feature, verbose)
if verbose:
u1 = np.zeros(n, np.int)
u2 = np.zeros(n, np.int)
if stop >= 0:
u1 = t.partition(stop)
if qmax > 0:
u2 = t.split(qmax)
if u1.max() < u2.max():
u = u2
u = u1
cost = t.get_height()
cost = cost[t.isleaf() == False]
return u, cost
[docs]def ward_segment(G, feature, stop=-1, qmax=1, verbose=False):
Agglomerative function based on a topology-defining graph
and a feature matrix.
G : graph object
the input graph (a topological graph essentially)
feature : array of shape (G.V,dim_feature)
some vectorial information related to the graph vertices
stop : int or float, optional
the stopping crterion. if stop==-1, then no stopping criterion is used
qmax : int, optional
the maximum number of desired clusters (in the limit of the stopping
verbose : bool, optional
If True, print diagnostic information
u: array of shape (G.V):
a labelling of the graph vertices according to the criterion
cost: array of shape (G.V - 1)
the cost of each merge step during the clustering procedure
A euclidean distance is used in the feature space
Caveat : when the number of cc in G (nbcc) is greter than qmax, u contains
nbcc values, not qmax !
# basic check
if feature.ndim == 1:
feature = np.reshape(feature, (-1, 1))
if feature.shape[0] != G.V:
raise ValueError(
"Incompatible dimension for the feature matrix and the graph")
# prepare a graph with twice the number of vertices
n = G.V
if qmax == -1:
qmax = n - 1
if stop == -1:
stop = np.inf
qmax = int(np.minimum(qmax, n - 1))
t = ward(G, feature, verbose)
u1 = np.zeros(n, np.int)
u2 = np.zeros(n, np.int)
if stop >= 0:
u1 = t.partition(stop)
if qmax > 0:
u2 = t.split(qmax)
if u1.max() < u2.max():
u = u2
u = u1
cost = t.get_height()
cost = cost[t.isleaf() == False]
return u, cost
[docs]def ward(G, feature, verbose=False):
Agglomerative function based on a topology-defining graph
and a feature matrix.
G : graph
the input graph (a topological graph essentially)
feature : array of shape (G.V,dim_feature)
vectorial information related to the graph vertices
verbose : bool, optional
If True, print diagnostic information
t : ``WeightedForest`` instance
structure that represents the dendrogram
When G has more than 1 connected component, t is no longer a tree. This
case is handled cleanly now
warn('Function ward from ' +
'nipy.algorithms.clustering.hierrachical_clustering ' +
'deprecated, will be removed',
# basic check
if feature.ndim == 1:
feature = np.reshape(feature, (-1, 1))
if feature.shape[0] != G.V:
raise ValueError(
"Incompatible dimension for the feature matrix and the graph")
Features = [np.ones(2 * G.V), np.zeros((2 * G.V, feature.shape[1])),
np.zeros((2 * G.V, feature.shape[1]))]
Features[1][:G.V] = feature
Features[2][:G.V] = feature ** 2
# prepare a graph with twice the number of vertices
# this graph will contain the connectivity information
# along the merges.
n = G.V
nbcc = G.cc().max() + 1
K = _auxiliary_graph(G, Features)
# prepare some variables that are useful tp speed up the algorithm
parent = np.arange(2 * n - nbcc).astype(np.int)
height = np.zeros(2 * n - nbcc)
linc = K.left_incidence()
rinc = K.right_incidence()
# iteratively merge clusters
for q in range(n - nbcc):
# 1. find the lightest edge
m = (K.weights).argmin()
cost = K.weights[m]
k = q + n
i = K.edges[m, 0]
j = K.edges[m, 1]
height[k] = cost
if verbose:
print(q, i, j, m, cost)
# 2. remove the current edge
K.edges[m] = - 1
K.weights[m] = np.inf
ml = linc[j]
if np.sum(K.edges[ml, 1] == i) > 0:
m = ml[int(np.flatnonzero(K.edges[ml, 1] == i))]
K.edges[m] = -1
K.weights[m] = np.inf
# 3. merge the edges with third part edges
parent[i] = k
parent[j] = k
for p in range(3):
Features[p][k] = Features[p][i] + Features[p][j]
linc, rinc = _remap(K, i, j, k, Features, linc, rinc)
# build a tree to encode the results
t = WeightedForest(2 * n - nbcc, parent, height)
return t
#----------------------- Visualization ------------------------------------
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
def _label_(f, parent, left, labelled):
temp = np.nonzero(parent == f)
if np.size(temp) > 0:
i = temp[0][np.nonzero(left[temp[0]] == 1)]
j = temp[0][np.nonzero(left[temp[0]] == 0)]
labelled = _label_(i, parent, left, labelled)
labelled[f] = labelled.max() + 1
labelled = _label_(j, parent, left, labelled)
if labelled[f] < 0:
labelled[f] = labelled.max() + 1
return labelled
def _label(parent):
# find the root
root = np.nonzero(parent == np.arange(np.size(parent)))[0]
# define left
left = np.zeros(np.size(parent))
for f in range(np.size(parent)):
temp = np.nonzero(parent == f)
if np.size(temp) > 0:
left[temp[0][0]] = 1
left[root] = .5
# define labelled
labelled = - np.ones(np.size(parent))
# compute labelled
for j in range(np.size(root)):
labelled = _label_(root[j], parent, left, labelled)
return labelled