Module: labs.viz_tools.maps_3d
3D visualization of activation maps using Mayavi
(data, affine, scale=1, name='AffineImage', reverse_x=False)[source]¶ Make a Mayavi source defined by a 3D array and an affine, for wich the voxel of the 3D array are mapped by the affine.
- Parameters
data: 3D ndarray
The data arrays
affine: (4 x 4) ndarray
The (4 x 4) affine matrix relating voxels to world coordinates.
scale: float, optional
An optional addition scaling factor.
name: string, optional
The name of the Mayavi source created.
reverse_x: boolean, optional
Reverse the x (lateral) axis. Useful to compared with images in radiologic convention.
The affine should be diagonal.
(mayavi_fig=None, mpl_axes=None, autocrop=True)[source]¶ Capture a screeshot of the Mayavi figure and display it in the matplotlib axes.
(anat=None, anat_affine=None, scale=1, sulci_opacity=0.5, gyri_opacity=0.3, opacity=None, skull_percentile=78, wm_percentile=79, outline_color=None)[source]¶ 3D anatomical display
- Parameters
skull_percentile : float, optional
The percentile of the values in the image that delimit the skull from the outside of the brain. The smaller the fraction of you field of view is occupied by the brain, the larger this value should be.
wm_percentile : float, optional
The percentile of the values in the image that delimit the white matter from the grey matter. Typical this is skull_percentile + 1
(map, affine, cut_coords=None, anat=None, anat_affine=None, threshold=None, offscreen=False, vmin=None, vmax=None, cmap=None, view=(38.5, 70.5, 300, (-2.7, -12, 9.1)))[source]¶ Plot a 3D volume rendering view of the activation, with an outline of the brain.
- Parameters
map : 3D ndarray
The activation map, as a 3D image.
affine : 4x4 ndarray
The affine matrix going from image voxel space to MNI space.
cut_coords: 3-tuple of floats, optional
The MNI coordinates of a 3D cursor to indicate a feature or a cut, in MNI coordinates and order.
anat : 3D ndarray, optional
The anatomical image to be used as a background. If None, the MNI152 T1 1mm template is used. If False, no anatomical image is used.
anat_affine : 4x4 ndarray, optional
The affine matrix going from the anatomical image voxel space to MNI space. This parameter is not used when the default anatomical is used, but it is compulsory when using an explicite anatomical image.
threshold : float, optional
The lower threshold of the positive activation. This parameter is used to threshold the activation map.
offscreen: boolean, optional
If True, Mayavi attempts to plot offscreen. Will work only with VTK >= 5.2.
vmin : float, optional
The minimal value, for the colormap
vmax : float, optional
The maximum value, for the colormap
cmap : a callable, or a pylab colormap
A callable returning a (n, 4) array for n values between 0 and 1 for the colors. This can be for instance a pylab colormap.
If you are using a VTK version below 5.2, there is no way to avoid opening a window during the rendering under Linux. This is necessary to use the graphics card for the rendering. You must maintain this window on top of others and on the screen.