
Module: algorithms.registration.histogram_registration

Inheritance diagram for nipy.algorithms.registration.histogram_registration:

digraph inheritance9b519716ed { rankdir=LR; size="8.0, 12.0"; "registration.histogram_registration.HistogramRegistration" [URL="#nipy.algorithms.registration.histogram_registration.HistogramRegistration",fontname="Vera Sans, DejaVu Sans, Liberation Sans, Arial, Helvetica, sans",fontsize=10,height=0.25,shape=box,style="setlinewidth(0.5)",target="_top",tooltip="A class to reprensent a generic intensity-based image registration"]; }

Intensity-based image registration



class nipy.algorithms.registration.histogram_registration.HistogramRegistration(from_img, to_img, from_bins=256, to_bins=None, from_mask=None, to_mask=None, similarity='crl1', interp='pv', smooth=0, renormalize=False, dist=None)[source]

Bases: object

A class to reprensent a generic intensity-based image registration algorithm.

__init__(from_img, to_img, from_bins=256, to_bins=None, from_mask=None, to_mask=None, similarity='crl1', interp='pv', smooth=0, renormalize=False, dist=None)[source]

Creates a new histogram registration object.


from_img : nipy-like image

From image

to_imgnipy-like image

To image


Number of histogram bins to represent the from image


Number of histogram bins to represent the to image


Mask to apply to the from image


Mask to apply to the to image

similaritystr or callable

Cost-function for assessing image similarity. If a string, one of ‘cc’: correlation coefficient, ‘cr’: correlation ratio, ‘crl1’: L1-norm based correlation ratio, ‘mi’: mutual information, ‘nmi’: normalized mutual information, ‘slr’: supervised log-likelihood ratio. If a callable, it should take a two-dimensional array representing the image joint histogram as an input and return a float.

dist: None or array-like

Joint intensity probability distribution model for use with the ‘slr’ measure. Should be of shape (from_bins, to_bins).

interp : str

Interpolation method. One of ‘pv’: Partial volume, ‘tri’: Trilinear, ‘rand’: Random interpolation. See joint_histogram.c

smooth : float

Standard deviation in millimeters of an isotropic Gaussian kernel used to smooth the To image. If 0, no smoothing is applied.

property interp
set_fov(spacing=None, corner=(0, 0, 0), size=None, npoints=None)[source]

Defines a subset of the from image to restrict joint histogram computation.


spacing : sequence (3,) of positive integers

Subsampling of image in voxels, where None (default) results in the subsampling to be automatically adjusted to roughly match a cubic grid with npoints voxels

corner : sequence (3,) of positive integers

Bounding box origin in voxel coordinates

size : sequence (3,) of positive integers

Desired bounding box size

npoints : positive integer

Desired number of voxels in the bounding box. If a spacing argument is provided, then npoints is ignored.

subsample(spacing=None, npoints=None)[source]
property similarity

Evaluate similarity function given a world-to-world transform.


T : Transform

Transform object implementing apply method

eval_gradient(T, epsilon=0.1)[source]

Evaluate the gradient of the similarity function wrt transformation parameters.

The gradient is approximated using central finite differences at the transformation specified by T. The input transformation object T is modified in place unless it has a copy method.


T : Transform

Transform object implementing apply method

epsilon : float

Step size for finite differences in units of the transformation parameters


g : ndarray

Similarity gradient estimate

eval_hessian(T, epsilon=0.1, diag=False)[source]

Evaluate the Hessian of the similarity function wrt transformation parameters.

The Hessian or its diagonal is approximated at the transformation specified by T using central finite differences. The input transformation object T is modified in place unless it has a copy method.


T : Transform

Transform object implementing apply method

epsilon : float

Step size for finite differences in units of the transformation parameters

diag : bool

If True, approximate the Hessian by a diagonal matrix.


H : ndarray

Similarity Hessian matrix estimate

optimize(T, optimizer='powell', **kwargs)[source]

Optimize transform T with respect to similarity measure.

The input object T will change as a result of the optimization.


T : object or str

An object representing a transformation that should implement apply method and param attribute or property. If a string, one of ‘rigid’, ‘similarity’, or ‘affine’. The corresponding transformation class is then initialized by default.

optimizer : str

Name of optimization function (one of ‘powell’, ‘steepest’, ‘cg’, ‘bfgs’, ‘simplex’)

**kwargs : dict

keyword arguments to pass to optimizer


T : object

Locally optimal transformation

explore(T, *args)[source]

Evaluate the similarity at the transformations specified by sequences of parameter values.

For instance:

s, p = explore(T, (0, [-1,0,1]), (4, [-2.,2]))


T : object

Transformation around which the similarity function is to be evaluated. It is modified in place unless it has a copy method.

args : tuple

Each element of args is a sequence of two elements, where the first element specifies a transformation parameter axis and the second element gives the successive parameter values to evaluate along that axis.


s : ndarray

Array of similarity values

p : ndarray

Corresponding array of evaluated transformation parameters


nipy.algorithms.registration.histogram_registration.approx_gradient(f, x, epsilon)[source]

Approximate the gradient of a function using central finite differences


f: callable

The function to differentiate

x: ndarray

Point where the function gradient is to be evaluated

epsilon: float

Stepsize for finite differences


g: ndarray

Function gradient at x

nipy.algorithms.registration.histogram_registration.approx_hessian(f, x, epsilon)[source]

Approximate the full Hessian matrix of a function using central finite differences


f: callable

The function to differentiate

x: ndarray

Point where the Hessian is to be evaluated

epsilon: float

Stepsize for finite differences


H: ndarray

Hessian matrix at x

nipy.algorithms.registration.histogram_registration.approx_hessian_diag(f, x, epsilon)[source]

Approximate the Hessian diagonal of a function using central finite differences


f: callable

The function to differentiate

x: ndarray

Point where the Hessian is to be evaluated

epsilon: float

Stepsize for finite differences


h: ndarray

Diagonal of the Hessian at x

nipy.algorithms.registration.histogram_registration.clamp(x, bins, mask=None)[source]

Clamp array values that fall within a given mask in the range [0..bins-1] and reset masked values to -1.


x : ndarray

The input array

bins : number

Desired number of bins

mask : ndarray, tuple or slice

Anything such that x[mask] is an array.


y : ndarray

Clamped array, masked items are assigned -1

bins : number

Adjusted number of bins

nipy.algorithms.registration.histogram_registration.ideal_spacing(data, npoints)[source]

Tune spacing factors so that the number of voxels in the output block matches a given number.


data : ndarray or sequence

Data image to subsample

npoints : number

Target number of voxels (negative values will be ignored)


spacing: ndarray

Spacing factors


Extract the smallest bounding box from a mask


msk : ndarray

Array of boolean


corner: ndarray

3-dimensional coordinates of bounding box corner

size: ndarray

3-dimensional size of bounding box

nipy.algorithms.registration.histogram_registration.smooth_image(data, affine, sigma)[source]

Smooth an image by an isotropic Gaussian filter


data: ndarray

Image data array

affine: ndarray

Image affine transform

sigma: float

Filter standard deviation in mm


sdata: ndarray

Smoothed data array