Source code for nipy.algorithms.clustering.gmm

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Gaussian Mixture Model Class:
contains the basic fields and methods of GMMs
The class GMM _old uses C bindings which are
computationally and memory efficient.

Author : Bertrand Thirion, 2006-2009
from __future__ import print_function
from __future__ import absolute_import

import numpy as np
from scipy.linalg import eigvalsh

[docs]class GridDescriptor(object): """ A tiny class to handle cartesian grids """
[docs] def __init__(self, dim=1, lim=None, n_bins=None): """ Parameters ---------- dim: int, optional, the dimension of the grid lim: list of len(2*self.dim), the limits of the grid as (xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, ...) n_bins: list of len(self.dim), the number of bins in each direction """ self.dim = dim if lim is not None: self.set(lim, n_bins) if np.size(n_bins) == self.dim: self.n_bins = np.ravel(np.array(n_bins))
[docs] def set(self, lim, n_bins=10): """ set the limits of the grid and the number of bins Parameters ---------- lim: list of len(2*self.dim), the limits of the grid as (xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, ...) n_bins: list of len(self.dim), optional the number of bins in each direction """ if len(lim) == 2 * self.dim: self.lim = lim else: raise ValueError("Wrong dimension for grid definition") if np.size(n_bins) == self.dim: self.n_bins = np.ravel(np.array(n_bins)) else: raise ValueError("Wrong dimension for grid definition")
[docs] def make_grid(self): """ Compute the grid points Returns ------- grid: array of shape (nb_nodes, self.dim) where nb_nodes is the prod of self.n_bins """ size = grid = np.zeros((size, self.dim)) grange = [] for j in range(self.dim): xm = self.lim[2 * j] xM = self.lim[2 * j + 1] if np.isscalar(self.n_bins): xb = self.n_bins else: xb = self.n_bins[j] gr = xm + float(xM - xm) / (xb - 1) * np.arange(xb).astype('f') grange.append(gr) if self.dim == 1: grid = np.array([[grange[0][i]] for i in range(xb)]) if self.dim == 2: for i in range(self.n_bins[0]): for j in range(self.n_bins[1]): grid[i * self.n_bins[1] + j] = np.array( [grange[0][i], grange[1][j]]) if self.dim == 3: for i in range(self.n_bins[0]): for j in range(self.n_bins[1]): for k in range(self.n_bins[2]): q = (i * self.n_bins[1] + j) * self.n_bins[2] + k grid[q] = np.array([grange[0][i], grange[1][j], grange[2][k]]) if self.dim > 3: raise NotImplementedError( 'only dimensions <4 are currently handled') return grid
[docs]def best_fitting_GMM(x, krange, prec_type='full', niter=100, delta=1.e-4, ninit=1, verbose=0): """ Given a certain dataset x, find the best-fitting GMM with a number k of classes in a certain range defined by krange Parameters ---------- x: array of shape (n_samples,dim) the data from which the model is estimated krange: list of floats, the range of values to test for k prec_type: string (to be chosen within 'full','diag'), optional, the covariance parameterization niter: int, optional, maximal number of iterations in the estimation process delta: float, optional, increment of data likelihood at which convergence is declared ninit: int number of initialization performed verbose=0: verbosity mode Returns ------- mg : the best-fitting GMM instance """ if np.size(x) == x.shape[0]: x = np.reshape(x, (np.size(x), 1)) dim = x.shape[1] bestbic = - np.inf for k in krange: lgmm = GMM(k, dim, prec_type) gmmk = lgmm.initialize_and_estimate(x, None, niter, delta, ninit, verbose) bic = gmmk.evidence(x) if bic > bestbic: bestbic = bic bgmm = gmmk if verbose: print('k', k, 'bic', bic) return bgmm
[docs]def plot2D(x, my_gmm, z=None, with_dots=True, log_scale=False, mpaxes=None, verbose=0): """ Given a set of points in a plane and a GMM, plot them Parameters ---------- x: array of shape (npoints, dim=2), sample points my_gmm: GMM instance, whose density has to be ploted z: array of shape (npoints), optional that gives a labelling of the points in x by default, it is not taken into account with_dots, bool, optional whether to plot the dots or not log_scale: bool, optional whether to plot the likelihood in log scale or not mpaxes=None, int, optional if not None, axes handle for plotting verbose: verbosity mode, optional Returns ------- gd, GridDescriptor instance, that represents the grid used in the function ax, handle to the figure axes Notes ----- ``my_gmm`` is assumed to have have a 'nixture_likelihood' method that takes an array of points of shape (np, dim) and returns an array of shape (np,my_gmm.k) that represents the likelihood component-wise """ import matplotlib.pyplot as plt if x.shape[1] != my_gmm.dim: raise ValueError('Incompatible dimension between data and model') if x.shape[1] != 2: raise ValueError('this works only for 2D cases') gd1 = GridDescriptor(2) xmin, xmax = x.min(0), x.max(0) xm = 1.1 * xmin[0] - 0.1 * xmax[0] xs = 1.1 * xmax[0] - 0.1 * xmin[0] ym = 1.1 * xmin[1] - 0.1 * xmax[1] ys = 1.1 * xmax[1] - 0.1 * xmin[1] gd1.set([xm, xs, ym, ys], [51, 51]) grid = gd1.make_grid() L = my_gmm.mixture_likelihood(grid) if verbose: intl = L.sum() * (xs - xm) * (ys - ym) / 2500 print('integral of the density on the domain ', intl) if mpaxes is None: plt.figure() ax = plt.subplot(1, 1, 1) else: ax = mpaxes gdx = gd1.n_bins[0] Pdens = np.reshape(L, (gdx, -1)) extent = [xm, xs, ym, ys] if log_scale: plt.imshow(np.log(Pdens.T), alpha=2.0, origin='lower', extent=extent) else: plt.imshow(Pdens.T, alpha=2.0, origin='lower', extent=extent) if with_dots: if z is None: plt.plot(x[:, 0], x[:, 1], 'o') else: hsv = col = hsv[::(256 // int(z.max() + 1))] for k in range(z.max() + 1): plt.plot(x[z == k, 0], x[z == k, 1], 'o', color=col[k]) plt.axis(extent) plt.colorbar() return gd1, ax
[docs]class GMM(object): """Standard GMM. this class contains the following members k (int): the number of components in the mixture dim (int): is the dimension of the data prec_type = 'full' (string) is the parameterization of the precisions/covariance matrices: either 'full' or 'diagonal'. means: array of shape (k,dim): all the means (mean parameters) of the components precisions: array of shape (k,dim,dim): the precisions (inverse covariance matrix) of the components weights: array of shape(k): weights of the mixture fixme ----- no copy method """
[docs] def __init__(self, k=1, dim=1, prec_type='full', means=None, precisions=None, weights=None): """ Initialize the structure, at least with the dimensions of the problem Parameters ---------- k (int) the number of classes of the model dim (int) the dimension of the problem prec_type = 'full' : coavriance:precision parameterization (diagonal 'diag' or full 'full'). means = None: array of shape (self.k,self.dim) precisions = None: array of shape (self.k,self.dim,self.dim) or (self.k, self.dim) weights=None: array of shape (self.k) By default, means, precision and weights are set as zeros() eye() 1/k ones() with the correct dimensions """ self.k = k self.dim = dim self.prec_type = prec_type self.means = means self.precisions = precisions self.weights = weights if self.means is None: self.means = np.zeros((self.k, self.dim)) if self.precisions is None: if prec_type == 'full': prec = np.reshape(np.eye(self.dim), (1, self.dim, self.dim)) self.precisions = np.repeat(prec, self.k, 0) else: self.precisions = np.ones((self.k, self.dim)) if self.weights is None: self.weights = np.ones(self.k) * 1.0 / self.k
[docs] def plugin(self, means, precisions, weights): """ Set manually the weights, means and precision of the model Parameters ---------- means: array of shape (self.k,self.dim) precisions: array of shape (self.k,self.dim,self.dim) or (self.k, self.dim) weights: array of shape (self.k) """ self.means = means self.precisions = precisions self.weights = weights self.check()
[docs] def check(self): """ Checking the shape of different matrices involved in the model """ if self.means.shape[0] != self.k: raise ValueError("self.means does not have correct dimensions") if self.means.shape[1] != self.dim: raise ValueError("self.means does not have correct dimensions") if self.weights.size != self.k: raise ValueError("self.weights does not have correct dimensions") if self.dim != self.precisions.shape[1]: raise ValueError( "self.precisions does not have correct dimensions") if self.prec_type == 'full': if self.dim != self.precisions.shape[2]: raise ValueError( "self.precisions does not have correct dimensions") if self.prec_type == 'diag': if np.shape(self.precisions) != np.shape(self.means): raise ValueError( "self.precisions does not have correct dimensions") if self.precisions.shape[0] != self.k: raise ValueError( "self.precisions does not have correct dimensions") if self.prec_type not in ['full', 'diag']: raise ValueError('unknown precisions type')
[docs] def check_x(self, x): """ essentially check that x.shape[1]==self.dim x is returned with possibly reshaping """ if np.size(x) == x.shape[0]: x = np.reshape(x, (np.size(x), 1)) if x.shape[1] != self.dim: raise ValueError('incorrect size for x') return x
[docs] def initialize(self, x): """Initializes self according to a certain dataset x: 1. sets the regularizing hyper-parameters 2. initializes z using a k-means algorithm, then 3. upate the parameters Parameters ---------- x, array of shape (n_samples,self.dim) the data used in the estimation process """ from .utils import kmeans n = x.shape[0] #1. set the priors self.guess_regularizing(x, bcheck=1) # 2. initialize the memberships if self.k > 1: _, z, _ = kmeans(x, self.k) else: z = np.zeros(n).astype( l = np.zeros((n, self.k)) l[np.arange(n), z] = 1 # 3.update the parameters self.update(x, l)
[docs] def pop(self, like, tiny=1.e-15): """compute the population, i.e. the statistics of allocation Parameters ---------- like: array of shape (n_samples,self.k): the likelihood of each item being in each class """ sl = np.maximum(tiny, np.sum(like, 1)) nl = (like.T / sl).T return np.sum(nl, 0)
[docs] def update(self, x, l): """ Identical to self._Mstep(x,l) """ self._Mstep(x, l)
[docs] def likelihood(self, x): """ return the likelihood of the model for the data x the values are weighted by the components weights Parameters ---------- x array of shape (n_samples,self.dim) the data used in the estimation process Returns ------- like, array of shape(n_samples,self.k) component-wise likelihood """ like = self.unweighted_likelihood(x) like *= self.weights return like
[docs] def unweighted_likelihood_(self, x): """ return the likelihood of each data for each component the values are not weighted by the component weights Parameters ---------- x: array of shape (n_samples,self.dim) the data used in the estimation process Returns ------- like, array of shape(n_samples,self.k) unweighted component-wise likelihood """ n = x.shape[0] like = np.zeros((n, self.k)) for k in range(self.k): # compute the data-independent factor first w = - np.log(2 * np.pi) * self.dim m = np.reshape(self.means[k], (1, self.dim)) b = self.precisions[k] if self.prec_type == 'full': w += np.log(eigvalsh(b)).sum() dx = m - x q = np.sum(, b) * dx, 1) else: w += np.sum(np.log(b)) q = - x) ** 2, b) w -= q w /= 2 like[:, k] = np.exp(w) return like
[docs] def unweighted_likelihood(self, x): """ return the likelihood of each data for each component the values are not weighted by the component weights Parameters ---------- x: array of shape (n_samples,self.dim) the data used in the estimation process Returns ------- like, array of shape(n_samples,self.k) unweighted component-wise likelihood Notes ----- Hopefully faster """ xt = x.T.copy() n = x.shape[0] like = np.zeros((n, self.k)) for k in range(self.k): # compute the data-independent factor first w = - np.log(2 * np.pi) * self.dim m = np.reshape(self.means[k], (self.dim, 1)) b = self.precisions[k] if self.prec_type == 'full': w += np.log(eigvalsh(b)).sum() dx = xt - m sqx = dx *, dx) q = np.zeros(n) for d in range(self.dim): q += sqx[d] else: w += np.sum(np.log(b)) q =, (m - xt) ** 2) w -= q w /= 2 like[:, k] = np.exp(w) return like
[docs] def mixture_likelihood(self, x): """Returns the likelihood of the mixture for x Parameters ---------- x: array of shape (n_samples,self.dim) the data used in the estimation process """ x = self.check_x(x) like = self.likelihood(x) sl = np.sum(like, 1) return sl
[docs] def average_log_like(self, x, tiny=1.e-15): """returns the averaged log-likelihood of the mode for the dataset x Parameters ---------- x: array of shape (n_samples,self.dim) the data used in the estimation process tiny = 1.e-15: a small constant to avoid numerical singularities """ x = self.check_x(x) like = self.likelihood(x) sl = np.sum(like, 1) sl = np.maximum(sl, tiny) return np.mean(np.log(sl))
[docs] def evidence(self, x): """Computation of bic approximation of evidence Parameters ---------- x array of shape (n_samples,dim) the data from which bic is computed Returns ------- the bic value """ x = self.check_x(x) tiny = 1.e-15 like = self.likelihood(x) return self.bic(like, tiny)
[docs] def bic(self, like, tiny=1.e-15): """Computation of bic approximation of evidence Parameters ---------- like, array of shape (n_samples, self.k) component-wise likelihood tiny=1.e-15, a small constant to avoid numerical singularities Returns ------- the bic value, float """ sl = np.sum(like, 1) sl = np.maximum(sl, tiny) bicc = np.sum(np.log(sl)) # number of parameters n = like.shape[0] if self.prec_type == 'full': eta = self.k * (1 + self.dim + (self.dim * self.dim + 1) / 2) - 1 else: eta = self.k * (1 + 2 * self.dim) - 1 bicc = bicc - np.log(n) * eta return bicc
def _Estep(self, x): """ E step of the EM algo returns the likelihood per class of each data item Parameters ---------- x array of shape (n_samples,dim) the data used in the estimation process Returns ------- likelihood array of shape(n_samples,self.k) component-wise likelihood """ return self.likelihood(x)
[docs] def guess_regularizing(self, x, bcheck=1): """ Set the regularizing priors as weakly informative according to Fraley and raftery; Journal of Classification 24:155-181 (2007) Parameters ---------- x array of shape (n_samples,dim) the data used in the estimation process """ small = 0.01 # the mean of the data mx = np.reshape(x.mean(0), (1, self.dim)) dx = x - mx vx =, dx) / x.shape[0] if self.prec_type == 'full': px = np.reshape(np.diag(1.0 / np.diag(vx)), (1, self.dim, self.dim)) else: px = np.reshape(1.0 / np.diag(vx), (1, self.dim)) px *= np.exp(2.0 / self.dim * np.log(self.k)) self.prior_means = np.repeat(mx, self.k, 0) self.prior_weights = np.ones(self.k) / self.k self.prior_scale = np.repeat(px, self.k, 0) self.prior_dof = self.dim + 2 self.prior_shrinkage = small self.weights = np.ones(self.k) * 1.0 / self.k if bcheck: self.check()
def _Mstep(self, x, like): """ M step regularized according to the procedure of Fraley et al. 2007 Parameters ---------- x: array of shape(n_samples,self.dim) the data from which the model is estimated like: array of shape(n_samples,self.k) the likelihood of the data under each class """ from numpy.linalg import pinv tiny = 1.e-15 pop = self.pop(like) sl = np.maximum(tiny, np.sum(like, 1)) like = (like.T / sl).T # shrinkage,weights,dof self.weights = self.prior_weights + pop self.weights = self.weights / self.weights.sum() # reshape pop = np.reshape(pop, (self.k, 1)) prior_shrinkage = self.prior_shrinkage shrinkage = pop + prior_shrinkage # means means =, x) + self.prior_means * prior_shrinkage self.means = means / shrinkage #precisions empmeans =, x) / np.maximum(pop, tiny) empcov = np.zeros(np.shape(self.precisions)) if self.prec_type == 'full': for k in range(self.k): dx = x - empmeans[k] empcov[k] =, like[:, k:k + 1] * dx) #covariance covariance = np.array([pinv(self.prior_scale[k]) for k in range(self.k)]) covariance += empcov dx = np.reshape(empmeans - self.prior_means, (self.k, self.dim, 1)) addcov = np.array([[k], dx[k].T) for k in range(self.k)]) apms = np.reshape(prior_shrinkage * pop / shrinkage, (self.k, 1, 1)) covariance += (addcov * apms) dof = self.prior_dof + pop + self.dim + 2 covariance /= np.reshape(dof, (self.k, 1, 1)) # precision self.precisions = np.array([pinv(covariance[k]) \ for k in range(self.k)]) else: for k in range(self.k): dx = x - empmeans[k] empcov[k] = np.sum(dx ** 2 * like[:, k:k + 1], 0) # covariance covariance = np.array([1.0 / self.prior_scale[k] for k in range(self.k)]) covariance += empcov dx = np.reshape(empmeans - self.prior_means, (self.k, self.dim, 1)) addcov = np.array([np.sum(dx[k] ** 2, 0) for k in range(self.k)]) apms = np.reshape(prior_shrinkage * pop / shrinkage, (self.k, 1)) covariance += addcov * apms dof = self.prior_dof + pop + self.dim + 2 covariance /= np.reshape(dof, (self.k, 1)) # precision self.precisions = np.array([1.0 / covariance[k] \ for k in range(self.k)])
[docs] def map_label(self, x, like=None): """return the MAP labelling of x Parameters ---------- x array of shape (n_samples,dim) the data under study like=None array of shape(n_samples,self.k) component-wise likelihood if like==None, it is recomputed Returns ------- z: array of shape(n_samples): the resulting MAP labelling of the rows of x """ if like is None: like = self.likelihood(x) z = np.argmax(like, 1) return z
[docs] def estimate(self, x, niter=100, delta=1.e-4, verbose=0): """ Estimation of the model given a dataset x Parameters ---------- x array of shape (n_samples,dim) the data from which the model is estimated niter=100: maximal number of iterations in the estimation process delta = 1.e-4: increment of data likelihood at which convergence is declared verbose=0: verbosity mode Returns ------- bic : an asymptotic approximation of model evidence """ # check that the data is OK x = self.check_x(x) # alternation of E/M step until convergence tiny = 1.e-15 av_ll_old = - np.inf for i in range(niter): l = self._Estep(x) av_ll = np.mean(np.log(np.maximum(np.sum(l, 1), tiny))) if av_ll < av_ll_old + delta: if verbose: print('iteration:', i, 'log-likelihood:', av_ll, 'old value:', av_ll_old) break else: av_ll_old = av_ll if verbose: print(i, av_ll, self.bic(l)) self._Mstep(x, l) return self.bic(l)
[docs] def initialize_and_estimate(self, x, z=None, niter=100, delta=1.e-4,\ ninit=1, verbose=0): """Estimation of self given x Parameters ---------- x array of shape (n_samples,dim) the data from which the model is estimated z = None: array of shape (n_samples) a prior labelling of the data to initialize the computation niter=100: maximal number of iterations in the estimation process delta = 1.e-4: increment of data likelihood at which convergence is declared ninit=1: number of initialization performed to reach a good solution verbose=0: verbosity mode Returns ------- the best model is returned """ bestbic = - np.inf bestgmm = GMM(self.k, self.dim, self.prec_type) bestgmm.initialize(x) for i in range(ninit): # initialization -> Kmeans self.initialize(x) # alternation of E/M step until convergence bic = self.estimate(x, niter=niter, delta=delta, verbose=0) if bic > bestbic: bestbic = bic bestgmm.plugin(self.means, self.precisions, self.weights) return bestgmm
[docs] def train(self, x, z=None, niter=100, delta=1.e-4, ninit=1, verbose=0): """Idem initialize_and_estimate """ return self.initialize_and_estimate(x, z, niter, delta, ninit, verbose)
[docs] def test(self, x, tiny=1.e-15): """Returns the log-likelihood of the mixture for x Parameters ---------- x array of shape (n_samples,self.dim) the data used in the estimation process Returns ------- ll: array of shape(n_samples) the log-likelihood of the rows of x """ return np.log(np.maximum(self.mixture_likelihood(x), tiny))
[docs] def show_components(self, x, gd, density=None, mpaxes=None): """Function to plot a GMM -- Currently, works only in 1D Parameters ---------- x: array of shape(n_samples, dim) the data under study gd: GridDescriptor instance density: array os shape(prod(gd.n_bins)) density of the model one the discrete grid implied by gd by default, this is recomputed mpaxes: axes handle to make the figure, optional, if None, a new figure is created """ import matplotlib.pyplot as plt if density is None: density = self.mixture_likelihood(gd.make_grid()) if gd.dim > 1: raise NotImplementedError("only implemented in 1D") step = 3.5 * np.std(x) / np.exp(np.log(np.size(x)) / 3) bins = max(10, int((x.max() - x.min()) / step)) xmin = 1.1 * x.min() - 0.1 * x.max() xmax = 1.1 * x.max() - 0.1 * x.min() h, c = np.histogram(x, bins, [xmin, xmax], normed=True) # Make code robust to new and old behavior of np.histogram c = c[:len(h)] offset = (xmax - xmin) / (2 * bins) c += offset / 2 grid = gd.make_grid() if mpaxes is None: plt.figure() ax = plt.axes() else: ax = mpaxes ax.plot(c + offset, h, linewidth=2) for k in range(self.k): ax.plot(grid, density[:, k], linewidth=2) ax.set_title('Fit of the density with a mixture of Gaussians', fontsize=12) legend = ['data'] for k in range(self.k): legend.append('component %d' % (k + 1)) l = ax.legend(tuple(legend)) for t in l.get_texts(): t.set_fontsize(12) ax.set_xticklabels(ax.get_xticks(), fontsize=12) ax.set_yticklabels(ax.get_yticks(), fontsize=12)
[docs] def show(self, x, gd, density=None, axes=None): """ Function to plot a GMM, still in progress Currently, works only in 1D and 2D Parameters ---------- x: array of shape(n_samples, dim) the data under study gd: GridDescriptor instance density: array os shape(prod(gd.n_bins)) density of the model one the discrete grid implied by gd by default, this is recomputed """ import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # recompute the density if necessary if density is None: density = self.mixture_likelihood(gd, x) if axes is None: axes = plt.figure() if gd.dim == 1: from ..statistics.empirical_pvalue import \ smoothed_histogram_from_samples h, c = smoothed_histogram_from_samples(x, normalized=True) offset = (c.max() - c.min()) / (2 * c.size) grid = gd.make_grid() h /= h.sum() h /= (2 * offset) plt.plot(c[: -1] + offset, h) plt.plot(grid, density) if gd.dim == 2: plt.figure() xm, xM, ym, yM = gd.lim[0:3] gd0 = gd.n_bins[0] Pdens = np.reshape(density, (gd0, np.size(density) / gd0)) axes.imshow(Pdens.T, None, None, None, 'nearest', 1.0, None, None, 'lower', [xm, xM, ym, yM]) axes.plot(x[:, 0], x[:, 1], '.k') axes.axis([xm, xM, ym, yM]) return axes